Friday, September 26, 2014

Our Tradition

Originally we were scheduled to do this yesterday; but, the weather did not cooperate - so instead today we are going apple picking.

I cannot remember how many years we have been doing this - but it must be more than 25.  We have tried several different orchards in the Hudson Valley; but, for at least the last 8 years we have been going to Wilkens Farm in Yorktown and about 15 minutes from my home.

We not only pick apples, but, the boys also get cider donuts, apple cider and then they might also look at apple butter.  I am looking forward to my beginning to bake again.  It started last weekend when I made Callum his cheese danish, yesterday I made a cake and on Sunday I will make some apple oatmeal bars to take to my team on Monday.

One thing I enjoy is cooking and seeing people enjoy the things that I have made - fall and winter lend themselves to that.

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