Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What a Difference

Are you ever amazed at how much the landscape can change in just one week?  I am still in awe.

Yesterday as I drove home on the Taconic I noticed that the trees were all red, orange and vibrant gold.  This was not so last week - I wrote you on how everything was still nice and green.  And this weekend given the temperatures you would have thought it was summer and not fall.

I hope you have an opportunity to experience and appreciate the vibrant colors of the season - this is Mother Nature at her best.

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Morning's Work

Unfortunately my gym did not open yesterday morning due to no power and a Con Ed problem - so I took the time and baked.

What you see is apple cinnamon bread which I made for my team and am taking into the office today for them.  I am not happy with the decorative loaf pans as I could not remove the breads from them - so they are now nicely wrapped and placed in a loaf pan carrier.

I did taste the bread and I have to say it is good - I will end up baking this again next weekend if my boyfriend comes by; and, certainly will need to make it for Gerard, Carrie and Ryan.

Next weekend I will make the apple oatmeal cheesecake bars - it turns out that I did not have enough flour despite buying a 3 pound bag.  That  will help use up some more of the apples.

The added bonus is that the house smells delicious - cinnamon, vanilla and apple - nice and homey.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

It's An Assembly Line

I have all my baking products and utensils ready to begin baking.

After I take my Zumba class I will begin baking my apple oatmeal cheesecake bars and a cinnamon apple bread.  Yesterday I was in the grocery store stocking up on butter, low fat cream cheese, brown sugar, vanilla and flour.  I also stopped by Michael's to get some nice storage/packaging to place all the baked items.

I am leaving the eggs, cream cheese and butter out while I go to the gym so that they are soft and easy to mix when I begin baking.  This is therapeutic and the house will smell like autumn vanilla, cinnamon and apple - what could be more relaxing??!!

I look forward to more weekends of this type and to giving to others to enjoy my cooking.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Successful Day

What a lovely day to be apple picking - and we certainly picked a half bushel of apples.

This year although we were at the orchard by 10:45 to pick apples the place was quite full - there were even 3 buses that had brought little children to the orchard so that they could enjoy the apple picking.

Instead of taking the tractor to the orchard we decided to walk; at first it appeared that all the trees had been picked over; but, then we hit the mother load - plenty of apples and with branches low enough with apples that Callum could pick them himself.

Although he originally didn't want to go to the orchard - once he was there he got into the spirit of it and then didn't want to leave.  I now have my baking orders not only from Ryan and Gerard; but, also my office.

So Sunday besides going to Zumba class, I will come home and bake then go for my weekly manicure.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Our Tradition

Originally we were scheduled to do this yesterday; but, the weather did not cooperate - so instead today we are going apple picking.

I cannot remember how many years we have been doing this - but it must be more than 25.  We have tried several different orchards in the Hudson Valley; but, for at least the last 8 years we have been going to Wilkens Farm in Yorktown and about 15 minutes from my home.

We not only pick apples, but, the boys also get cider donuts, apple cider and then they might also look at apple butter.  I am looking forward to my beginning to bake again.  It started last weekend when I made Callum his cheese danish, yesterday I made a cake and on Sunday I will make some apple oatmeal bars to take to my team on Monday.

One thing I enjoy is cooking and seeing people enjoy the things that I have made - fall and winter lend themselves to that.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Navigating NYC

This is United Nations week in New York City and as a result the traffic is a "bear". Thankfully I can walk to the office.

Every year this week is a traffic nightmare for those of us who either live or work in New York City.  You have every diplomat from every country around the world participating in the event; therefore, needing security at their hotels, to and from the UN, etc.  Not only do we have the world diplomats we also have our President in New York and all of his security detail.

For 16 years I lived in Tudor City directly across from the United Nations - I used to have to pull out my driver's license to show the police I could walk on the streets that led to my home.  On the rooftops of my community were snipers watching the crowds.

You can deal with this as long as you depend on one thing - your legs to walk you through the maze of closed streets.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

All I Need

All I need to get my work done is some 'peace & quiet' and no directives or other individual's priorities.

I finally had a day where I did not have anyone asking me to drop what I was doing and provide them with information or to explain myself.  I finally was able to complete a cost analysis that I have been trying to do for the past three weeks.  I also need to write up a few job descriptions and I am looking forward to the next day that will be ALL mine to work on it.

I am the type that if I need to work on something important - I need to be left alone to work on it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Never Too Early

Today I have my heater and furnace serviced for the winter.  I just want to ensure that everything is working.

I know that the temperature does not require the heat to be turned on and it is not as if I am looking to turn it on anytime soon; I just want to know that when I do need to turn it on it will work.

I am probably one of the first individuals who calls to have their heater serviced; but, at least I am getting it done before they get really busy.  I think they appreciate it and I certainly enjoy not having to wait because they are too busy.

Now that this is all set - I hope it will be another month or so before the heat has to be turned on.

Monday, September 22, 2014

5000 Steps

On weekends when I do not go to the gym I am hard pressed to accomplish 5,000 steps for the day.

But, on the weekends when I have Callum and I do not go to the gym I easily make the 5,000 steps and more just in the house.  I am constantly up and down getting him something to eat, drink or putting something on the "big" TV for him, or getting the iPad, computer or personal DVD player.

It doesn't take into account the amount of times I am vacuuming, picking up toys, taking out garbage or wiping down the leather loveseat.  It is hard with him around to just sit still - for that I am grateful.

No matter how my house looks - I would never trade away my time with him.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Take Off

Most weekends I will open my computer and catch up on work - NOT this weekend; it is time to be "off".

I had Callum and we had a full day planned of going to his favorite stores and doing our chores.  We also took time to sit in the backyard and enjoy this final summer weekend as the sun decided to play hide and seek.

Am I going to pay for it during the week that I have some things that I need to get done and could have done this weekend - yes; but, it is the price I am happy to pay to spend time with my great-nephew.

It may not have been my smartest choice; but, this time I choose with my heart and not with my head.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Friday is the day that the gardening company mows the lawn in my community - was I surprised when it wasn't a lawn mower I heard.

As I mentioned earlier this week most of the trees are still green in the Hudson Valley, so I was totally taken off guard yesterday as I was working to hear the rakes and leaf blowers instead of the lawn mower.

What was even more interesting was the amount of leaves that they raked and had to mulch.  I guess the leaves have actually been falling even if they have not changed color. Well we should expect this - it is the last weekend of the summer.

The weather is supposed to gorgeous this weekend - maybe back into the low 80's; enjoy it.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Looking Forward to the Weekend

I am so looking forward to the weekend as the love of my life, Callum will be spending the weekend with me.

It has been several weeks since I have seen him although he makes sure his parents call me a few times a week so that he can talk to me.  He, his father and brother will come late this afternoon and we will all go out to dinner - then they will go home and Callum will stay until Sunday afternoon.

He is a character - very social and a happy child so I know we will be at the bookstore, the bakery and eating outside on the patio.  I am glad that this weekend will be warm so that we can enjoy it before it gets too cold to be outside.

I will have a double dose of Callum as I have taken next Thursday and Friday off so that we can go apple picking and he can spend Thursday night at the house.

I will make sure to bake him his cheese danish - something I have not done in a while and I know he enjoys.  I hope that each of you has someone in your life that loves you unconditionally and makes you happy to be in their lives.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Childhood Memory


Last night as I was speaking to my girlfriend I heard music that was familiar from my childhood, Mr. Softee.

I could not believe that the Mr. Softee truck was in my neighborhood and scouting for any takers.  Although as a child I would always get their ice cream sundaes, as an adult I can no longer eat it since the butter fat is more than my stomach can handle.

As a child we would spend summers at my aunt Irma's apartment in the Bronx - four of my mother's sisters lived between 2 adjacent apartment buildings and there were 8 of us cousins.  Weekends always found us in her apartment and when we heard Mr. Softee all of us would be running down the 5 flight of stairs to get our ice cream.  Those were simpler days.

I know we all depend upon technology and all the new devices that have been developed in the last 30 years; but, there is something to say for the "good old days".

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I am tired and really need to have a night of sleep that lasts longer than 5 hours.

As the season changes I get insomnia and it can get very taxing on my body very quickly. On Monday night I was tired so I headed up to bed at 9AM, no sooner I put my on, took off my makeup and got into bed - I was awake.

This gets so frustrating as during the day or when I am driving home a wave of tiredness will just hit me and I have to fight it off.

Hopefully this weekend I will get some much needed rest as autumn finally arrives on the calendar.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Still Green

Yesterday it was 46 degrees when I left my home to go to work - on my way home it was 71 and sunny.

What was more miraculous was that the Taconic State Parkway was still all green.  None of the trees have begun to turn color yellow, red or orange.  I know that it will be just a matter of time before the changes will occur.  Believe it or not the color change has nothing to do with it getting colder - the leaves all turn color because of lack of sunlight. See you learn something new every day.

For now let's enjoy all this greenery as it will be 6 months before we see it again.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Need Some Warmth

This morning it was chilly enough to turn on the car seat heater.  A luxury I indulged in with my car.

It is now down to the high 40's, low 50's in the morning.  I no longer keep the windows open at night and I have started to wear a long nightgown.  It still gets to the mid 70's during the day; but, when I leave my house before 6 in the morning it is chilly.  I don't want to put a coat on so the next best thing is to turn on the car heater and the car seat heat.

This week I will call my service company to come take a look at my furnace for the season and get that done and over with.  I think we will see the first frost this week - and then we will be in Indian Summer - surprisingly enough it is only the middle of September and it has gotten that chilly so quickly.

So I will take full advantage of my two car indulgences this week; the remote starter and the car seat warmer.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I Am Ready

The last couple of days it has been cool enough to put on a light jacket - so with that autumn is just a week away.

I was asked by a friend of mine where do I put all the pumpkins that I have accumulated and add to each year - so I thought I would take pictures of my living and dining room to share with you.

I did go ahead and purchase a few more pumpkins this year to add to my ever growing collection and they are in every room of the house and are color coordinated with the room.

So in my powder room which is a slate blue - the pumpkin is blue with some tan and brown swirls - totally coordinates with the brown lace balloon curtain and rug.  The spare bedroom is a lilac and I have found a deep purple medium sized pumpkin and a lavender and gold pumpkin which I found this year.

The style I have always wanted in my home is welcoming, comfortable and warm - and I think I have achieved that.

Hope you enjoyed a peek at this year's autumn feel.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Looking Forward to This

A little known fact about myself is that I love history - any kind of history will do; so I cannot wait until tonight.

Beginning tonight and for the next 6 nights PBS will be televising Ken Burns, "The Roosevelts" that is a history of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.  What is even better is that all three of them are New Yorkers and I actually past Hyde Park on the Taconic State Parkway on my way home.

It is my understanding that this documentary demonstrates how the Roosevelts had a major influence on this country moving from a farm to an industrialized state.  I think that Eleanor Roosevelt was extremely progressive in her behaviour, thoughts and actions for a woman of her times.

And what could possibly be wrong with our taking a look at history and understanding the individuals who had such an influence.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Clean & Orderly

There is nothing that I enjoy more than a clean house and nothing in the hamper to wash.

Yesterday my cleaning lady and it was great to have the house cleaned; this is one of my luxuries or vices is that I pay someone to clean my house every other week.  Many folks have said to me that this must be her easiest job as I have no children, animals to clean up after and I always have everything in its place garbage, mail, etc.

If I am working remotely then I have a cup of coffee for her when she arrives.  She is done generally in 3 hours as the only thing I have her launder are the sheets.  I do my own laundry and yesterday I did 4 loads as I washed curtains that I had taken down, towels and then clothes.

Nothing is more enjoyable to me then sitting in my clean home and there not being any major items to do in it.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Glutton for Punishment

My day was quite long yesterday and then I can't stop - even when I get home.

I was out the door yesterday morning at 5:57 to catch the 6:18 train to New York City for work - it was a full day and I was on the 5:13 train home - I walked into my house at 6:30. There was a message on my home line from a work colleague so I took care of that and now it was 7PM.  I got on my computer and got some email messages out for work, went through my mail and reviewed this week's football pool.

Now it was time to go upstairs to my bedroom and change the comforter, the rugs, throw pillows and curtains.  On Tuesday I had turned the mattress as well as balancing the boxspring on my back as I attached a nut to a bolt on the bed frame.  It was 10PM when everything was finally done.

Am I a glutton for punishment - YES - but, it also feels good when everything is done.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Need to Get Warm

Yesterday was quite chilly through the day and it was a prelude to what the evening was going to feel like.

It was time to pull out my light down comforter and place it on my bed to make sure that I would be nice and warm last night.  I know that many people prefer to have the room a little chilly to sleep; but, I cannot sleep if my body is cold - I need to be cocooned in my sheets and comforter.

I know that it is supposed to go up again to 80 on Friday; but, the nights are in the mid-50's were I live and it is way too early in the season to put on the heat.

A nice light down comforter fits the bill and keeps me warm enough.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sleep - Is It Important

I thought I should let you know what my average sleep pattern was for the last week, a total of 4 hours and 57 minutes.

I wear a Fitbit and every evening before I lay down to go to sleep I go to my iPhone and select the Fitbit App and select "Begin sleep now" - it then records my sleep patterns.  It logs how long it took me to sleep, how many times I woke up and how long I actually slept.

From my pattern information for last week it took me 50 minutes to fall asleep and I averaged wake up mode 12 times a night; therefore, only giving me 4 hours of 57 minutes per night.

Is that enough?  Probably not - I would like to get much more although I have no idea how to change that - any ideas?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Are You Ready

For some football?

Yes, the 2014-2015 NFL season has begun and once more Sundays belong in my living room watching the various games and having a conversation; albeit animated and colorful with my television.

I was certainly surprised by some of the wins/losses; but, the season is new and I really need to see a couple of more weeks of playing before getting a good read on each of the teams.

I hope that if you too enjoy watching football you had a great time yesterday and let's not forget the games tonight.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Let's Get Started

Yesterday I began my commitment to working out and doing what is good for me again.

I had a great one hour aqua zumba class and I made sure to do all the right things, hold my core in, keep my shoulders down and tighten my back end.  Today I will take my regular Zumba class and I am looking to add a spin class to my routine.  I have never taken spin before; but, I have read that this is not only great for your legs and glutes; but, it is also great for your core.

This past spring and summer there was much drama in my life - something I immensely dislike; now that it is almost all over I can focus on good things; exercising, eating well and being a positive individual.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Am I Rushing It?

The weather outside is 90 and humid yet there I was yesterday putting out all my decorative pumpkins.

Before you know it there will be little time before it is Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas - so here I am having transitioned my house to fall decorating it with all my pumpkins, scarecrows, owls and the colors of fall.  

The only thing left to do is to change the comforters in my bedroom and the spare bedroom; but, with the temperature still at 90 this weekend I will probably wait to do that in the next couple of weeks.

I like the change - it has me fall in love with my house all over again and see it differently.  Inviting, comforting and my haven.

Friday, September 5, 2014

White or No White?

There is an unwritten fashion rule that we all have learned over the years - that you cannot wear white after Labor Day.

Generally, I do not have an issue with that because usually right after Labor Day there is a chill in the mornings and even the air smells differently.  BUT, not this year - this has been the hottest week we have had all summer.  Yesterday when I went to the grocery store and came back to the car, 30 minutes later my dashboard read 90 degrees.

What really brought this to my attention was that I saw a woman wearing white capris. Was she wrong? No.  It is just that I assumed that everyone's white shorts, capris, pants and shoes were all put away.

So should there be a fashion rule - no, go with what the weather commands.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Enjoy Learning

I always enjoy learning and on Monday and Tuesday I watched the History channels mini-series on Harry Houdini.

Growing up he was always discussed and his various magic tricks which were never divulged on how he did it.  The interesting part of this mini-series is that many of his tricks were shown as to how he actually did it - I was surprised as I thought a magician's tricks always remained a secret.

With all that happens today and social media many times we tend to forget the past, the history, the people the sensationalism.  It has been stated that history repeats itself so we are best to study it and remember.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


When I am home I generally do not do anything but blow dry my hair and put moisturizer on my face.

For almost 4 weeks I have not had to do anything but blow dry and moisturize - so it was a shocker when yesterday morning I got ready for work and had to curl my hair and put on makeup.  The nice thing is that since I had my haircut last Friday it didn't take that long and my makeup has never taken me more than a few minutes so I was ready to leave the house 45 minutes after the alarm went off.

I need to get used to the work routine again - working remotely for 2 weeks and then being out of the office for over a week does have you enjoying the simple life.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New Year

Labor Day not only signifies the end of summer; but, in many ways the start of a new year.

The school year begins, everyone is back in the office and the traffic is there once more. It also states that the various holidays; Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are not too far away.

For me it is another opportunity to organize and de-clutter.  Yesterday I had my car washed (it hadn't been washed all summer), my clothes were ready for the week, I went through my briefcase and wallet, I stocked my refrigerator with healthy foods and I used a groupon for a manicure/pedicure.

In my mind I have what I need to do for the next week and a half to get my house cleaned and turned over to autumn.

Lastly, I went through all my emails, accepted all my calendar invites and got prepared to go back to work and all the projects we have going on this quarter.

Monday, September 1, 2014

I Am Back

Hi, we are back from vacation - we came back on Thursday; but, I really needed a few days to myself.

You know what it is like to have to go through mail, unpack, wash clothes and put everything away.  I wanted a few days to decompress and to get ready for the fall and all that this season brings to it.

On Saturday and Sunday I already went ahead and changed the decor in the main bathroom and the powder room.  I also went ahead and purchased some mums to put on my front stoop and in the backyard - although this week is probably going to be the hottest we have had the entire summer.

I am not trying to usher summer away; just trying to make things easy on me by doing some every day vs. doing it all over a weekend.

Hope you had a wonderful summer; enjoyed the Labor Day and like the children ready for what the fall has to offer.