Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Lot Done in One Day

I sometimes wonder if people think that just because you are working remotely that you are not doing anything.  HOW WRONG!!!

I get more work done when I am at home than when I am in the office.  Yesterday I was literally on the phone with clients, on conference calls, staff meetings and responding to email messages for 10 hours.  The most exercise I got was from walking from my seat to the bathroom or the kitchen to get something to eat or drink.

Because I am at home alone I have no distractions.  My team knows they can get a hold of me because my IM gives them an account of my calendar either I am available or in a meeting.

Are there some advantages to this - YES.  I try to sleep a little later than I would if going into the office, I only need a 1/2 tank of gas each week and my EZ Pass has now advised me that they are only going to replenish my pass for $35 rather than the $50 I had set it up for.

The one thing you need to be to work from home is disciplined - and boy I have plenty of that.

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