Friday, January 31, 2014

Wow - Look at Those Prices

Yesterday I stopped by the grocery store and started to pick up some of the items I need for Saturday's family dinner - was I shocked!

I spent over $110.00 at the grocery store and this did not include any of the meats/poultry that I need for the dinner - I was in shock.  I also did not pick up milk which is $4.39 for a half gallon - I was totally surprised at how high the prices were and there was nothing of substance in my basket.

Today I will pick up all my salad items, ground pork, veal and beef for meatballs, chicken wings and chips.  I am guessing it will be another $100 - when did the prices go up so exorbitantly?  

I can't imagine what most people spend on a weekly basis to feed their families - I do this once a month and am always horrified at the cost; but, I enjoy doing this for my family.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

An Eventfull Day

If you think I spelled "eventfull" wrong in the title - I didn't; I meant to write it that way.

"Eventfull" is the only way to describe our day yesterday.  We had several events throughout the Health System and we each had meetings that we also needed to be on.  We had our "All Hands" meeting to support which was attended by over 800 people, two Grand Rounds, a meeting at one of our Queens hospitals and a program celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

I ordered lunch for my team and then picked it up on my way to Headquarters - needless, to say that it was cold by the time two of us got to eat it which was an hour after I had picked it up so that we could attend a meeting.

We are getting busy and we are enjoying everything that we are doing - could use a couple of more people on the team.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Lot Done in One Day

I sometimes wonder if people think that just because you are working remotely that you are not doing anything.  HOW WRONG!!!

I get more work done when I am at home than when I am in the office.  Yesterday I was literally on the phone with clients, on conference calls, staff meetings and responding to email messages for 10 hours.  The most exercise I got was from walking from my seat to the bathroom or the kitchen to get something to eat or drink.

Because I am at home alone I have no distractions.  My team knows they can get a hold of me because my IM gives them an account of my calendar either I am available or in a meeting.

Are there some advantages to this - YES.  I try to sleep a little later than I would if going into the office, I only need a 1/2 tank of gas each week and my EZ Pass has now advised me that they are only going to replenish my pass for $35 rather than the $50 I had set it up for.

The one thing you need to be to work from home is disciplined - and boy I have plenty of that.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Gotta Get it Clean

This year it is one of those winters where you need to take the car to get washed every week.

Not only is the car filthy from all the snow and slush it also has icicles hanging from the underside, by the windshield wipers and anywhere else there was water and it froze with these polar vortex temperatures.

In the winter I always opt for the undercarriage cleaning - it is where all the sand and salt from the roads collects and it is best to get rid of it and ensure that it is nice and clean. Right now I am not especially worried with the inside as I have WeatherTech liners in the car for both the front and the back - and they are as good as they advertise and capture all the salt, snow and water.

I know that I am doing a good thing for my car by cleaning off all the residue of the weather; but, it also makes me feel good to approach and get into a clean car.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lucky to be Staying Away

The Superbowl is being held at Metlife Stadium in New Jersey next Sunday or Saturday or Monday depending upon the weather.

I am grateful that this week I do not have to go into New York City.  There are many streets that will be closed to be able to accommodate the various activities.  Times Square is going to be mayhem so anyone who travels into Penn Station and needs to go either uptown or crosstown will be caught in the various mob scenes.

Don't get me wrong - I appreciate the business that this brings to New York; but, living here and having to deal with it is a totally different story.

Like I said this week I am in the Long Island office for two days and working from home for three - missing the mayhem, NOT!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Please Follow the Rules

I live in a neighborhood that exists on 3 way stop signs; but, most of the drivers don't seem to know the rules.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not get "ticked off" at the drivers in my community who must have failed the section on 3 way Stops for their permit.  Most times I need to make sure that even though it is my time to go that I wait and make sure that one of the other drivers doesn't move forward.

Today was one of those days where I was raising my hands to an individual who clearly was not following the rules - it is at these times that I want to do a citizen's arrest or write them a ticket.

I know that we are just able to renew our licenses and not have to review the rules; but, maybe every 10 years we should have to take a written test to review the basic driving rules.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Early Meeting Endings

Fridays are a day where my entire afternoon is full with meetings - I literally go from one to the other.

I am always trying to figure out when I can go to the restroom; needless to say many times I have to put my phone on mute, run to the restroom and hope that no one is calling my name for a status during those few minutes.  I have also had to change my phone because the charge has died on the unit so upstairs I go to get the bedroom unit and charge the one from the living room.

Yesterday I lucked out.  Every meeting I had ended early.  That doesn't mean we weren't efficient or covered every item; in fact, quite the opposite.

Each meeting had an agenda, we went through each item and set the topics for next Friday's meeting.  I am most happy when we are the most efficient with our time.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Trying to Warm Up

I went into the Long Island office yesterday - when I got in my car it registered 4 degrees; I sat for 15 minutes trying to get it to warm up.

Unfortunately the office was not warm at all - I was dressed in a long sleeve shirt and a sweater jacket with long pants - I should have been warm, NOT.  Instead I was scrunching my back and typing with my arms close to my body to try and stay warm.  I needed to get a cup of hot chocolate and I was glad that I had bought chicken noodle soup with me for lunch.

I am not sure about you - but, during the wintertime my go to meal is chicken noodle soup.  It is comforting and warming.  I know many other people who like to eat stews and casseroles - I find those all heavy - that is why my go to is soup.

I could not wait to leave the office - even my car having sat out in the open parking lot for 7 hours is warmer than the office in 10 minutes once the heater is on.  I do not like the cold - I cannot sleep if I am cold.

Okay - you got it I need the temperature to get into double digits.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


In just under 3 months we will need to file our 2013 tax returns.

Yesterday I went through my file and put together all my receipts and statements for my accountant.  I also updated a spreadsheet that I keep that has all the contributions I have made throughout the year, Cancer Research, Adopt a Family, Backpack Operation, etc.

The only two items I am still waiting on is my 1099 from my mortgage company and my company - they have until January 31st.  I have already made an appointment with my accountant and I know I will have my taxes filed by the middle of February.

It makes it easy that I keep all receipts in one folder in my office - also, I like to get this done early and not wait until the accountants are all stressed with the looming April 15th deadline.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What Was Going on Today?

I think like many of you I worked from home yesterday given the prediction and then the actual snow storm.

I decided to run out to complete a few errands before the snow began so at 10AM I went to the Post Office to drop off a package that needed to be returned.  When I got to the post office I could not believe the line that was there - I could not understand why.  It was a Tuesday, it was snowing and it was the middle of January - not two weeks before Christmas.

I was never so happy to have a return label with the postage on it - walked by every one in line, dropped it on the counter and told the postal clerk it was all set!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Day with the Boys

This year we are trying to do different outings with the boys when they have the day off. 

Yesterday was Martin Luther King, Jr and the boys were off from school and Gerard and I were off from work.  The Bronx Botanical Gardens has a Thomas the Tank Engine show for the little ones and as a member of the Gardens the tickets to the show and the parking did not cost us anything.

I thought for sure that Callum would enjoy the show - he didn't.  I think he did not like sitting with everyone in a theatre - he much preferred our walk to and from the parking lot.  Afterwards we went to Arthur Avenue, had lunch, went to the bakery for them to pick out their desserts and then off to their house.

Although Callum may not have enjoyed it, he liked the restaurant and the time we spent together.  That is what is important - the memories we create.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sleepy Over

Every time I speak to Callum all he asks is when can he have a "sleepy over".

He had his "sleepy over" this weekend - he came on Saturday afternoon and was throwing his father and brother out so that he could be alone in the house with me.  On Saturday we didn't do anything special except that he kept watching "Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving" over and over again - he refers to this DVD as the "football" episode.

On Sunday we did our errands to the mailbox to mail my college friend her birthday card, to the bank to get some money, to Barnes & Noble where he played with the Thomas train set, looked at books and had some water - then to the grocery store.  He ended up having me buys Fruit Loops, pretzels, cupcakes and mini Reese's.

He helped me load the washing machine and make the cheese danish - his favorite.  He has only now begun to lick the paddle when he thinks I am not looking.

We have both come to enjoy our time together, watching certain shows, coloring and our routine outings.  We are looking a "sleepy over" once a month.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Nice and Clean

I had been looking at my refrigerator for the past few weeks thinking that it needed a good cleaning.

On Friday, I finally went ahead and removed everything from the refrigerator and freezer and cleaned every shelf; including, removing the vegetable bins and the tempered glass to get into every nook and corner.

In the 9 1/2 years that I have lived here and had the refrigerator this is the first time that I have done such a thorough job of cleaning it.  My refrigerator is never really dirty - I immediately throw things out and wipe up spills; but, this is the first time that I feel I did a deep clean.

There is a sense of accomplishment, peace and pride to see the refrigerator so nice and clean; in fact, I keep opening the door and looking at the inside of it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

42 Years Ago . . .

Forty-two years ago today my Mother lost her battle with cancer.  She was 36 years old and had been diagnosed with lymphoma 4 years earlier and given only 6 months to live.

She was a strong woman and beat out her life sentence by 3 1/2 years.  It was not easy, she went through radiation and chemo therapy, she developed leukemia from over radiation and chemical diabetes.  Throughout all of this she continued to be a Mother, friend and an optimist.  

She ensured that we valued education, that we always looked put together (needed to have ironed undergarments in case of an accident), that the house was clean and decorated for each holiday.  

That was my Mom - she felt that her greatest achievement were the three children she had and I try to do her proud every day.

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Nice Surprise

I received a nice surprise yesterday afternoon - a bouquet of tulips from my nephew, his wife and the two boys; Ryan and Callum.

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers and always remind me of spring.  Given the cold weather, the ice that I need to defrost off my car and the threat of snow over the weekend these tulips give a hint of warmer weather to come.

I am so happy to have received them; and, to display them on my dining room table.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting Longer

Although when I leave in the morning for the office it is still dark - I have noticed that the days are getting longer.

It is now about 5:10 in the evening when the sun is totally gone - it was most apparent yesterday.  My train arrived at 5PM and it was still light out as I drove home from the station - I still needed my headlights; but, it was twilight; not night light.

Every day we gain a minute, the extra minute of light is wonderful.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I've Become a Hoarder

I have become a hoarder of quarters - I need them to pay the meter at the train station on Wednesdays when I go into the city.

I need 18 quarters every Wednesday as I pay to park for 9 hours - and even then I am cheating as I am hoping to get home by 4:30 and my time at the meter begins just before 7AM.

Every time I receive change and I receive quarters I place them in my special change purse that only has quarters - every few weeks I am at the bank at my grocery store buying for $10 a roll of quarters.  Do you realize how heavy a roll is?

Yesterday I realized that I needed one more dollar in quarters to have the requisite 18 quarters for today.  When I stopped for my caffe latte at Starbuck's I asked the barista if I could trade a dollar bill for 4 quarters.  He was nice enough to say yes.

Now I have the quarters I need for today and over the weekend I will stop by the bank and buy a $10 roll of quarters for the next few weeks.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Full Moon

Last night as I was on the train coming home from New York City - I looked up in the sky and saw a full moon.

I am always surprised and amazed by seeing a full moon because it is rare that I am out late at night to see it; and, secondly very often I don't always look up.

A full moon only lasts for a few days - take the time to look up and see it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

In Two Hours Time

Very often we state that we don't have time - the real question is are we maximizing the time we do have?

Here is what I did in less than 2 hours time yesterday morning: got up, made the bed, showered, dressed, had breakfast, washed the dishes, read two newspapers, called the two newspaper companies to let them know that besides not receiving the paper on Saturday I also did not get the Sunday portion in Sunday's paper, folded lingerie I had laundered on Saturday and took it up to the bedroom, took out the garbage and drove to the gym.

All in less than 2 hours - it really stands for us to think are we organized, do we know what we need to accomplish and can we use our time resourcefully.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Simple Tasks

There are times when I take pleasure in a simple task and seeing it done.

As it rained and the wind howled yesterday afternoon, it was time to do laundry.  It is generally just two loads for me - one clothing, the other towels.  I know that many folks dread doing laundry and I used to also.  That was when I lived in a coop in Manhattan and the laundry room was in the basement.  I would have to haul the basket downstairs and pray that there would be machines available.

Then it was time to decide as to whether to stay in the laundry room while the clothes were washing and drying or try to do other things by going back upstairs and gauging what time they would be done so no one else would touch my clothes.

Having a washer and dryer in my townhome makes this an easy task that can be done at any time.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Color of Spring

Every year there is a color that is the "it" color for spring - for 2014 it is NAVY.

Every catalog that I have received showing the clothes for spring have navy 'front and center', I am extremely happy about that.  Navy is a classic color that does not go out of style, it can be paired with neutrals like tan, grey, white or with bright colors like fuchsia, kelly green or yellow.

What I am really hoping for is that the shoes and sandals that come out will be a true navy color and not off with a grey or purple tinge in them.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sunny Winter Day

Today was a beautiful sunny day; just one problem - it is winter.

The sun was out and shining today which makes everyone feel much better; but, the temperature was 21 degrees.  It is still very cold and I still have to wear my scarf and down jacket to go out.

The good news is that the temperature is supposed to go up to the 40's by the weekend - that is a venerable heat wave given the temperatures and the wind chill we dealt this past week.

Look at it positively spring will be here in 11 weeks!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thank Goodness for Honest People

Yesterday morning as I went to pay the cab driver I noticed that my Diner's Club credit card was not in its slot.

I didn't panic - I looked to see if I had mistakenly placed it in one of the other sections of my wallet - okay, not with my money, not with my health cards, not with my receipts - not in my wallet.

I knew that the last place I used it was on Tuesday evening when I picked up my dry cleaning - as soon as I got to the office I called my cleaners.  Originally they did not see it, then as they looked further it had been placed under the money holder in the cash register.  I thanked them for holding it and told them if it was okay I would pick it up on Thursday.

I am grateful to them for seeing it, putting it away and holding it for me until today.  I have been their customer for the past 9 1/2 years and it is these type of relationships that foster customer loyalty, respect and trust.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Early Morning Drive to Work

Monday was an awful day with all the rain and the mild heat wave of 50 degrees - all the snow had melted.

My concern for my Tuesday morning drive to the office was - would the roads be icy?  As all of you have experienced we had record low temperatures and when I got in the car at 6:10AM the thermostat registered 1 degree.

I was glad to see that the little bit of sun that came out on Monday afternoon had dried up the roads - where there were puddles of water - it was sheer ice; but, they were all on the shoulders of the road.

The drive to work yesterday morning was uneventful; except that it was extremely cold and windy and I could feel my car shaking as we crossed the AMVETS bridge.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There are good and bad habits - I guess the bad are referred to as "vices" and usually refer to things like, smoking, drinking or doing drugs.

I never got into any of those things - I can safely say I have never done recreational drugs, not even pot.  I never wanted to smoke after my mother at the age of 10 asked me to light her cigarette with the car's lighter while she was in the grocery store shopping.  I thought you had to inhale to get it to light - I cannot even describe what the smoke felt like in my throat.  And as for drinking - I don't do much of that, I can easily go 3 months without having a glass of wine or any other liquor.

What is my vice?  I like to get my nails manicured weekly and every 3 weeks to get a pedicure.  My manicure is nothing special - I always get a natural looking color like Mademoiselle or Sugar Daddy and I may go a little more risque with my toes; especially in the winter when no one sees them but myself.

So my Monday ritual will usually include having my nails done in the early evening so that my hands and nails look presentable in the office.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Time to Put Away

It is the end of the Christmas season and time to put everything away for another 11 months.

I had put away all the Santa Clauses earlier during the week; but, on Sunday I put away the candles that were in each window and the lights that framed the living, dining room and kitchen windows.  

As I like my home to be decorated for each season there are still snowmen, sleds and reindeer throughout the house letting me know that it is winter.

Christmas was different; but, good - new traditions are starting and I learned that I can definitely cook Puerto Rican style.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Celebrate Each Year

Yesterday Ryan turned 12 years old - and we celebrated the event by going to Esposito's in Valhalla for dinner and cake.

Traditionally we allow the birthday person to chose what they would like for their birthday and Ryan chose to eat out with his parents, siblings and grandparents.  It was a great meal and he enjoyed it; as well as, the gifts he received.

I picked up his favorite cake at my bakery - a Napoleon cake that feeds 20 although we were only 8; they don't make it any smaller.  I know it won't go to waste they will finish it up.

Everyone had a good time - we all went home with leftovers and Ryan enjoyed marking another year on this earth.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Shoveling Snow

Well the weathermen were right and we had snow that began on Thursday night and lasted into Friday morning.

When I woke up there was about 6 inches outside and the paper was not delivered and the plows were going up and down the community.

I was glad that I was still on vacation and didn't have any place to go - but, I am most grateful for living in a townhouse community where we pay to have our snow shoveled and removed.

By 3PM I went out and cleaned my car and moved it so that my spot could be plowed - I was concerned that a good job would not be done because two of my neighbors were still away and their cars would not be moved.  Also, the boys who lived next door would not come out and move their cars.

I was pleasantly surprised when the snow removal team actually shoveled the snow off the sidewalks and parking spaces, then placed it in the road to be removed by the plows.  No need to worry about climbing a 3 foot pile of snow to get to the car!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Nice Warm House

The first really major snowstorm of the season due to bring 6 to 12 inches of snow to the Hudson Valley where I live.

I am grateful that I have a nice warm house, that I stocked up on milk and there are plenty of things to eat in the house and that I have a new book that I am reading.

Also, I am still on PTO or vacation  - so I am not anxious about getting to the office or responding to messages.

For a change it is okay to enjoy what Mother Nature has "dumped" on us.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Joys of Grandmotherhood

Biologically I will never be a grandmother; but, I am grateful to Gerard and Carrie who let me fulfill that role with their children Ryan and Callum.

Callum especially is that grandchild that I biologically will never have; but, who enables me to be a grandma in every way but blood.

I was lucky enough to have New Year's Day lunch with them at a restaurant on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.  Callum keeps me on my toes, talking the whole time and being very attuned to my moods.  

He is a lovable, sweet boy and I am grateful to have him in my life and to share him with his parents.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Beginning

Aren't we lucky that every year we can begin again?  Today is January 1st, 2014 - Happy New Year!!!

Today is a day that we can take stock of ourselves and determine what changes we want to make in our lives in the next 364 days.  How lucky are we that we have that opportunity to clean the slate and begin again.

I have been writing this blog now for a couple of years, it began with a weekly comment to then daily rantings.  I have decided that in 2014 I will continue to write daily; but, instead of rantings the focus will be on being grateful.

There is more good in our lives than there is bad; but, more often than not we focus on the negative and not the positive items in our lives.  My thought is if we focus on the positives the negatives will become insignificant - what a novel idea.

Today I will be grateful for living another day and being healthy and blessed with a great job.