Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sleep . . . Why So Elusive

Of late sleep is elusive - I have no idea why but it is starting to have a negative effect on my life.

I have not changed my schedule at all - I still head up to bed between 9:30 and 10PM and am in bed by 10PM each night.  I can usually fall asleep fairly quickly - it is the staying asleep that is an issue.  I can wake up 11 times a night - sometimes, I can just turn around and try to sleep again or other times I am up for an hour.

I wear a Fitbit and it monitors my sleep - I can tell you that I am averaging 4 to 5 hours a night - not nearly enough.  What is happening is that I am then tired at 3 to 4PM in the afternoon and that is the time I am driving home from work.  If you are in a lane next to my car you will see me slapping my face to stay awake as I drive down the Taconic.

I refuse to take any medication - I will need to resolve this very soon.

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