Sunday, September 22, 2013

Le Piece de Resistance

The autumnal decorating is finally completed with the placement of the area rugs.

The rugs I had ordered arrived yesterday afternoon and I was able to pick up the spring/summer rugs and store them and to lay these down in the living and dining rooms. Yes, these are pictures of my home - a little sneak pick into the place I call my haven.  I will try to be more diligent in the future of taking pictures and posting them on the blog.

I finally have down the knack on how to do this so you will continue to get peaks into my home.

Thank you Abby for mentioning at aqua aerobics that I write a blog and urging those of us in your class to read it.  Welcome to all of you and I hope that you enjoy it.  And, yes Abby once again you kicked butt - so much so that when I was running errands I could feel my abdominal muscles - but, that is why I love your class.

As we officially say goodbye to the summer and welcome fall; it is time to surround ourselves with those items that make us want to cuddle.

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