Monday, September 30, 2013

My Go To Kitchen Gadget

Nine years ago when I moved into my townhouse I bought myself an Artisan Kitchen Aid mixer - not a cheap kitchen gadget; BUT, oh so worth it!!!

Yesterday that Kitchen Aid mixer made a cheese danish, apple oat cream cheese bars and mashed potatoes.  Every time I bake the mixer comes out of the bottom cabinet to help. It will be doing much duty soon as we get close to the holidays - also, I am constantly pulling recipes from the internet and magazines to try.  That isn't counting when Ryan asks me to cook something specific and I have to go and find how to make it.

I would recommend that everyone whether they are a seasoned cook or not have a Kitchen Aid mixer in their home.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Get Ready to Party

My life is fairly simple and revolves around work, my family and working out - so it is rare that I have an occasion that I need to dress up for. 

Last night I had a 60th birthday party to go to and it was being held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in White Plains.  I have known the birthday boy since the early 1990's and since he loves to dance I knew there would be a lot of that.

There was no set dress code - he wanted people to be comfortable; but, I also wanted to dress up for my boyfriend.  Most often he sees me in capris or my business suit.  Last night it was a form fitting Ralph Lauren dress in a merlot with navy blue and black pattern.  I decided to buy the fashionable platformed pumps with a 3 inch heel.

All out of my comfort zone - but it let me show off my body (which by the way looked hot) and to expand myself a bit.  Every now and then it is time to do something that is not expected.

I did!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Home Made Apple Sauce - My First Try

We had gone apple picking a week and a half ago and it was time to do something with the 60 apples we had picked.

Both Gerard and Ryan have been asking me when was I going to make the apple sauce - something I had never done before.  Well I tackled the apple sauce last night and made quite a bit of it and used up 50 of those 60 apples.  There were two batches and a lot of peeling, coring, stirring and tasting to make sure that it had enough sugar and cinnamon.

On Sunday I will have the family over, I will make Ryan's favorite; pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn and apple sauce.  There will be plenty for them to take home and enjoy.  I had bought these snack sized mason jars that Ryan can take and put in his lunch box.

This was not as difficult as I anticipated and I look forward to doing it again; however, I think I will invite them to peel the apples!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

What a Long Day

It is 8:43PM on Thursday night - and I am now writing my blog.

This has been an extremely long day and I felt that it would never end.  It began early as my cleaning lady arrives at 7AM; I was already up, showered and dressed and making coffee by the time she appeared.  She advised me that she needed the oil for the wood floor and she forgot to tell me the last time she was here; but, would I mind running out to the store for her?  

At 7:45AM as I am paying for the floor oil I get a call from my boss to go over some things he needs for a meeting on Monday morning.  I think you are getting the gist of how this day is progressing.

I had several conference calls all which left me either having to develop a powerpoint presentation, writing a document or an email and attaching files for people.

I am hoping that Friday is not as hectic - that is all I can do at this point is HOPE!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Railroad Commuting

On Wednesdays I go into our Manhattan office - I take the Metro North railroad from the train station in Peekskill and I am in Grand Central in one hour.

Metro North is the best railroad in New York if you have compare it to the others like Long Island Railroad or New Jersey transit.  It is generally on time, recovers from the tragedies quickly and is a reasonable cost.

But, this Wednesday I knew they were having problems on the New Haven line because there was a Con Edison electrical outage in the area.  What I didn't realize is that it affected my train too - not terribly, we just had to transfer from one train to another at Croton Harmon.  I still got into Grand Central in an hour.  On the way home after sitting down on the train and waiting for us to leave the station - out came the announcement that this train wasn't going anywhere and we needed to leave this train on Track 39 and get on the train on Track 37.

If that wasn't enough I spoke to my nephew last night who is a Conductor for Metro North - found out that he has 3 days off; not because of the electrical outage on the New Haven line; but, because a woman was thrown onto the tracks and hit by the train.  Good news she is alive and will probably survive.  Metro North is providing counseling for their employees.

Despite all this Metro North is an excellent commuter railroad and one that I will be using for many years to come.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Badge of Courage, Stubbornness or Stupidity

You are looking at the bruises on my right arm - self inflicted by holding up my dining room table to change the rug this past Saturday.

I know you read and saw the pictures of my living and dining rooms and how excited I was that the last piece, the rugs were now in place.  What I might have failed to tell you is that my dining room table is extremely heavy AND the only way that I can lift it to move the rug with my toe is to place my inner forearms under it and LIFT.

The bad part of that whole thing is that I am taking the full weight of the table (and the leaf isn't in it) on my inner forearms - hence, the bruises.  Does it hurt - YES!!!  Have I learned my lesson - NO!!!

I am the only one around to do this - I am fanatical about getting things done when I want; therefore, I guess I better get used to having these major bruises twice a year!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Plugging Away at Work

Today was one of those days where I sat down to work and got several things accomplished.

I don't know if it was the crisp air, if my mind was at ease and clear or if I realized if I didn't do it today - then when?  Whatever the situation was - I will take it and relish in the fact.

I managed to get several VCI-Group documents reviewed and out to the next level of approvals; as well as, the draft for the President's October message.  I feel ready for the remainder of the week and that is not a normal state for me of late.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can ride this fortune for the next several weeks.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bye Summer, Hello Autumn

Yesterday at 4:44PM (ET) it officially became autumn.

It was hard to say goodbye to the summer as it was not as hot as it usually is.  I did have a wonderful time bonding with Callum and a great vacation.  As fall starts I look forward to the clear crisp days, to placing mums and a pumpkin on my doorstep and to covering the patio furniture.

The smells of autumn are phenomenal as I will start baking soon - there will be pumpkin, apple, cinnamon and vanilla wafting through the house - and baked goods for the family and taken to the office.

Enjoy the next 90 days of the season!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Le Piece de Resistance

The autumnal decorating is finally completed with the placement of the area rugs.

The rugs I had ordered arrived yesterday afternoon and I was able to pick up the spring/summer rugs and store them and to lay these down in the living and dining rooms. Yes, these are pictures of my home - a little sneak pick into the place I call my haven.  I will try to be more diligent in the future of taking pictures and posting them on the blog.

I finally have down the knack on how to do this so you will continue to get peaks into my home.

Thank you Abby for mentioning at aqua aerobics that I write a blog and urging those of us in your class to read it.  Welcome to all of you and I hope that you enjoy it.  And, yes Abby once again you kicked butt - so much so that when I was running errands I could feel my abdominal muscles - but, that is why I love your class.

As we officially say goodbye to the summer and welcome fall; it is time to surround ourselves with those items that make us want to cuddle.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday Morning

This was the view on Friday morning from the Peekskill train station platform.

I was there to catch the 6:19 train to go into NYC for meetings - this time of year it is always amazing to see the fog on the river (Hudson), feel the chilliness/crispness of the air and to breathe in that air.  Since it was a full moon I was able to get it in a totally round circle.

It was amazing to see the day change from its crispness to the warmth of the sun and the clear blue sky.  I hope that each of you are able to take some time to view your surroundings - look at the day and marvel as it unfolds.

Each season brings its own uniqueness - relish in it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Everywhere, Everywhere ... Highway Construction

My last meeting yesterday ended at 11:50 - I was in the car and pulling out of the parking log at 12:05; I should be home in an hour.  NOT!!!

Given the time of day I should have made it home in an hour an hour and 10 minutes at the most; but, NO I made it home at 1:45 a whole hour and 40 minutes on the road in the middle of the day.

What was the issue?  How about construction and closed roads at every major highway that I encountered.  Okay, maybe I shouldn't be upset - I still got home early and was able to attend all of my meetings and to respond to messages, etc.  I know that for the "rush hour" they stop doing some of this work so that the traffic moves a little faster and smoother.  And they need to get this done before the winter arrives and it is too cold and/or there is snow and sleet on the road.

So for now - I don't like it; but, there is nothing I can do but tolerate it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Tale of Two Shoe Styles

Yesterday morning when I left my home it was 44 degrees although it was going to be low 70's by mid day.  What you will see on the streets of New York City are varying degrees of footwear on women.

You will still see flip flops, sandals, pumps, ballet flats; but, also boots.  We live in a dichotomy at this time of year as to what it is we want to put on our feet.  Do we want to be stylish, comfortable or just warm.  Some of us are trying to extend the summer and the time that we can still have our toes peeking out with their perfect manicure - others are saying okay time to put the feet away and not have to worry about whether we have to pumice away those heel calluses.

I subscribe to the group who wants to extend summer - so if the weather is going to be warm later on I will wear sandals - they may be a darker color, a heavier looking sandal and more closed than open.

The same is happening with coats - who wears one and who refuses to acknowledge it is time to take them out!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Loved My Baking

I baked four trays of oat apple cheesecake bars yesterday and took three of them into the office, the other one went home with my nephew.

I had bought the Chinese takeout containers which were decorated in fall leaves and cut up the bars and placed them in the containers between baking parchment paper.  It worked out that I had two containers for each of the guys which I kept refrigerated until I left for the office in the morning.

I had another tray which I cut up and placed in a Tupperware and took into the office for my staff meeting.  My team tried them so as not to open their containers and then I put the rest in the kitchen.  By noon when I went to have my lunch they were all gone and I washed my Tupperware to bring back home.

I get great satisfaction when something I have cooked or baked is all eaten up!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

'Tis the Season - Apple Picking

Today the weather held out and we were able to go ahead and have our annual apple picking day.

I was quite worried that it was going to be rained out or muddy as it had been raining this morning and a bit overcast; but, by 10AM the sun started to come out and the sky was turning blue.

I met Gerard, Ryan and Callum (that is Gerard & Callum) in the picture at Wilkens Farm - I had half a dozen apple cider donuts as I knew the boys had not had lunch.  During the week there is no hayride to the orchards; but, instead you walk there.  It was nice and tranquil as there was no one else picking apples and it was a great walk to the orchard. We picked about 60 apples, picked up some cider, apple butter and a few things for the boys to eat - then headed to my home.

We had a nice lunch and time to visit and then I packed the baking I had done for my team to take to work tomorrow.

I know have a whole sack of apples that I need to find various ways to cook.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Last night I left out my baking utensils - as you see I have several things that I will be baking today, Monday.

We will be going apple picking and I will make my oat apple cream cheese bars; but, because the pan I use is the same as for the cheese danish I will need to make Callum a cheese danish.

On Friday afternoon I went to the grocery store and could not believe how much money I spent on butter, cream cheese, sugar, flour and brown sugar.  It is that time of year when my baking really starts and those I need to keep stocking up on those products.

I don't mind - I get such gratification when people have enjoyed what I have made.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Still Cleaning

I have had a full Saturday and want to relax a little bit.

It began with heading to the gym and completing a great aqua Zumba class with Abby.  I knew I wanted to make a few stops before I headed home for the day.  First stop - gas.  I had been holding off getting gas because I wanted to use my Stop & Shop gas reward points, glad I did I saved $0.50/gallon, so instead of paying $3.95/gallon - I paid $3.45/gallon.  YEAH!!!

I then went to Barnes & Noble to buy the boys their Halloween books - again trying to be frugal and using my 30% coupon.  Then off to the grocery store.  After all that I decided time to go home, have lunch and read the newspapers.  Once that small break was over I went into the kitchen and cleaned the cabinets, rearranged everything on the shelves and decided what was being donated.

NOW I deserve a relaxing evening at home with my book and a show!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cooking with Apples

I spent some time today pulling apple recipes off of the web.  Why, you ask?

On Monday we are going apple picking and Ryan has already placed his order for a couple of things.  He wants apple sauce and an apple pie.  I have found out that apple sauce is really quite easy to make - so that will be fine.  Apple pie is a little more difficult because of the pastry; BUT, I think I have found a good compromise and a healthy one, apple cobbler.  This isn't as difficult to make and actually reminds me a little bit of Gerard's maternal grandmother's deep dish apple pie in that it didn't have a bottom crust.

I have also found a recipe for apple streusel cookie tart and I think the family will really enjoy that - I can't wait to make that one.

Hopefully everything will turn out well and everyone will enjoy all my baking.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Conducting Interviews

I have three positions open in my organization which I want to fill very quickly.

I have received three resumes and conducted group interviews with the three candidates and I have to say that I want to hire each of them.  It is rare that you can meet someone and inherently know they are the right person for the job; never mind doing it 3 times!!!

I am at the next steps which is to have each of these individuals meet with my boss. Hopefully he will feel the same way that I do - I know that he is impressed with the two people I hired last year - so I have a good track record with him.

Fingers crossed that by the end of next week I can send out offer letters!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Bite - Now????

Fall is exactly 13 days away and here I am scratching two mosquito bites!!!

I have not had a mosquito bite in approximately 7 years and here I am scratching two of them, one on my elbow and one on my leg.  I didn't even see the mosquito or feel the bite - all I felt was the itch and the need for me to scratch it.

I have not been around stale water or any other place that they might have been; but, clearly I was somewhere the mosquitoes were hovering.

So for now I am trying not to scratch and hope I have seen the last of the mosquitoes.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Always Remember

For the US this is a difficult day; however, if you are a New Yorker today is a day that will live in infamy.

Everyone of us remembers where we were on this day, what the day was like, what we were doing when we found out the Towers were struck; and, then ultimately collapsed and the conversations we had.

The attacks on September 11th changed our lives - we now see National Guard at our train stations, we take off our shoes to go through security at airports, all of our bags are searched when we go to any public venues.

What it did for me was the loss of innocence, naivete that we can walk around thinking that we are safe.  That is the way I lived prior to 9/11 - but, no more.

On 9/11 America lost its innocence - we will never recapture that time.

Sleep . . . Why So Elusive

Of late sleep is elusive - I have no idea why but it is starting to have a negative effect on my life.

I have not changed my schedule at all - I still head up to bed between 9:30 and 10PM and am in bed by 10PM each night.  I can usually fall asleep fairly quickly - it is the staying asleep that is an issue.  I can wake up 11 times a night - sometimes, I can just turn around and try to sleep again or other times I am up for an hour.

I wear a Fitbit and it monitors my sleep - I can tell you that I am averaging 4 to 5 hours a night - not nearly enough.  What is happening is that I am then tired at 3 to 4PM in the afternoon and that is the time I am driving home from work.  If you are in a lane next to my car you will see me slapping my face to stay awake as I drive down the Taconic.

I refuse to take any medication - I will need to resolve this very soon.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Can't Wait for the Work Week to Begin

What individual in their right mind states they want the weekend to work and to get back to work?  ME!!!
I have been like the Energizer Bunny all weekend between cleaning, decorating, exercising at the gym, running errands and doing laundry – I need a rest and it looks like the only way I will get it is to be at work.
Don’t get me wrong – it all had to be done and I am the one who pushes to do it all in two days – having done that I was then able to sit down on Sunday afternoon, watch some football and enjoy my home.
I pulled some recipes; apple sauce and an apple pie so that I can make those for Ryan after we go apple picking next Monday.  And I am trying to finalize a date with Gerard so we can see the Great Pumpkin Blaze at Cortlandt Manor with the boys.
We will have a full autumn with many different things to do as we enjoy the season.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


It is a little after 8PM on Saturday night and I am officially exhausted.
As you know I was aiming to finish cleaning and decorating for the autumn by the end of Sunday – well I finished it today.  I am sure I pushed myself a lot; but, I am happy for it to be done.
I also took my aqua aerobics class this morning and it was the first time I have taken a class in two weeks- also Abby was in rare form and pushed us.
I then ran errands and then just came home and began the cleaning.  Now on Sunday I will go to Good Will with the items to donate, the cleaners for those items to be cleaned and stored and I will wash those items that I threw in the laundry.
Now I can relax and watch some FOOTBALL!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fall Cleaning & Decorating

As the weather becomes chillier it is a reminder to me that I need to change my décor; if only it was the décor; but, it is much more.
I started changing things last night and I expect to have it all done by Sunday. Last night I managed to change everything in the three bathrooms, the Master bedroom, the office and the spare bedroom.  That concludes the entire upstairs.
I will work on the living, dining rooms and kitchen on Saturday and Sunday.  This is also an excellent time for me to do some purging – and to have everything in nice order for the holidays which are just around the corner.
I cannot wait until the boys come by on Monday, September 16th so that they can see all the fall décor.  They have a half day of school and I will take the day off and we will do our apple picking.
Callum knows all his produce so I will have him count and tell me how many pumpkins he finds. I know he can count that high!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Time for Apples

It is the time for apples – and I was quite surprised how well my baked dish went over.
The family was over for dinner last night and I made baked rigatoni with meatballs, salad and for dessert oat apple cheesecake bars.  Well the dessert was a MAJOR hit and I needed to remind Gerard and Ryan that they had to stop eating it or they would get too full and not have dinner.
We have also made our date to go apple picking – I will take a day off from work and since the boys have a half day on a Monday in a couple of weeks – we will go then.  I have already been asked by Ryan to make an apple pie and apple sauce; guess I will be googling for those two recipes.
It is one of the things we enjoy as a family – apple picking, and getting some apple butter and apple cider donuts.  A great tradition that we do each year.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Change is Starting

Have you noticed the change?  I have and I am not liking it.
The days are already becoming shorter – when I get up to go to the Long Island office I have to put on the hallway light to go down the stairs, it is dark when I leave the house at 6AM and it is just starting to come up when I arrive to the office at 7AM.
It reminds me that I need to change my décor to fall, that the curtains, bedspreads and rugs will need to be switched out.  I will begin all of that this weekend and hope to finish it all.
It means that foods become a little bit hardier and with that I will be making baked penne with meatballs for my nephew and his family; and, for desert oatmeal apple cheesecake bars.
I could use another month of summer; but, maybe the fall will be an Indian summer – I can wish, can’t I???

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Catching Up

Today was a good day to catch up on email messages and to know what had happened in the office while I was on PTO last week.
It was quiet so I read all my email messages and responded to them.  Built an excel spreadsheet and am now starting a training program for a Contractor for next week.  The remainder of this week should be the same as Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown today and many people have taken the whole week off.
We will not be back to a full organization until next Monday – so for now I will enjoy this downtime.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to Work

Today is Labor Day and a day that all Laborers are celebrating and taking off.  I, instead am getting ready for work after having been away for a little over a week.
It started by doing laundry and choosing what I will wear for Tuesday and Wednesday, the two days I will be physically in the office.  It required putting all remnants of vacation away; clothes, toiletries and suitcases.
Lastly, I went through my briefcase and got it ready for the next few days; I also quickly glanced at my email messages and made sure that I knew what I was facing on my first few hours of work tomorrow.
I am looking forward to tomorrow – albeit I enjoyed the past week and all the memories made with my great nephews – it will be good to get back to some very interesting projects.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Back Home

We are home from vacation – and there is nothing like, “home, sweet home”.
This has been a good vacation and hopefully one that will be memorable to the boys for years to come.  It was also flattering that when we arrived home the boys did not want to leave; but, wanted to stay overnight at my home.
I will probably have them this Wednesday evening through Friday; but, for now I can use a little downtime.
As I look over this vacation the way to remember is on what stood out for each of the boys – for Ryan it was the rides and the food; for Callum it was riding the bus and fireworks.
Those are the memories I will have.