Monday, June 16, 2014

May You Never Experience

On Saturday my cousin's wife, Eilish a woman I have known for almost 45 years lost her battle with Alzheimer's.

This is the most debilitating disease that I have ever seen ravage an individual of their personality, independence; and, most importantly their memories.  This disease is affecting more women than men and is no longer a disease for just the aged.  Eilish has had the disease for almost 10 years and she was only 62.

This disease not only affects the infirmed; but, also the family.  You become a caretaker and watch an individual die before your eyes.  It is very heartbreaking.

I was glad that both her son Gerard, her grandson Callum and I got to see her a little over a week ago.  She was awake when we arrived and blinked when we kissed her and said "hello" - I like to think that she knew we were there.

A more wonderful and giving woman you will never meet - she was a caregiver having been a cardiac care nurse for almost 30 years.

May you never have to experience this disease and may you someday meet a woman with the heart and spirit that Eilish had.

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