Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just What I Needed

My Saturday was full of just those things I needed to feel myself again.

I went to my aqua aerobics class and had coffee with my friend, Linda.  I got ready for Callum to come over and read the newspapers while I waited for him to be dropped off by his mother.

Our day was full of the things he likes to do - watch his DVDs, build tower with his blocks and then knock them over, go to Barnes & Noble so that he can play with the Thomas train set, have his chocolate cupcake and buy a book.  Then off to the grocery store where he always wants a piece of fruit although he doesn't eat it - this time it was strawberries.

At home we sat in the backyard and played "hide & seek", listened to the birds and did 'piggies' on his toes.

Having Callum spend Saturday with me and his sleepy over is just what my soul needed to be restored.

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