Monday, June 30, 2014

A Small Splurge

I get a manicure every week and a pedicure every 3 weeks.  My manicure is a simple manicure that costs me $8.00, $1.00 for quick dry and a $2.00 tip.

Yesterday it had only been 2 weeks since my pedicure but I decided to go ahead and have the Queen spa pedicure done.  This consists of having your legs and feet scrubbed, a 10 minute massage and then a hot stone massage.  There is nothing more relaxing then having your feet massaged - the heel, the arch and each of your toes.  Remember that your feet carry your entire body weight and are constantly being abused by being placed in all shoe styles and heels.

After having my Queen spa pedicure and my manicure I felt like a new person, relaxed and ready for a nap.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Little Too Tight

I don't consider myself someone who has a green thumb; but, for some reason my plants always grow.

Yesterday I spent my time re-potting a few of my plants.  Both of the orchids needed to be placed in larger pots.  I also bought some vitamins for them as I have been told if you do that they will blossom year round.  I had a couple of other plants that needed some more soil and I did that too.  I noticed that one of them has really grown and is sprouting flowers all over the place.  

I am always amazed at that as all I ever do is water them once a week and nothing else, perhaps they are just residing in the right place for sun and temperature. Whatever it is - I will take it.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Get It Together

I usually am in control of my life and what I am doing, when and where - but, somehow not lately.

For the last couple of months I have felt extremely stressed out and the stress continues to build on a daily basis between what is going on in my personal and professional lives.  I need to somehow figure out a way to take control again and get my life in order so that I can manage my emotions and my stress.

I hadn't considered it; but, a friend recently mentioned speaking to a professional on everything that has happened to help me get over anger, hurt and all my other feelings.  I also need to go back to doing things for myself as another friend pointed out.  I have only been going to the gym sporadically and not on a consistent schedule like before - if I can get myself on a schedule it would help.

As everyone states - this too shall pass; but, for the moment it is a _ itch.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Bundled Up

Today I begin saving over $50 per month as I combine all my cable, internet and telephone services into my residential account.

I have to say that I have always enjoyed my Optimum service and I have not had an issue with my service in a couple of years.  I received several email messages and telephone calls from them stating that I had an appointment and just to let them know if I needed to change it.  The technician called me when he was 10 minutes away from my home and he was happy to see that everything was just in one location.

The whole process consisted of swapping out the modem, providing me with a temporary telephone number and closing accounts.

The technician was here for just one hour - my own telephone number was back within the next hour and now when someone calls me I can see the number across my television screen.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's Time

The weather has been so good lately that I have not had to turn on the air conditioner. Until yesterday.

The days have been in the high 70's and low 80's with little humidity and the evenings have been cool in the low 60's so I have been able to open the windows in the bedrooms upstairs and have a nice cross breeze to sleep in every night.

Until yesterday.  When we finally felt the heat of summer and the sweltering humidity. Something I never do is change my business outfit once I get dressed in the morning - well, I did yesterday just because the lined 3/4 sleeves of my jacket were already sticking at 6:30 in the morning.

Yesterday when I got home - the windows were closed and the air conditioner was turned on - no heat or humidity in this house.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Let's Save

A few weeks ago I had received an email message from my cable company, Optimum on how I could save money.

I don't have to tell you how crazy the past couple of months have been and I had kept the email message; but, not done anything with it.  Yesterday as I had some time I called up Optimum to find out that they could finally bundle my two accounts (residential and business).  I no longer needed my business account; but, I wanted to keep my telephone number.  I found out that all of it could be placed under my residential account, I would get faster internet service and I would save over $50/month on my cable bill.

What is wrong with that picture?  NOTHING.  I have them scheduled to come on Thursday to take care of everything!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Start the Morning Right

Whenever I go either into the city or to Long Island for work I stop by Starbucks to pick up my breakfast; oatmeal and a venti skim latte.

I am proactive in finding out where the nearest Starbucks is, what are their hours, etc. So last week when I was going to our new Health facility and I placed their address in the Starbucks store locater I was surprised to find that the nearest was a mile away.  How can that be???

Well I needed my oatmeal and my caffeine intake so I picked up my breakfast at the Starbucks in Grand Central and just took it down to the Health Plex with me.  Well this weekend I was trying again and this time instead of giving the direct address I gave the cross streets instead.  Voila - there was a Starbucks just 2 blocks away.

Yesterday I stopped at that Starbucks and picked up my breakfast and the bonus was there was no line.  Persistence is important.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Week Ahead

I am usually only in the office a couple of days a week so there is not much for me to prepare.

Not this week I will be in the New York facility nearly every day this week and it will be long days so I made sure this past weekend that I put together everything that I needed so that I could make my mornings easy.

I need to catch an earlier train than I normally do - therefore, less sleep.  As I am only averaging between 3 to 4 hours a night I need to be ensure that I don't oversleep and get on the right train.

I am hoping that this is an anomaly as we are opening a new facility this week and we have a lot of technology in there.

Organization is key to making my mornings easy and getting myself out the door with everything that I need and on time.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just What I Needed

My Saturday was full of just those things I needed to feel myself again.

I went to my aqua aerobics class and had coffee with my friend, Linda.  I got ready for Callum to come over and read the newspapers while I waited for him to be dropped off by his mother.

Our day was full of the things he likes to do - watch his DVDs, build tower with his blocks and then knock them over, go to Barnes & Noble so that he can play with the Thomas train set, have his chocolate cupcake and buy a book.  Then off to the grocery store where he always wants a piece of fruit although he doesn't eat it - this time it was strawberries.

At home we sat in the backyard and played "hide & seek", listened to the birds and did 'piggies' on his toes.

Having Callum spend Saturday with me and his sleepy over is just what my soul needed to be restored.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

All the Aisles

It has been a few weeks since I had been to the grocery store and I was totally lost.

The last few times I had been there I could tell that they were changing the aisles and where things were going to be - I was just hoping that things would get back in order soon.

Yesterday when I went to my local Stop & Shop, everything was on the shelves; but, I needed to walk down every aisle to find the things I wanted because they were not where I normally found things.

To look at it positively - I was putting steps on my Fitbit as I walked around trying to find the items I needed.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Time to De-Compress

This has been a stressful week and I need the day to harness all my emotions.

When I arrived home yesterday I was exhausted, had a headache and was hungry.  I had been running on only 3 hours sleep trying to respond to work emails, dealing with the death and the family dynamics.

I did not set the alarm this morning as I really needed to get some sleep.  I need to go to the cleaners and buy some groceries.  I really have not had any food in the house as I knew I wouldn't be around much during the week.  

Today I replenish my soul and my spirit - get myself organized again and close another chapter, this chapter. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Celebrate the Life

Today I am attending Eilish's funeral - a wonderful woman with a beautiful soul.

Although I am sad that she is no longer with us; I don't want to wallow in her death but to celebrate her life.  This is something the Greeks do when a person dies - they celebrate. It is a time to reflect at the memories that she created - to remember how she enjoyed her pina coladas when we would go out for dinner, how she ate a few lobster tails one year when I grilled steaks, lobster tails and had a clambake.  That she enjoyed getting a manicure and a pedicure and buying Christmas ornaments.

We are on this earth to touch as many lives as we can and Eilish did - as a wife, mother, grandmother, nurse and friend.  I will miss her.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Working in the City

I normally only go into the city once a week for work; but, as then new Health Plex comes on board - it will be almost every day for awhile.

Yesterday was the first day that it really felt like summer and being out on the sidewalk in the middle of the day looking for a place to eat is not something you really want to do.  I also have forgotten how rude people can be.  I was nearly knocked over by a woman with her large tote bag, everyone was standing the wrong way to catch a cab at the taxi stand and were cutting the line.

I am going to have to put up with this for a few more weeks - unfortunately, I cannot walk to the Health Plex like I do our midtown office.  It will be a small price to pay to see this new facility come to life and support this part of Manhattan.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I felt yesterday as if every project was coming to a "head" and it was all just a bit overwhelming.

I have to say that I am being supported by my direct manager and my Vice President and as I had 19 items on my "to do" list yesterday - I slowly; but, surely got through them.  I cannot believe that at one time the Health System would be in a bit of a lull during the summer - that is no longer true.  I have one major project coming to a conclusion and another two just beginning in the next couple of weeks.  So much for a slow summer.

I know that we will get through this - I know that we do good work; I just need to keep everyone motivated and focused on our clients.

Monday, June 16, 2014

May You Never Experience

On Saturday my cousin's wife, Eilish a woman I have known for almost 45 years lost her battle with Alzheimer's.

This is the most debilitating disease that I have ever seen ravage an individual of their personality, independence; and, most importantly their memories.  This disease is affecting more women than men and is no longer a disease for just the aged.  Eilish has had the disease for almost 10 years and she was only 62.

This disease not only affects the infirmed; but, also the family.  You become a caretaker and watch an individual die before your eyes.  It is very heartbreaking.

I was glad that both her son Gerard, her grandson Callum and I got to see her a little over a week ago.  She was awake when we arrived and blinked when we kissed her and said "hello" - I like to think that she knew we were there.

A more wonderful and giving woman you will never meet - she was a caregiver having been a cardiac care nurse for almost 30 years.

May you never have to experience this disease and may you someday meet a woman with the heart and spirit that Eilish had.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

To the Deserving Men

To all the deserving men out there - Happy Father's Day.

I know many men who are and have been great fathers.  My cousin Gerry and his son Gerard are great examples of good fathers - who balked the tradition of "what a father was" and were intimately involved in all aspects of their children's lives.

They fed, bathed and diapered their children.  They took them to doctor's appointments, attended their sports events and had great conversations with them.

I am so happy to see how fatherhood has evolved and how men have embraced it - your actions will forever be a part of your child's life.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Getting Things Done

Yesterday I managed to get everything done for work and for myself - I felt so accomplished.

Since my focus has been on my health and the Delaware house it has been difficult to be pro-active on some work items; as well as, some personal things.  Yesterday knowing that I have no more procedures and that everything has worked out and with the house in some semblance of going on the market by the end of the month I caught up with everything.

Not only did I get everything done for work, but, I also went ahead and finished booking Callum's and my vacation for the end of August.

I now feel that I am focused and back on the top of my game.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good for Six Months

I am finished with procedures and doctors - well - at least for the next 6 months.

Yesterday I had my colonoscopy at a new facility that my gastroenterologist is now associated with and let me tell you - it was fantastic.  The wait was minimal to sign in, to have your financial information done and to go in for your procedure.

Instead of being placed in a room to remove your clothing, you took it off and placed it in a plastic bag and then placed on a shelf on the bottom part of your bed.  Once in bed you had a heated blanket placed on you while your vitals were taken and you were being prepared for anesthesia.  You never got out of the bed - they rolled you into the OR - then must have rolled me back because I awoke in my bed in an exam area.

I had my juice and crackers, got dressed and met with my doctor - the good news, no polyps and I can now go on the 5 year plan.  It has been a couple of months of doctors and procedures and i am now glad that they are all over and everything came out positively!!!

The News

Well I didn't have to wait 3 to 5 business days.

As I began to prep for my colonoscopy yesterday I had a voicemail from my obgyn letting me know that the pathologist's report had come in and that the calcifications were benign.

I can now breathe a sigh of relief, focus on my colonoscopy and feel good that on Sunday I can begin to exercise again.

I would not wish this on any woman especially now that I have gone through it twice, I only ask that you get your mammograms annually and remember this is a curable cancer if caught early.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prep Day

Today is prep day and I will be fasting and not eating anything so that I can have my colonoscopy tomorrow.

I am on the 3 year plan - Lucky Me - NOT.  That is what happens when polyps are found - you then have to come back every three years.  The worst is not being able to have coffee after 6AM - so I get up at 5:30 so I can have my cup before I need to start the day and the stringent diet.  Without my cup of coffee I will have a major headache - yes, I know that is because I am addicted to caffeine; but, if that is my worst addiction - I will take it.

The real prep does not begin until 4PM - and the last part of it is at 8PM when I take the Dulcolax.  I am hoping that I will not be up all night and will be able to have a good night's sleep.  If not at least I know I will sleep well during the procedure!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I had my breast biopsy yesterday AND boy did it hurt.

It took longer than I expected an hour and a half; and I could feel everything that was being done.  Also, all the calcifications were not removed in the first try so they had to go in a second time.  UGH!!!

Now the wait is 3 to 5 business days to receive the pathologist's report - think positively.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Think Positively

I am on PTO today - but, I will not be doing anything enjoyable like going to the beach or seeing a show; instead I will be having a minor procedure done.

In November 2012 I had to have a core needle biopsy done on my left breast, today the same procedure will be done on my right breast.  We are under the premise at the moment that everything is benign and we will just remove the calcifications.  I will be going in with that attitude - that the results will once again have me healthy.

I will live with the discomfort of having a slightly swollen breast, not being able to exercise for 7 days and not lifting anything heavy with my right arm.

I am a huge believer in preventative medication and I know this was not there last year - which means the odds are greatly in my favor.  So here is to thinking positively!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tonight, Tonight

Tonight is one of my favorite of the year - it is the Tony awards when Broadway plays and musicals are highlighted and honored.

I know you do not know this about me; but, as a teenager I always wanted to be in a Broadway musical and to be a Broadway performer - I am sure that this might have something to do with my being a Leo.

I give myself pats on the back for how many shows I have seen - make my list of what I haven't seen - and look to see what I should do to widen my horizons on what is showing.

Currently there are several shows that I want to see - some new ones like, "If/Then" or "Aladdin" and some revivals like, "Les Mis" and "Cabaret".  So many to see - so little time; and, I like to do so when I can get a discount.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

De-Stress Weekend

The weather this weekend is supposed to be picture perfect and it is just what I need to de-stress from the past couple of days and to prepare myself for a week that sees me having two procedures being done.

Sunny, blue skies, low humidity and high 70's/low 80's is what every summer day should be like.  I am still able to not turn on the central air and just have the windows open in the evening for sleeping.

I do not want to do much of anything but "veg out" - no to do lists, no meetings, not much of anything on my list for this weekend.

I have expended a ton of energy on dealing with the DE house this past Thursday and Friday - I now have a procedure scheduled for Monday and another for Thursday, my focus is on those two items.

I am trying to get through the next 2 weeks; procedures this coming week and InfoComm conference the next week and then no other commitments for the rest of the summer.

Friday, June 6, 2014


It was a full day in Delaware yesterday; but, I had managed to find the hotel that placed me in the right area to reach every place in 15 minutes.

Being strategically located ended up being pure luck as I had not selected the hotel on anything but price.  We were less than 5 miles from the nursing home and then off to the lawyer was another 15 minutes and then 15 minutes to the house.

Everyone arrived on time (that I had arranged) and we were able to leave the house a little after 2PM - I wanted to show Callum the ocean and to walk on the Rehoboth boardwalk but he really was not interested in it.  But at least I walked and saw the ocean and saw a bit of the boardwalk.

Hopefully the realtor and I will have the house in shape to go on the market in the next couple of weeks and I will be able to get rid of it during the summer.  I am slowly seeing this chapter of my life ending.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

There Are Times When Paper is Helpful

I am one of those individuals who hates paper and I normally throw it all out - well I am glad that I have not on certain things.

As I am in Delaware to put a house up for sale - I was glad that I had kept every piece of paper and email message that was ever written regarding this transaction.  Will it get me all my money back - NO.  I have learned a very expensive lesson and one that has ripped a family apart.

As I have said - I am just glad that this chapter in my life will soon be over and I will be writing people out of my life forever.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Put This Behind

Today I head to Delaware to deal with some issues and to sever some ties.  Not of it is easy or something I ever wanted to do.

I will be placing the house for sale that I had assisted my niece and her husband with - I will take a major loss on this house as they have not re-imbursed me for the mortgage payment for the past 5 months nor any of the monies that were put in the down payment or closing.  As a result the house is going on the market and I hope that my loss will not be astronomical - at this point if I can pay off the mortgage and the commission to the realtor I will be satisfied.

The bigger challenge will be to get the monies from my cousin that I have lent him over the past 4 years - this is a major dollar amount and I cannot afford to not get it back.  Just think positive thoughts that he will do the right thing.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

All Done This Morning

Much got accomplished yesterday before 9AM in the morning - and I was very glad.

I needed to have the car inspected and to have it serviced; I usually take it to the Honda service center and have breakfast while they take care of it.  Surprisingly less than 5 minutes from returning from the diner my car was ready.  It just needed to have the front tires rotated, an oil change and the inspection - I walked out with this service costing me less than $100 - and a washed car.  WOO HOO!!!

Next off to fill the gas tank, to the post office and bank. All of that was done in record time and time to hunker down to work.  Love when my days are so organized.

Monday, June 2, 2014

All Done

Since I have been writing about my patio - I thought I would give you a final picture.

It is now all done and I will be able to enjoy it.  As always I push myself too hard and had to spend the rest of Sunday with a heat pad on my back for the muscle(s) that I have pulled and continue to hurt.  I guess it doesn't help that I went to Zumba class yesterday morning and our usual instructor, Pam was not there - it was Elizabeth who is a belly dancing instructor and the hip and belly gyrations did not help my back.  After 30 minutes I had to give up.

I am sure in time my back will feel better - I need to slow down and not push as hard as I usually do to get things done.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Long Day

I was up at 4:50 yesterday  morning and caught the 6:35 into Manhattan to attend our Leadership program.

It was a  very inspiring and great program and it was over in time for me to take the 1:43 train home and I was determined to finish the water cart for the backyard.  On my way home from the train station I stopped by Home Depot and was able to buy the nuts I needed for the water cart.  Another hour; but, I managed to finish it and I put the plant holder up.

Today on my way home from Zumba class I will stop and purchase my potted plants and finally will take advantage of enjoying my new patio.