Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February End

Can you believe that in one more day February will be over???  That means that 1/6 of the year is already over.

I do believe that as we get older time goes by much faster.  As a child it appeared that time moved at a snail's pace except for summer time which went by too fast.  I am not sure if my parents felt the same way that I do now - that time is passing too quickly.

Is it feasible that we feel time is passing us because our lives are busier than when we were children?  When was the last time that you just relaxed and watched a movie without being on your computer or checking your smartphone or maybe doing a load of laundry at the same time?

Is is possible that time is moving rapidly because we are through all of our multitasking?  We no longer put our brain "on hold" but feel that if we are not moving, thinking, etc. we are being unproductive.

Our lives will not change; but, perhaps we can learn to live and appreciate The Moment.

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