Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Back to Exercising

It has been 2 weeks since I have been able to work out due to an upper respiratory and sinus infection.

Although I am not totally over it I can at least breathe through my nose and go for a period of time without having a major coughing fit.

Unfortunately, the first class I will take is the HP 30 high intensity program with Nick - who is a hard trainer albeit fair and is always aware of what you are capable of doing even when you think you cannot do it.

Maybe it is good to shock my body by doing this very hard class - if I survive it I know that my body is now used to exercising and does not become "mush" from missing a few weeks.

So don't let a small setback stop you from your program, but get back to exercising and relish in what your body can do or the pain you will feel.  Know that the pain won't last for long.

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