Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stars Align

I love it when the stars align in my favor, don't you?  Yesterday could have been a disastrous day as we were due to get snow and ice during the morning commute and I needed to leave my house no later than 5:45 to get to the hotel for our SVP and CIO's All Hand's Meeting.

Instead of snow and ice I woke up to rain and winds of 40 mph.  Although the rain and wind made driving challenging it was not as bad as snow and ice would have been and I made it to the hotel by 7:05 - not bad.

Although changes to the program were still being developed in the morning - we were able to adapt and ensure that the program was a success.  I have a team that works cohesively and whose focus is on the success of the customer and the program enabling that client to focus on the message and not the technology.

We succeeded, the stars aligned not only for the weather; but, for a successful program.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February End

Can you believe that in one more day February will be over???  That means that 1/6 of the year is already over.

I do believe that as we get older time goes by much faster.  As a child it appeared that time moved at a snail's pace except for summer time which went by too fast.  I am not sure if my parents felt the same way that I do now - that time is passing too quickly.

Is it feasible that we feel time is passing us because our lives are busier than when we were children?  When was the last time that you just relaxed and watched a movie without being on your computer or checking your smartphone or maybe doing a load of laundry at the same time?

Is is possible that time is moving rapidly because we are through all of our multitasking?  We no longer put our brain "on hold" but feel that if we are not moving, thinking, etc. we are being unproductive.

Our lives will not change; but, perhaps we can learn to live and appreciate The Moment.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post Oscar Tired

Mondays are usually hard days to get up; but, add the fact that you stayed up until midnight to watch the Oscars and now it is doubly worse.

It would have been okay if Monday had been a slow day; but, it wasn't.  I needed to be in the city for a meeting with a vendor at 10AM; but, had to have a conference call with a client at 9AM - that meant having to take a much earlier train so I could take the call at the vendor's offices.

Last meeting was with clients and was supposed to end at 5PM - it ended at 4:30; BUT, needed to work with my peers and boss on a presentation that we are presenting to the CTO at 9AM on Tuesday morning.  Finished the presentation at 6:15 and I ran out of the hospital to make the train home.  Took the 6:45PM train and was in the house at 7:50PM - long day.

Tuesday and Wednesday are not going to be much better, but once hump day is over it should be a bit of a relief.

I can't blame anyone but myself for staying up late on Sunday.  So now I pay the consequences.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Work Out, Feel Good

This weekend I did three workouts and it felt so good!!!  I am not saying that it has not been difficult because I still am having problems breathing; but, I made it through.

It would be much easier to stay home and hibernate; but, the results would not be the same.  It was time to just say "get over it" and start working out again and there were ways I knew I could do it.

I had a bottle of water with me at all times and I also had cough drops which helped me throughout the hour long sessions.

What feels great is having finished the hour and being able to still stand up.  If you haven't pushed yourself lately - do it. 

You will not regret it and you may even surprise yourself by liking it.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Tonight the majority of us will be home watching the Academy Awards and waiting to see who the Oscar goes to.

Unfortunately, I have not seen any of the movies that have been nominated for this evening.  Not because I did not want to see them; but, because I do not believe in paying to see a movie in the theater when it is currently also in DVD and I can buy it at the grocery store.

There used to be a time when it would be a year before a movie that was in the theaters would come out on DVD - now it is only a couple of months.

It is not that I cannot afford to go to the movies, I absolutely can; but, I refuse to pay $10 to $12 for a ticket, $4 for a bottle of water and the same for some popcorn.  I am of the age when I can remember paying a quarter or 50 cents to see a matinee.

I will enjoy watching the Awards and I will enjoy watching the movie when it comes out on one of the cable channels - I get all of them.

I can sit at home with my bottle of seltzer, in m pajamas and watch at my leisure.

Good luck to all who have been nominated.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Review Your Beneficiaries

Recently I went to the bank to deposit some funds into my Money Market Account, nothing unusual EXCEPT the clerk said to me, "the account with Irma as the beneficiary".

I was in shock - Irma was my aunt and godmother and has been dead for over 10 years.  It then dawned on me that I never updated this account and removed her as the beneficiary.

Very often people forget to do that - someone dies, you divorce and you forget that they are your insurance beneficiary or they are named on a bank account or a stock/mutual fund account.

Perhaps as you put together your files to take to the accountant to prepare your taxes, you also take a look at all your accounts and ensure that the proper individuals are reflected as your beneficiary.

Remember taking the time now will make things easier for your family when you pass.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Vitamin F

A friend of mine shared this with me yesterday and I would like to share it with all of you. 

Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character? How is it possible that I can get along with them all? I think that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me.  

With one of them I am polite. With another I joke. With another I can be a bit naughty ..  
I can sit down and talk about serious matters with one. Be on the same wavelength with another. With another I laugh a lot. I listen to one friend's problems. Then I listen to another one's advice for me but with only a very few can I actually trust with secrets.  

My friends are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box.  

A treasure of friends!  

They are my friends who understand me better than I understand myself.  

They're friends who support me through good days and bad.  

Real Age doctors tell us that friends are good for our health.  

Dr. Oz calls them Vitamin F (for Friends) and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our well being. Research shows that people in strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes.  

If you enjoy Vitamin F constantly you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments, it decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%.  

I'm so happy that I have a stock of Vitamin F! 

In summary, we should value our friends and keep in touch with them. We should try to see the funny side of things and laugh together and pray for each other in the tough moments.  

Some of my friends are friends on line. I know I am part of theirs because their names appear on my computer screen every day and I feel blessed that they care as much for me as I care for them.
Thank you for being one of my Vitamins!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

High Performance 30

As I told you yesterday I was going to start my workouts again after being ill for 2 weeks.  I was so glad to see my trainer, Nick and to get through the 30 minutes of High Performance training despite having to stop to catch my breath or to cough.

I have been doing this workout 2 to 3 times a week since June; I cannot tell you how upset I was to find out from Nick yesterday that classes will be suspended for a little bit.  OH NO!!  Finally something that totally challenges me, has me doing things I never thought I could do and all in 30 minutes.  

Classes were held at 7AM on Mondays and Wednesdays and at 7:30 on Friday mornings enabling to be at my home office by 8:15 or 8:30 the latest.

Unfortunately, Scott the Director and trainer on Mondays and Fridays injured himself and will need hip surgery; and, Nick who is also a personal trainer will be picking up a client to do some personal training.

I am hoping that when they contact each of us HP 30 devotees that we can find a time that will work; in the meantime, I will be looking to see what classes I can take or I will begin to love the elliptical machine and doing some HP 30 on my own.

What I will NOT do is have it deter me from doing a workout 4 to 5 days a week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Back to Exercising

It has been 2 weeks since I have been able to work out due to an upper respiratory and sinus infection.

Although I am not totally over it I can at least breathe through my nose and go for a period of time without having a major coughing fit.

Unfortunately, the first class I will take is the HP 30 high intensity program with Nick - who is a hard trainer albeit fair and is always aware of what you are capable of doing even when you think you cannot do it.

Maybe it is good to shock my body by doing this very hard class - if I survive it I know that my body is now used to exercising and does not become "mush" from missing a few weeks.

So don't let a small setback stop you from your program, but get back to exercising and relish in what your body can do or the pain you will feel.  Know that the pain won't last for long.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Quality Time

I don't spend hours with my great nephews; but, the time I do spend with them I try to make the most out of it.

On President's Day the boys were only over for a couple of hours but we spent the time talking, playing and having a good lunch.  Callum loves to go up to my bedroom and get under the covers and cuddle - in a few years he will not want to do that so I always go up with him and we cuddle and tickle each other.

Ryan is always looking to see what holiday I am highlighting at the house and what have I cooked - he has an appreciation for food and a great palate for an 11 year old.  And since it is February he is looking to determine what we are doing for vacation this year.

Although it was only a couple of hours - I gave my full attention to the boys, made sure that I had food they both enjoyed and showed them how much I loved them.

When you are with them - live for that moment and be in the present.

Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day

Today we celebrate President's Day - most of us will not sit and reflect on these gentlemen; but, instead will be grateful for a day off or the various sales that we will take advantage of.

While we mostly cite Presidents Washington and Lincoln on this day there were many other gentlemen who also fulfilled this role; although we may feel that they did not make a significant historical impact on our country.

Yesterday I learned that President Ulysses S. Grant died of throat and tongue cancer.  History has deemed that President Grant was not a great President; but, was a great General.

I realize how little I know of the 40+ men who have led our country to what it is today and the sacrifices, worries and burdens that they have had to endure as they have been in office to guide our country and preserve our democracy and the right to be Americans with all of its privileges and liberties.

Today don't just enjoy the day off or the sales; but, take time to honor all of these men.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Age is a State of Mind

Last night I attended a birthday party for a very special individual who became 70.  To some of us that might seem old; but, this person isn't.

This is an individual who regularly exercises, during the summer bikes for several miles, runs his own firm; and, yet still finds time to spend with his family and friends.

There are people I know who are younger who walk, talk and behave as if they were older than my special friend.

I have learned a lot from this individual - which is taking care of my body by exercising and listening to it I will live much longer.

I do believe in celebrating milestone birthdays - but, not for the number that it is; but, for what you have accomplished.  For everything that you have learned and impart to others, to what you contribute to family, friends, colleagues and strangers.

Acknowledge the number - Celebrate the individual.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Old Fashion Remedies

There is much to be said for the remedies that our mothers and grandmothers would impose upon us when we were sick.

The last couple of weeks all I have wanted to eat is chicken soup, Vicks vaporub on my chest and the ability to breathe.  Last night I steamed some Vicks in a bowl of hot water and put a towel over my head to see if I could open up my nasal passages.  

The one thing I have not had is a hot rum toddy; but, that might be the next step to take.  I would much rather do a home remedy than take antibiotics; however, I let this go too long before seeing the doctor and now I am on two antibiotics and a prescribed nasal spray.

Word to the wise - go to the Doctor sooner than later.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Serenity NOW

Yesterday was one of those days that had me spouting the Serenity Prayer throughout the day - otherwise I would have been spouting other things and they would not have sounded as calm or beautiful.

Every now and then FRUSTRATION sets in and there is a need to vent.  There is no point in fighting the process - I am not going to win - I am better off just agreeing and leaving it in their hands.

It has taken me many years to come to this realization; but, I chose to just vent to a few people who have also experienced the frustration and then let it go.

I will be saying the Serenity Prayer at least once a day for the next several weeks.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I Can't Breathe

It has been over a week and my symptoms have gone from coughing and losing my voice to now being so stuffed up I cannot breath from my nose.

Breathing is one of those things we do unconsciously until we can no longer do it.  Then we are gasping, trying to clear our nose to see if that will help, and taking all kinds of over the counter medications looking for that one miracle that will ease the pain.

Well, not of that has worked and it is now succumbing to the doctor for some much needed antibiotics.  They will work quickly, I will get over this.

What I will not take for granted is breathing and feeling good.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Lenten Period

Today we begin the Lenten period, 40 days and 40 nights of which we are supposed to deprive ourselves of something we enjoy.

Many of us will give up chocolate, cigarettes or some other pleasurable thing for the 40 days - not me.  My thoughts of Lent is that it is a period of time to become a better individual, to embrace and exude the principles of my religion.  To do unto others as I would have unto me.  To live by the Golden Rule.

Is that not a better way to embody Lent and what this period of time means?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be Honest . . . Always

I tend to work from home 2 to 3 times a week and yesterday was one of those days for a couple of reasons; the roads were still a bit slippery and there were school opening delays because of it and I have been sick - to the point where I cannot breathe through my nose.

I really needed some relief from these symptoms and I found Tylenol Cold in my cabinets and took it around 1PM and continued to work answering emails, taking calls, etc.  Except I fell asleep a little after 2PM and didn't wake up until 3:30 to find that I was supposed to be on a call with my boss and a peer at 3PM.  I dialed into the call and was honest and told them that I had taken a cold medication and had fallen asleep.

I was honest - this is not my normal work ethic when I work from home; everyone is aware that I am ill as when I am on a call they can hear me coughing and blowing my nose and the fact that I have very little voice.

So, take the high road and always be honest.  

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Week Ahead

This week I need to get myself together and get back to feeling and doing my normal things.  I have had a what I thought was a chest cold which had me coughing for the past week - this weekend it is now more either a full blown cold or a sinus infection and it is time to have a Doctor give me a prescription.

This situation has cost me my strength to workout and get errands done.  This coming week I need to get to the Post Office, the cleaners and to my accountant to get my taxes done.

I also need to see my nephew and his children to give them some things and have dinner with them.  

Seeing the doctor tomorrow will get me on the road to recovery - to getting my errands done and to being able to give my all to my job.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Many Hands Make Quick Work

Yesterday morning at 10:30 many of us in the neighborhood began to dig ourselves out of our parking spots.

For a change this became easy and quick work as several of us helped clean each others cars and found spaces to move them to so that our parking spaces could be plowed.

It was a good time to discuss how we really fared quite well from the storm, to catch up on how we were each doing and just some neighborly commraderie.  And an hour later we were each in our homes drying off.

Hope that you fared as well and that you took the opportunity to bond with your neighbors.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Big Digout

The blizzard was not a threat; and, now today will begin the process of digging out.  

The worse part is that the plows have now built a nice fort behind the car.  Thankfully I have an SUV and I will be able to get over that hump of snow.  The more difficult part is to remove the snow from the top of the car.

At barely 5 feet tall I don't care how long that snow scraper is - I still cannot get to the top of the car.  I do my best as you can now receive a ticket for having snow on the top of your car - it is well founded as that snow can blow onto the car behind it and temporarily block the driver's view.

My secret is to park the car in an area where the sun shines and let it melt the snow from the top.

Enjoy not having to set the alarm - laze around for breakfast and by noon get prepared to dig out. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Preparing for the Big One

The Northeast is getting prepared for a major blizzard.  Normally we would not be so hyped about it; but, we have not recovered from Hurricane Sandy and there is major concern as to what this blizzard will do to our precarious infrastructure.

Our utility companies are all prepared that we may once again lose power in certain areas as there is supposed to be high winds.

Follow the Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared" - have some can foods, water available.  Don't forget some flashlights and batteries.  

Be safe, stay warm and let's pray that this will not do any major damage to our area.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pull Those Receipts Together

Have you put your tax information together or are you one of those individuals who waits until a couple of days before April 15th?

By January 31st you should have received all the information from your bank, employer, investments, mortgage company, etc.  Now it is up to you to pull together all of your receipts for charities, work related expenses, etc. and make that appointment with your accountant.

My appointment is set for next Wednesday, all my receipts are in one place - just need to put that spreadsheet together with all the deductions to make it easy for my accountant.

Don't put this off - earlier is better.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winters Colds & Coughs

This winter has been affecting everyone with a chest cold that has many people coughing, developing bronchitis; and, in some extreme cases pneumonia.

There is not much that you can do to avoid it; but, somethings that will work: 
  1. Wash your hands often
  2. Dress warmly and cover your head
  3. Take your vitamins especially Vitamin C
If you already have it - like I do that annoying hacking cough then may I suggest:
  1. Don't push yourself - your body needs to heal itself
  2. Drink some ginger lemon tea with honey
  3. Consider gargling with warm water
  4. Always have something to suck either a cough drop or a butterscotch
Most importantly, cover your mouth whenever you need to cough - it will pass in good time.

Feel better!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Little Old-Fashioned

Next week it will be Valentine's Day and many people will send out e-cards.  Call me old-fashioned but I prefer to receive a card in the mail or to have one handed to me when I see someone.

I give my family cards for their birthdays, Valentine's, St. Patrick's, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I will spend a couple of hours at the card store reading the various greetings to make sure that the one I chose expresses my thoughts and feelings for that individual.

I know that when they read it they realize that I mean the words that are in the card.  Of course, cards never take place for our actions; but, sometimes words are important to read and hear.

Be old-fashioned, buy that card with that special person in mind and mail it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Superbowl 2013

There are few times when a country comes together for one single event.  Despite baseball being the national past time of the United States it does not get the hype that the Superbowl does.

Last night millions of Americans watched the Superbowl from their homes, bars and at the stadium.  Who knows how many chicken wings, bowls of guacamole and beer was consumed??

What is today's water cooler chatter - the commercials.  A 30 second commercial cost was over $4 million.  Do you buy the product because of last night's commercial - I know I don't.

But I still enjoy the hoopla that goes with this one event - I hope the rest of you did too.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Preparing for a Busy Week

Today I need to prepare for a busy week and some long days.  Generally I like to take the Monday after Superbowl either off or work from home.  It is not because I have indulged too much in either food or drink; just that it tends to be a late evening.

This year, no such luck as there is a Board Meeting that I need to support on Monday - my day will begin in the office at 7AM and not end until around 7 or 7:30PM.  Tuesday and Wednesday do not look to be much better.

To survive I will prepare tomorrow before the game begins.  That means choosing clothes for the week, pressing them and having them at the ready.  Any items that need to be mailed (birthday and Valentine cards) will be written, licked and stamped and in my briefcase.  Quarters in my bag for the meter on Wednesday when I have to park at the train station.

Down the list, check it off and I should be able to make it through the week; with some breathing.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Great Nephew

Small children if they are in your life can be such a joy - that is my great nephew Callum, a joy in my life.

It is wonderful to see a child put together sentences, thoughts and to ask, "what's that?" - their minds are inquisitive and a sponge at this age and you are their Hero.

Spend as much time as you can with that child, realize that you are an integral part of their life and they look at you for approval, risk taking, structure and boundaries.  They know that you will be there to pick them up should they fall and to give them a hug and kiss their boo-boo.

Realize the honor and responsibility that you have - hug and love that child and know that as they grow they carry a part of you in them.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mother-in-Law Portion

Many times I will say that I don't eat something without even having tried it.  Just a few months ago while eating out with my boyfriend who had oysters - I said "no" when he offered me one stating that I didn't like them.

How do I know that?  I had never tasted an oyster - I had made that determination without even trying.  

Decades ago someone advised me to have a "mother-in-law" portion.  That was just a small bite that would let me taste the item, determine if I liked it and not insult my host or hostess.

This year I have decided that I won't say - 'I don't like' - until I have had a mother-in-law portion.