Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It's My Birthday

Today is my birthday and I turn 59 - a number for me - as I don't know what 59 should be.

I remember what 59 was like for my aunts and my grandmother; but, I am not those women.  I exercise, I eat right, I buy tailored clothing and jewelry.  Nothing that my aunts or grandmother did.  It was a different generation and for them 59 was old - they were looking forward to retirement and not doing much more with their lives.

That is not for me - I want to continue to have a successful and rewarding career, to travel and appreciate different countries, cultures and cuisine.  To be there for special events in my nephew's lives.

All of this is possible - continue to just look at 59 as a number and not have it define you as an individual by society's standards.

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