Friday, April 4, 2014

Yes, It Really is Spring

Spring has come to my townhouse community.

Yesterday the gardeners were at work cutting the grass, deciding what trees needed to be removed and raking the last of the dead leaves which had been hanging around since last fall.  All of it a true sign that spring has arrived in my neighborhood.

The other was when a bird kept knocking against the front bay window.  I couldn't figure out what that knocking was at first; and, then I looked at the window and there it was a very small bird who kept knocking on the window with its beak.

Every morning as I get dressed I am serenaded by the birds in my backyard - it is so wonderful to hear their singing and chirping as I watch the sun rise.

In a couple of weeks the need for a scarf or long sleeves will go away - the days will continue to grow longer and the Earth will awaken from its winter sleep.

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