Sunday, July 6, 2014

So Proud

I am so proud of Callum - and he is of himself too!!

It has been very difficult to get him to potty train - he has been adamant in not complying; but, for the last month he has been going at school and inconsistently going at home.  But, a couple of weeks ago when he was here he refused to use the toilet.

Not on Friday - he used it every time he had to go.  He would even go by himself and then announce afterwards that he had gone.  Of course, I found out because he came running into the kitchen totally naked as he feels that he has to undress to sit on the potty. So the next time he had to go I showed him how he only need to take the diaper off and not his shirt - he understood and didn't take it off any longer.

This has been a long process; but, he is almost there and I let him know how proud I am of him and how well he is doing.

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