Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cutting Back Did It Good

Early this spring I almost had a hydrangea bush removed from my front yard because it looked as if it had died over the winter.

I am glad that the individual pointed out to me that it still had some green to it and not to remove it.  Instead I cut away all the dead foliage around it and hoped for the best. Yesterday as I walked back to the house from getting my mail I noticed that the hydrangea bush has grown immensely albeit it has no flowers at the moment - just all green.

I guess cutting back at times brings back new life - I am just waiting now to see those lovely lush flowers.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Necessary Evil

I hate doing expense reports and only do them once a month - yesterday was my time to complete my July report.

I am glad that I only do them once a month; but, it is also important to hurry up and get them done as it is I have accumulated over $500 in expenses for the month of July all out of my pocket until I am reimbursed.  We do not have corporate credit cards - everything goes on our own cards - paid by us - and we wait for reimbursement.

To me not the most efficient way of doing this and most often it take about 3 to 5 weeks to get reimbursed - so you know I am making the payment to the credit company and out of pocket that money!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

First Step

This past weekend I let myself indulge on anything I wanted to eat that I normally refrain from - now it is time to focus.

I stated yesterday that it is time to focus on myself; what I eat and my exercising.  Today we started with food - time to ensure I had a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I drank my water and had my fruit.  For me it is necessary for me to do something each day and to start the "habit" and make it a ritual.

They have stated that if you do something for 6 weeks it then becomes a habit and you no longer consider it "odd" or difficult to do.

Here is to day one of my 6 weeks; just 41 more to go for this to be a habit.

Monday, July 28, 2014


For the last several months so much has been going on the last few months that I have not focused on myself.

By that I mean that I have not made my exercise and diet my priority as I have for the last several years.  I was used to working out 4 to 5 times a week and now I am lucky to get 2 days in - that changes this week as I make my workouts a priority again.  I am giving myself permission to not necessarily have to work out for an hour; but, at least take an intense 30 minute class - that should work.

I am also going back to watching what I eat.  Back to gluten free, more protein, vegetables and fresh fruit - that too will make me feel better.  

The ability to focus on me and making myself feel good will enable me to deal with all the items around me.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Relaxing Weekend

This day couldn't come soon enough - I am on PTO today and later I am heading to the shore with one of my best friends.

Catherine and I have carved this weekend out for ourselves to celebrate our turning 59 this year - we are basically saying goodbye to our 50's together.  Catherine turned 59 in June and I will do so in two weeks - we are truly going to begin our sunset years.

We are heading to a B&B in Long Branch, New Jersey - I have never been to Long Branch; but, everyone I have spoken to says it is beautiful.  We are both looking forward to walking on the beach, sunbathing, reading our novels and having some excellent seafood.

I haven't been to the shore at all this year - the weather is supposed to be gorgeous at least on Saturday - the company will be wonderful and we will take this time to relax and catch up.

You won't hear from me again until Monday - enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Aching Back

I carry a briefcase that must weigh at least 20 pounds - it is starting to take its toll on me and yesterday my back ached.

I only carry one bag - my briefcase.  What is causing the weight is my Lenovo T420 laptop and its power supply; thankfully a Lenovo X240 has been ordered for me which is smaller and lighter - I cannot wait to get it.

I do not carry anything extra in my bag; the necessities an umbrella, wallet, small journal and a small cosmetic bag that holds my pen, lip gloss and medication.  I do not carry a hairbrush or any other extraneous things that most women carry.

I cannot wait to get that new laptop and to lighten my load - my back will be forever grateful and I might be able to forgo the chiropractor appointment.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Yesterday there were certain things that I needed to do for work - I am amazed that I got it all completed.

I kept receiving messages throughout the day to complete other items and each of them had a deadline or cutoff time when it needed to be submitted.  I had stops/starts as messages came through and information was requested.

I dislike fire drills; but, it has become the MO (motus operandi) at least once each week.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Need to Get Some Work Done

I am thankful that today I am going to be able to work from home - I haven't been able to do this in a couple of weeks.

I have two major things that I want to complete; the first is combining the my team's metrics for the last three weeks - we are finally capturing how we spend the majority of our day and since we have had a busy July I wanted all the information.

Secondly, I need to put together our Emergency Preparedness Plan.  I have never done this before and it is quite extensive and due by close of business.  Guess what I will be doing for most of the day.  I am glad that I have on 3 conference calls and then I can spend my time devoted to this.

This is the way I catch up - alone, focused on getting the day's objectives done. Here's hoping that I am successful.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Fresh Air

The last few days the weather and humidity have been FANTASTIC!!

I have been able to not turn on the air conditioner and just leave the windows open throughout the day and night.  The mornings have been cool enough that not even the ceiling fan has had to be turned on.  More importantly, I have slept for over 6 hours each night - what a relief especially when you are used to sleeping less than 4 hours each night.

I know this is only a respite - but, it is most welcome in the middle of July.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Getting Ready

Last night I got ready for the week ahead.  This was just not getting my clothes ready for the office; but, also for next weekend and my office lunch.

I need to be in the office at least two days this week - not a problem to get my clothes ready for that; but, more importantly I will be going away on Friday for the weekend with my girlfriend Catherine and I wanted to get those clothes ready.  I had also bought some seasoned chicken last week and I thought since the weather was cool it would be good to bake it in the oven and have it ready to take to lunch on Monday.

I was able though to watch a movie and to take a nap - all things I wanted to do and felt were long overdue.  

For me being prepared for the week helps me manage the stress and demands of my job - it is something I can control and for someone who is slightly OCD it is extremely important to have some control.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Finally Happy

I finally had my haircut - I cannot believe that it has been 8 weeks since my last cut.

The cut is finally a good one that can go this long a time without going crazy and not holding a style.  My hair stylist takes an hour to cut my hair - I have short, fine hair and the previous stylists who did my hair never took more than 30 minutes.  I also then had to have my haircut every 4 to 5 weeks.  What is also unbelievable is that the price is very reasonable - not what you expect when someone spends an hour on your hair.

A good haircut is worth every dollar that you spend on it; what I am happy about is that it doesn't bankrupt me. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Worth It

One likes to think that the time you put into work has its rewards - yesterday I realized that it does!!

Reward does not have to be monetary; but, just acknowledgement that the work that you did was thorough, well presented and exactly what was requested.  For the last few days my team and I have been doing several things and when I presented everything yesterday we met all the criteria.

Each one of us had a section that needed to be investigated so that the presentation could be done - I know several of us were working after hours to get it done - it paid off and thank you.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Work has been crazy and demanding for the last couple of months.  Yesterday I had a good day.

For the first time in a while I was prepared, everything was on track for what my management wanted and I could feel good about myself and the work I have done.  I am not adverse to work - I think most people would tell you that I am a bit of a workaholic; but, I had begun to feel as if I never had any down time.  I worked last night until 8:30 - left one thing in draft mode to review with a few of my team members in the morning. Hopefully once I finish that message and information I will be ready for my meeting in the early afternoon.

This is a team effort and as I have stated very often - I have a great team.  I am blessed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Enjoy the Moment

As you know I have been working in the city lately which means I need to take the Metro North train at the Peekskill train station to New York.

The past few mornings this is the view at the train station - you can also see the mist from the Hudson River hover over it as the sun tries to break through the clouds.  On a really good day I can also see some ducks and swans on the river enjoying the summer season.

Every day I try to look at something through new eyes, appreciate it and let it set the tone for the day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It's Monday

I generally do not like going into the office on Monday - I was used to working from home on Mondays.

The last few weeks I have been in the office on Mondays because my new Manager has her staff meetings on that day; I have also begun to schedule my meetings on that day too. Yesterday I was at the HealthPlex and was able to get a presentation completed and began a new metrics spreadsheet for my team.

I don't mind it being Monday or being in the office as long as I am getting something accomplished; yesterday much was accomplished.

Monday, July 14, 2014

They Have Gotten Stronger

I am known for having bad ankles - I have literally sprained both ankles three times each and you cannot even my ankle bones.

On Thursday as I went to get a taxi door my foot stood on some uneven road and my right ankle literally folded to the right and then the left.  I never fell but I could feel that I had put pressure on my ankle and I saw a little bit of swelling.  It felt fine enough to walk on and I was so happy that my balance classes from last year enabled me to stand straight and not fall.

On Friday my ankle was just a bit swollen, I could see a bruise on both sides of my foot and I chose to wear shoes that had a low heel.  I was most proud that I have managed to strengthen my ankles so that I did not have a bad sprain and my ankle could still support me.

Is my ankle still tender - YES - but, I am able to exercise, walk and do my everyday activities on it without it swelling or my being uncomfortable.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Not Very Often

It isn't very often that Callum is cranky - but, he sure is this morning.

Last night Gerard and Carrie took me out for a belated Mother's Day, it was pre-determined that after dinner Callum would come home with me and spend the night.  He came home and went to Best Buy with me to pick up my personal computer and then on home.  He played with his blocks, watched one of his DVDs, then asked to take a bath and go to bed.  That doesn't necessarily mean that he falls asleep right away - he didn't go to sleep until around 10:30 and was up before 6AM.

Today I cannot seem to do anything right for him - he is a bit cranky so it is challenging; still I would not give up my time with him.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Great Last Days

I don't have to state that work has been demanding lately and most times I am not sure if we are doing a good job.

But, this past Thursday and Friday - everything that we do showed us that it is all worthwhile and truly appreciated by the right people, our customers.  On Thursday we delivered a video conference from an operating room to two (2) conference rooms where over 150 high school students who are in a medical program attended.  They were able to see the surgery, listen to the Doctor explain what he was doing and ask questions through the procedure.

Yesterday we trained the staff of our latest facility on all the video conferencing equipment at the facility.  I have never seen individuals really interested and unafraid of touching the technology.  Most importantly was to hear the head of the facility state that we "overdelivered". 

It is days like this that make what I do worthwhile and rewarding.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Nature's Moisture

I don't have to tell you that the last few days have been extremely hot and humid - when that happens my potted flowers want water.

What has been wonderful is that every evening we have had a rain storm and they have become drenched - I don't need to water them when I get home from work.

Nothing is better for them than Mother Nature's water - each morning as I look out to my patio to see how they are doing I can imagine them smiling and dancing because they have received a good soaking.

One of the little things in life to ground me and to place a smile on my face.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Time

Yesterday was the first time I had ever been to the Apple store for a service.

A month ago while in Delaware and putting things in the car inadvertently I had too many things in my hand and my iPad fell onto the asphalt.  Despite being in a case the screen cracked and although it still worked I knew I would have to have it replaced.

I called the Apple store at the Westchester Mall and in Grand Central and could not get a person to speak to me.  Finally this past Monday on my way home I stopped by the store in Grand Central and made an appointment for Wednesday morning at 7:30AM.  As soon as I arrived they verified my appointment and a technician began to work with me.  We backed up all my information to the cloud and then we began the process of restoring my information on a new iPad.  It appears that when you crack the screen on your iPad Apple does not replace the screen; but, issues you a new iPad.

Just before 8AM I was all done and on my way into the office - very efficient.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Have Seen It All

I pretty much thought I had seen everything while I drive; but, I was surprised yesterday.

I am used to people speaking on their cell phones while they drive although it is against the law and fineable unless you are on 'hands free'.  I see people texting all the time, putting on makeup and eating - none of that phases me any longer.

But, yesterday there was an individual reading a book while driving.  They even pulled out their readers - I guess so they could see the letters better.  The book must have been interesting because I cannot tell you how many cars got in front of this individual since they sat in the lane and didn't move until I honked several times.

I am a proponent of reading - I always have a book that I am reading on my coffee table; but, there is a place to do it and the highway is not it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Keeping Cool

The weather folks have predicted that the majority of this week it will be hot and humid.

I am not complaining as I hated this past winter and I have been impatiently waiting for the summer to begin.  It is not nice to have to come into New York City on these days; but, I have to for work purposes - so to stay as cool as possible this is a dress week.

Isn't it great to be a woman and have that option - a dress gives you the opportunity to wear the minimal amount of clothes and not have anything bind you.  A cardigan or pashmina with a pair of heeled sandals and I am all set and look professional.

So keep the weather up and I am fine with altering my wardrobe to keep cool.

Monday, July 7, 2014

It's Been a While

It's been a while since I have had a stress-free weekend that I have enjoyed.

This past weekend I was able to have a nice weekend with no pressures from anyone or anything.  How I have missed that.  Saturday I took a great aqua aerobics class, ran some errands, came home to do some weeding and gardening.  In the evening I ironed and got my clothes ready for the work week.

Sunday morning I got gas in the car, took the Zumba class, to the cleaners, the bank, got a manicure and a 10 minute massage, went grocery shopping - then home.  I rested on my papasan chair and read my book - a weekend focused on recharging myself.

I needed this - hopefully, it will help me cope with the demands of the upcoming week.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

So Proud

I am so proud of Callum - and he is of himself too!!

It has been very difficult to get him to potty train - he has been adamant in not complying; but, for the last month he has been going at school and inconsistently going at home.  But, a couple of weeks ago when he was here he refused to use the toilet.

Not on Friday - he used it every time he had to go.  He would even go by himself and then announce afterwards that he had gone.  Of course, I found out because he came running into the kitchen totally naked as he feels that he has to undress to sit on the potty. So the next time he had to go I showed him how he only need to take the diaper off and not his shirt - he understood and didn't take it off any longer.

This has been a long process; but, he is almost there and I let him know how proud I am of him and how well he is doing.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July Barbecue

It was the 4th of July - and it would not be without a barbecue.

This year the weather was not that cooperative; but, that didn't stop me from putting together a menu that consisted of potato salad, macaroni salad, avocado, corn & tomato salad, coleslaw and baked beans.  The traditional hamburger and frankfurters; but, I added portabello mushrooms with goat cheese.  And my desserts were a homemade apple and a cherry cobbler.

There were only 4 of us but at least Gerard goes home with plenty of leftovers.

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July - as many of us either begin vacations, have a barbecue or watch the fireworks.

I am always proud to be an American - to live in a country where people can succeed and be successful no matter what their gender, race or ethnic background.  I am not saying that it is easy - it isn't; but, you are not held back by the politics of a country.

I am saddened to see how immigration is viewed by many Americans today - how can you have forgotten that unless you are a Native American we are all immigrants and came to this country in various ways and for a variety of reasons.

We should continue to be proud to be Americans, that we can welcome others into our country and ensure that they can experience a safe life, a better life and can become active, productive individuals in our society.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Is This a Result of Getting Older?

Lately I have been having issues feeling comfortable in shoes or more specifically heels.

Is this a result of getting older?  I cannot wear flats to work no matter how cute they are - I am a little too short to wear flats to the office and I happen to think that they look too casual.  I cannot tell you how many pairs of shoes I have ordered and sent back in the past couple of months.  And this does not include when Catherine and I were in Baltimore and I must have tried 5 to 6 pairs of shoes and not bought any.

I am too old to have my feet be uncomfortable for more than eight hours; but, too young to be wearing orthopedic shoes - what a dilemma.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Who Said the Summer is Slow?

I was told three years ago that the summers  are slow - they were wrong!!!

I have several projects that are due to be completed by September - per the client's request.  BUT, I have a major problem - the quotes are not approved and therefore no purchase orders have been issued.

I know that we will systematically get through this - I am hoping that we will also be able to enjoy the season and the warm weather.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Password Overload

Most of my passwords I have written down in my Task file because there are just too many, except one my iPhone password.

Yesterday I turned off my phone and then when I went to log back on I could not get my password correct - I tried a capitol, I tried a lowercase, I tried with an exclamation point, I tried without it.

I finally got to the point where my iphone was disabled for an hour.  I called our HelpDesk and was told that I would have to call Apple support.  I was on the telephone with them for an hour as we were both learning what needed to be done.

Happily after the hour my iphone was back on and all my information had been backed up to the cloud and came back seamlessly.