Sunday, January 27, 2013

Slow Morning

It isn't always easy for us to slow down and "smell the coffee" as they say.  Every morning I either get up at 4:50AM or 5:50AM depending upon whether I am going into the office or the gym.

My day begins the same with making the bed, showering and if it is to the office, then in the car with my breakfast, lunch and newspapers or if to the gym then eat my breakfast, read my emails and off I go to my class or workout.

Every now and then like yesterday I had to be in the city in the early afternoon to meet a friend for a Broadway show and dinner; rather than start my morning with running to the gym, doing errands and getting home in time to shower, dress and get to the train station I gave myself a treat.

Breakfast, the Saturday newspapers and the news on TV.  How civilized.  Do it - you might enjoy a slow morning.

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