Monday, December 8, 2014

Never Forget

Yesterday was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor - per President Franklin Roosevelt "a day that would live in infamy".

Unfortunately, there was not much coverage of the anniversary and I begin to wonder if the news media feels that there is no need to discuss or remind us of this historic day. For many of us who have studied history we know that it repeats itself - that is why it is important for us to study it and try to make sure that we learn from the past.

We cannot forget that terrible things have happened throughout the years; the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the bombing of Pearl Harbor - we tend to remember those things that occurred recently; 9/11, Rwanda; but, had we looked at the past we can see the repetition.

Let's remember and teach our history - doing so perhaps we can get it right the next time and not repeat the same mistakes.

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