Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Good Bye and Good Riddance


I have never been one to wish a day away as I feel that we should cherish every day that we have on this Earth.  

But 2014 has been an extremely difficult year in many various aspects and it cannot end soon enough.  I have never had a year that has been so challenging and which has fragmented my life as glass splintering.  I am sure at some point in time I will be able to look at this year and see that it will have made me stronger and that I would have learned something; but, for now it is still too close and I cannot do that objectively.

So for now I say - good riddance 2014 - I don't want to relive any of this year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Didn't Expect It

I went into the city yesterday to meet a friend and could not believe how busy Grand Central was.

In the morning there were more people around than should be at 11:30 and I was so glad that I had a MetroCard to get on to the subway because the lines were extremely long for people purchasing one.

Then in the evening Grand Central was again extremely busy with tons of people walking, meeting folks and with luggage.  I needed to dodge folks, walk around rolling carts and people who just stand and stare.  What really surprised me was that the train was not full - there were empty seats in all of the train cars.

So who were those people in Grand Central - what were they doing there?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Pass On

In the last couple of weeks I have finished four books and I began my fifth last night.

I have passed on these books to a friend of mine - so when I see her on Tuesday at they gym I will give her the book I finished last night.  I am a great believer in "passing it on" - there are few books that I want to keep in my library as it is rare that I will re-read a book.

I feel that it is respectful of the book and author to pass it on to an individual or to donate it - let someone else have the pleasure.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

It Is Sad

It is a tragedy that last week two of New York's finest were assassinated, finally we New Yorkers are noticing.

I was brought up to respect policemen - they were there to protect us.  More than once I have walked up to a policeman to ask for directions and felt safe to do so.  I am in awe of any individual who decides to go into this profession - to know that they put their lives on the line on a daily basis for us.  I am not sure that most of us would or could do that.

Stop and think of these individuals - thank them for their service and give them the respect they deserve.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

It Has Begun

I have begun the cleaning and organizing for the New Year.

It is a tradition that my Mother instilled in me, her exact words were, "Never let the New Year catch you dirty".  So to that end I clean my house, I organize things and I cull my home of items I no longer need, want or use and donate them.

There is a sense of peace that comes from this process, the order that gets done; it is what I am about: organization, details and cleanliness.

Some may view this as a burden - I view it as a salvation.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Day After

It is December 26th - the day after Christmas and many people are at the stores for the after Christmas sales.

Not me - I am home relaxing after two days of cooking and getting ready for Christmas dinner I was not looking to jump out of bed and do much.  I didn't even set the alarm - when I wake up, then I will get up - I don't do that very often.

I will put away the dishes and utensils used for Christmas dinner, I will have a relaxing breakfast while I read the newspapers and watch the news.  I will then bake some more pumpkin bread, another bread pudding and a couple of more bottles of coquito and call it a day.

This is one day that it is okay to be somewhat lazy.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Reason

Let us not forget the reason why we celebrate today.

Merry Christmas to all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Today I will make the desserts for our Christmas dinner - they will be traditional, rice pudding and bread pudding.

Each takes some time to make - the rice pudding is a 4 hour process while the bread pudding will take me about 2 hours.  The nice thing is that after all that time something delicious is made and will be enjoyed by my family.

What I appreciate is that cooking helps me de-stress and since it is precise I focus on what I am doing and not necessarily on what is happening in my life.

Hope that each of you has something that helps you to cope when things aren't all that great.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Neighborly Act

I don't know which of my neighbors did this - but, thank you.

I walked out yesterday morning to find my windshield wipers lifted up - this is something we all do when we expect that it is going to snow.  I didn't think that it was going to snow on Sunday night; but, I guess I didn't hear the weather report.  Sure enough we had snow - not a lot enough to cover the ground and the car.

Now it is my turn to be neighborly - two of my neighbors will be away for the holidays and I will watch their homes and make sure all is fine.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Almost Done

Most of us are down to our final Christmas preparations - at least I am.

Last night I made 3 bottles of coquito - 2 which will be given as gifts.  After my Gentle Yoga class today I will bake 3 loaves of pumpkin bread - 2 which will join the coquito as gifts.

On Saturday I gave the butcher my Christmas meat order and I will pick it up on Tuesday after my appointment with the other items I need for Christmas dinner.  Last night I also ironed the napkins and today I will set the table - all as one less thing to worry about on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

All of this will keep me sane as I will have Callum on Tuesday and Wednesday - and I will get everything done on time.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Should Have Stayed Home

Yesterday was known as Super Saturday because it is the last Saturday to shop before Christmas.

If I had not had Callum Friday night I would not have been at the stores on Saturday; but, we had to follow his routine and go out to the stores.  What I was pleased to notice is that at the Barnes & Noble there were a ton of people shopping.  I am so pleased to see that hard cover books are so popular this year.  Every time I have been to the bookstore in the last few weeks it has been crowded.  My girlfriend was there on Thursday and mentioned that it was the only store that she was in that was so crowded and had a long line.

This has renewed my faith in people - the fact that once more books are being revered, the hard cover kind - not the e-kind.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tried Something New

This year we thought we would try something new and have it be local.

We decided to go to the Westchester Winter Wonderland at Kensico Dam in Valhalla; but, we were thoroughly disappointed.  It is billed as watching 2.5 million lights go off to music and it did not feel that way at all.  To ice skate it was $14 whether you had bought your skates with you or needed to rent some.

Then the food was from food trucks - I don't have an issue with that; but, the event started at 4PM and the majority of them were not open or serving food; in fact, all the trucks weren't even there.  The pizza food truck only sold 12 inch pizzas instead of individual slices - this meant that everyone would have to eat pizza which we didn't want to do.

It was nice to get together and I am glad that it was only $10 a ticket; but, we will not do this next year.

Friday, December 19, 2014

It's A Wrap

It was time to go through the gift box, organize everything and wrap it up.

I have begun to use many more gift bags then wrapping paper with my family; partly because it doesn't cause such a mess and the other reason is that it msakes it easy for my family to take their presents home.

My office is full of all the gift bags ready to be brought down and placed under the tree on Christmas lined Eve and everyone's stocking stuffers are lined up on my desk to place in the stockings.

This will let me focus on cooking starting on Sunday - one less thing to worry about.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

'Tis the Season

It is the holiday season and it is time to remember and financially acknowledge those individuals who help us out throughout the year.

I know that many people think that tipping is an option during the holidays - it really isn't. It is time to acknowledge people who do various services for you throughout the year; the paper person who delivers your newspaper to your front door every day whether it is raining, snowing or the sun is shining; your cleaning person who is there each time to clean up your messes; your UPS delivery person or mailman who also through rain, snow, sleet nor dark of night, your hairdresser and if you belong to a gym - how about those individuals who clean up after you and provide fresh clean towels.

Remember they do not make much; but, are always there for you making your life just a bit easier.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It Is Confusing

The news around the world for the last few days has been atrocious, unreal and truly depressing.

What is going on in our world?  Why do we have these individuals who have no regard for life whether it is a man's, woman's, child's or their own life.  How can that be?  Were you not raised with a reverence for life - for being on this Earth and what you are supposed to contribute?  

Realize, I said "contribute" and removing lives is not a contribution.  If you hate then just endanger yourself - you do not have the right to take the lives of others, especially children.  They are our future, they are the innocent, they represent what is good with this world.

Think for yourself, harm no one else - revere your life and think of how you can be of value to this world.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It Is Creeping Up

It has dawned on me that there are only 9 days left before Christmas.

I am not sure where December has gone and I cannot state that it has been full of parties or anything very interesting or joyful - just that all of a sudden half the month is over.  I am thankful that all my shopping is done and I have intentions of beginning to wrap presents this Wednesday.

I have already taken care of the individuals that I give a holiday tip to - so it is just wrapping the gifts for my family and waiting until Christmas Eve once Callum is asleep to put them under the tree.

I guess since I am no longer a child - the day doesn't have as much joy in it as it does for the boys, especially Ryan who is begging me to tell him what I have bought him.

I am staying strong and not telling him - he has to wait until Christmas morning.

Monday, December 15, 2014

You Like It, You Really Liked It

Yesterday afternoon I attended a holiday party hosted by a friend of mine.

I had promised to make 2 bottles of coquito to take - one for her to keep and one for her to serve all of her guests.  I also knew she was going to serve the pumpkin bread that I had made her for her birthday.

I am always concerned about my cooking and people's responses to it.  I was very happy to see that everyone enjoyed the coquito and that they were picking away at the pumpkin bread while we had dessert.  My pumpkin bread is made with a crumb topping which everyone was commenting on how good it was.

Well my takeaway is that next year every one of the guests would like their own bottle of coquito - I guess a testament to its goodness.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thank Goodness

Given the things that have happened this past year we are an extremely small family and I was only glad that I could help yesterday.

Callum had an unexpected "sleepy over" last night - he was happy to be over; but, the circumstances for it were not what we wanted.  Unfortunately his father, Gerard, my nephew who has suffered from a hernia for many years and had his third operation last Thanksgiving.  Yesterday he had major drainage from a hole near his abdomen and had to be hospitalized to deal with an abdominal abscess. 

We are still unsure what they will do; but, at least I was able to be there for him and his wife and watch Callum so that they could get him all settled.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

It Starts

Today I begin making bottles of coquito (Puerto Rican egg nog) for various people.

My first gifting will be to my friend, Linda as I will take two bottles to her home on Sunday for her holiday party.  Last year I began making this and giving away not realizing what a "hit" it would be with most folks.  As I only gave Linda a small mason jar of this she did not open it at her party - so this year I promised her two liquor bottle full so that she could open one at the party and have another one for herself and her husband.

I will need to make a couple of bottles for the person I date and another bottle for a friend who will be bringing me our Christmas pasteles.  

And then of course a bottle for the house so that it can be had on Christmas and New Years.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Going Down

I know that each of you buy gas - have you noticed the prices!?!!

For the first time in over 10 years the price of gas in New York is less than $3.00 a gallon; my local gas station is selling as at $2.99 a gallon.  I do not remember the last time I paid that price.  It is a welcome relief that it no longer takes almost $50 to fill up the tank of my Honda CRV; that it is now closer to $35.

It would also be beneficial if I could see this result in my Con Ed bill for the natural gas that heats my home.  I am sure I will - it just hasn't happened yet.

I guess the only question left is - how low can it go?

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Yesterday I had an appointment with a doctor - I had never been to this facility before and I was told to give myself a little extra time to get there.

I gave myself an hour for a 40 minute drive - and I was still late.  Late because I was told it was in Yonkers on Market Street; except that placed me in south downtown Yonkers - not where the offices where which was by the new Ridge Hill mall.  

I had to call the facility to let them know I was running late only to keep getting voicemail; I was able to program the new directions into my GPS and once I got to Ridge Hill I could not find the facility.  I finally called the office again and had to have someone on the line with me while I parked my car and stood outside looking for the offices.

Needless to say I was late by 30 minutes; the doctor had an appointment open at 3PM and I stated I would stay rather than driving home and back or re-scheduling.  She was nice enough to see me during her lunch hour so that I wouldn't have to hang around for over 3 hours.

The address that they should have given me was very different than what is written; this should be noted so that people don't go through the same issues that I did.  I can only imagine how many other people have done the same thing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Look All Around

December is not a month that I enjoy driving.  Having said that I need to drive 40 minutes for an appointment today.

I find that even small chores this month just a few miles from home are challenging as drivers do not look as they are backing out of spaces, or people are walking and not looking at the cars.

During this time I wish I had more eyes and cannot tell you how many times I am looking to each side and through my back window to make sure that the coast is clear.  It becomes worse when you are at a 3 way Stop sign - everyone seems to be in a hurry so I just signal to the other drivers to go ahead.

All I can say is be diligent, go slowly and nothing is worth getting into an accident.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What a Compliment

On Saturday we held our Aqua Zumba holiday party at the gym's cafe.   As I do every year I made my cheese danish.

I woke up at 5AM to take the cream cheese and butter out of the refrigerator to begin to soften and then at 6AM I went ahead and made the danish (it is the one on the left) - this is a fail proof recipe and only takes 30 minutes in the oven.

I was pleased to see that at our party it was all eaten up and several of the women asked me for the recipe.  I love to cook; but, am always leery as to whether it tastes good or not.  I have yet to have someone tell me they didn't like my cooking - but it is just one of my insecurities.

The best compliment you can give a cook is to eat it all up and to ask for the recipe; on Saturday both were done.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Never Forget

Yesterday was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor - per President Franklin Roosevelt "a day that would live in infamy".

Unfortunately, there was not much coverage of the anniversary and I begin to wonder if the news media feels that there is no need to discuss or remind us of this historic day. For many of us who have studied history we know that it repeats itself - that is why it is important for us to study it and try to make sure that we learn from the past.

We cannot forget that terrible things have happened throughout the years; the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the bombing of Pearl Harbor - we tend to remember those things that occurred recently; 9/11, Rwanda; but, had we looked at the past we can see the repetition.

Let's remember and teach our history - doing so perhaps we can get it right the next time and not repeat the same mistakes.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Don't Forget the Less Fortunate

This is the time that we are busy buying gifts for all of our family members and friends; but, don't forget the less fortunate.

We tend to forget that we have much in our lives and so do our children - don't forget those who have far less than you.  My gym, Club Fit at Jefferson Valley is collecting hats, scarves and gloves for children and yesterday I stopped and bought six hats and glove sets to donate to them.  It will make me happy that a child will be able to keep his or her hands, head and neck warm this winter.

Also while at the bookstore I bought books for the hospital which will be given to children - I so believe in reading and always encourage children to read.  And, lastly at every store that had the "Thanks & Giving" logo for St. Jude's I went ahead and donated $5.00 as I know how cancer can be so debilitating for an adult that I cannot imagine what a child goes through and would love to see this disease eradicated.

So as you go about buying for your family; don't forget those less fortunate who would love to have a gift from Santa Claus this year.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Just a Few More Days

If you haven't noticed the sun is setting a couple of minutes earlier every day.

We only have a few more weeks until the winter equinox - the shortest day of the year and then we will start once more having the sun out a little longer every day.  It is so dis-conceiving to have the sun set so early every night.  It gives a message that the day is done and yet we know that is not true.

There is a tendency to hibernate more during this time of year - to cocoon oneself instead of venturing out.  Days like yesterday when it was overcast make it worse, then on days when the sun is out nice and strong.

Like I said a few more weeks of this before our days begin to get longer again, something I will look forward to.

Friday, December 5, 2014

I Am Blessed

I am sure that you have heard the term, 'you can't pick your family; but, you can pick your friends'.

I have great friends - many which I have been friends with for over 15 years and although I can go months and sometimes years without seeing them; when we do get together it is as if we had just seen each other yesterday.

I had a wonderful opportunity to catch up with one such friends yesterday and we were able to catch up on each other's lives; but, more importantly she was someone I could speak to and just state everything that has been going on.  She didn't judge; but, was a wonderful listener.  

I am blessed to have great friends and I hope I am as good a friend to them.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I'm A Dinosaur

I know that in this age of high technology and speed - I am a dinosaur.

I still believe in addressing and sending out paper Christmas cards that require a stamp and a trip to the post office.  In some ways I am single-handedly trying to keep the US Postal System alive.  As I also send out Thanksgiving, Easter and birthday cards to my friends and family.

This week I will sit and address my Christmas cards and get them in the mail over the weekend.  I will look forward to receiving cards from my friends and seeing their children's growth this past year.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How Irritating

Last week I was given a few names to call to make an appointment to speak with someone.

I had selected one organization in particular that I wanted to work with and last Wednesday I left a message for them to call me to make an appointment.  I did not hear back from them and Monday left two more messages - yesterday I still had not heard from them so I left two more messages to set up an appointment.  By 4:30 I just called the emergency number and when I heard voicemail - I just hung up.

Well, that individual saw that I did not leave a message and called me back.  Apologized and will be bringing this to the Director's attention; as well as, getting an appointment set up for me.

I don't understand why people cannot call back especially when it is a professional office providing folks with a service.  This is just Customer Service 101.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Every year at this time I look forward to listening to Christmas songs starting the day after Christmas and through New Years.

With Sirius XM in my car I am able to listen to the Holly channel and hear all the classic songs as well as some new ones.  What I tend to forget very often is that most Christmas songs are very sad and bring to mind memories that make me melancholy and sad.  I have downright cried in my car listening to some of the songs because of people who I miss who are no longer around or part of my life.

I know that this is supposed to be a time of joy; but, I can also understand why so many people are sad, depressed and cannot wait for the holidays to be over.

Monday, December 1, 2014

This Year

As we get older the wonder of Christmas loses its luster unless there are children in your life.

This year Callum has really begun to understand each of the holidays - at Halloween he wanted to give out the candy to the trick or treaters, last night he asked me if we could have Thanksgiving again.  And now we are preparing for Christmas.

I want to make this special for him and for him to enjoy it and to formulate his own memories of the holidays.  I have a creche and will be using the Peanuts characters for the nativity scene - similar to the "Charlie Brown" Christmas pageant.  The 3 foot tree will be decorated by Callum and myself the weekend before Christmas and I have ordered all Peanuts ornaments for us to use.

The Charlie Brown DVDs for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas have really helped him understand each of these holidays.  Hopefully new traditions that we begin together will also be good for him.