Sunday, November 23, 2014

For Me

The last couple of months have been difficult and the last few weeks have been horrible.

I am now focusing on myself and how I can get better.  The time for me to decompress, to de-stress, get my blood pressure back to normal and to try and get some rest and sleep.  I need to get rid of the large bags under my eyes and to feel happy and worthy again.

My first step is to workout and get some anger, aggressiveness out through various workouts.  It began on Thursday with kickboxing and imagining who I would hit or kick in my own defense.  I then took a Zumba class on Friday - this is an aggressive class and I was so happy that I made it through the hour.  Yesterday I did aqua aerobics and today I will do another Zumba class.

To try to ground myself and to reduce the stress on Monday I will take the gentle Yoga class - I am hoping that the focus on me will get me back to my state of normalcy.

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