Saturday, November 15, 2014


My nephew Gerard turns 39 on Monday; but, due to his job schedule we celebrated it last night.

He had a choice of going out to dinner or my cooking him whatever he wanted, he chose for me to cook for him pastelon.  Pastelon is a Puerto Rican dish that is made with ripe plantain bananas and ground meat and layered like a lasagna.  I made salad to the meal and birthday cake was a carrot cake from my bakery, Homestyle Desserts - which in my opinion makes the best carrot cake.

The focus of making his birthday dinner and knowing that Callum would be spending the night was a remedy I wanted to calm me and ground me - though it helped a little - it didn't totally do the trick.

I need to get my emotions back under control and I am hoping that cooking, focusing on my small family and working out will have that effect.

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