Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Snow

For those of us who live in the Midwest and Northeast winter has finally let itself into our lives. We have had two snowfalls and are expecting our third this coming week. Neither of them have been just a dusting or a nuisance – the first one was over 2 feet and this past Friday I had over 7 inches. They are now predicting that this next one will be another 6 inches or more.

I am not a lover of winter – I lived in Puerto Rico for 6 years and came to enjoy the warmth of the sun and a golden color to my skin. With winter I am wearing layers and am constantly scratching my skin because it dries out with the cold.

But, every now and then we need to step back, take a breath and see the beauty in what Mother Nature is gifting us. Snow when it first falls is beautiful – a slight hush falls over the landscape as the flakes either drift or gust down. It is pristine when it lies on the ground or has built drifts. And it sparkles!!! Last night as I drove home from watching my great-nephew my headlights bounced off a mound of snow in my complex and it sparkled just like the sparkles on the Christmas cards I send out. What a beautiful sight.

This is our chance to hibernate, to wear our comfortable sweat clothes and to drink that cup of hot cocoa. It is also an opportunity to be more neighborly as together we all step outside to dig out our cars and a path to our doors. It felt good to speak to my neighbors and exchange pleasantries as we helped each other and made it safe to walk and drive in our neighborhood.

Since we have 10 more weeks of winter and you will be spending much of the time indoors make your home a comfortable place. Have great colors that pull you in, plenty of pillows and throws that allow you to wrap yourself in them to stay warm and to just hunker down with a good book, movie or for a nap.

Each season is a wonder and provides us and nature with the nutrients and rejuvenation that one needs to grow, strengthen and continue to tackle our responsibilities.

Enjoy this time – although by February I and you will be wishing we were on an island in the Caribbean.

Remember: Enjoy the Moment!!

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