Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day

New Year’s Day 2011
Happy New Year
Today is the start of a new year – a new decade in this millennium.  Can you believe that 10 years have gone by?
How are you feeling this morning?  Did you go to a party or like me spend a nice quiet, relaxing evening at home?
Did you make a resolution last night?  Someone eons ago decided that the New Year is the time for resolutions  – for looking forward and deciding what we want to change about ourselves immediately at the beginning of the year.
BUT, for me this day started like most of my days, getting up, making the bed, checking my blackberry for messages, then brushing my teeth and taking a shower.  Today is Saturday so I would normally have an 8:30 aqua aerobics class at the gym; but, there is a revised schedule for today so instead I will take Zumba at 10AM.  Before leaving for the gym I will have breakfast, wash the dishes, read the newspaper and I even began de-Christmasizing the house and just have it set up for winter – I know I am a little neurotic.  
Just because I am a creature of routines, doesn’t mean that there aren’t things I wouldn’t like to change or improve upon.  But, I am NOT going to make it a resolution that places too much pressure or stress; and, more importantly a sense of disappointment and failure when I stop.
Instead this year I will look to continue to improve on those things that are important:
1.    Going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week – look at new classes to take
2.    Watch what I eat and my portion sizes
3.    Be there for my family
4.    Be a good friend and employee
5.    Have fun, give myself permission whether it is to take a nap, read a book all day or buy that 203rd pair of shoes
All I ever ask of each New Year is to become more aware.  Aware of who I am.  What I have and how I can be more useful either for my family, my friends or at my job.  Many feel that New Year’s is a time to make life altering changes; but, what if it is a time to reflect on those things we love, like about ourselves; and, those things that need to be “tweaked” a little.
Here’s to “tweaking”.  Embrace the woman you are and smile as you work on those things that need a “tweak”.

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