Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cabin Fever

How many of you are suffering from cabin fever? Even the weathermen have used that term several times this past week. Between the 5 snowstorms, the ice the other day; and, now the lowest temperatures we have had so far this winter I am sure many of us are acting like bears and hibernating.

I don’t know about you; but, I need the sunshine and although it has been cold and snowy I have been able to go outside every day if it was only to remove the snow from my car, get the mail, throw out the garbage or crack the 2 inches of ice on my steps. The enjoyment of that bit of sun; and, that I noticed today that it was around 5:20 when the sunset – I know that spring is only a couple of months away.

So how to cope with the cold, the snow and the ice? As a New Yorker it is tres chic to wear black; but, with these temperatures and weather I tend to wear a top in a bright color – pink, baby blue and I let my pants be the dark colors. I even bought a new puffer coat in purple and a bright fuchsia, purple and cream scarf to go with it.

Work out – yes, I hear you all groaning right now. But do something other than shovel the snow – you would be surprised that after an amazing workout you will be smiling and able to cope with the weather and the bleakness of the season. Here is where I really wear a top with a lot of color: turquoise, orange or lime green with matching socks – with those colors on how can you let the elliptical get the best of you?

Take a class that requires going into the pool. Saturday mornings sees me in an aqua aerobics class for an hour – many a Saturday I am perplexed that I am actually sweating as I workout in the pool. Don’t kid yourself – you are actually working out harder than if you were on the gym floor because all of your actions are against the current of the water. The best part of it is that you are protecting your joints due to the buoyancy of the water. Per the saying, “try it, you might like it”.

What conjures memories of the beach or a rain forest if not scent? Go ahead and buy that scent of coconut – every time I get a whiff of someone wearing coconut I immediately think of the sand, the ocean, being nicely tanned and enjoying island life. Or go ahead and get something like a clean linen scent which will remind you of your childhood and laundry being taking down from the outside line.

And lastly, instead of eating a stew or casserole have a nice summer meal. Make that hamburger with cole slaw and potato salad or one of my favorites a lobster roll with chips and a nice frozen margarita. All of that will have you anticipating the spring and summer; but, will also put that smile on your face and let you stare down Old Man Winter and what he is offering for the remainder of the season.

If you have to be a bear and hibernate, let it be on YOUR terms.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome ways to beat those winter blues ;) Especially the frozen margarita part! Hubby has been making me tequila sunrises lately and it always reminds me a nice tropical sunrise! bright colors always help. I love a good run out in the snow with my bright blue or purple gear!!
