Sunday, January 2, 2011


2 Jan 2011
I thought it was important to let each of you know why I started this blog/website.  As I mentioned before I am 55, single, no children and a heterosexual.  Most of the blogs or web sites for women of our age are focusing on dating and meeting men – I felt that we can define ourselves as single, intelligent women with many interests and accomplishments. 
We, in our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s have different interests than women in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.  I don’t know about you; but, when I go to the gym my hair is only blow dried, not styled, I have no makeup on and my exercise clothing are functional not revealing.  I was working out next to a 20 something year old the other day that had on very tight workout clothes, makeup and was showing cleavage.   I am at the gym to sweat and get a good workout, not to be checked out by or to pick up men. 
Most of my friends would be surprised to meet this new Toni.  I lived in New York City for 16 years and a friend of mine always stated that I had the “Sex in the City” life.  I didn’t - it was just that I lived in the heart of the city, went to nice restaurants and shows. 
Today I live in the suburbs, have a job which enables me to work from home so most days you will find me in my workout clothes with no makeup and un-styled hair.  Life has changed, priorities have changed.
Now that I am in my mid-50’s I have come to realize that:
1.    I have habits that won’t change (the way I fold my towels)
2.    My body can be toned; but, I will always have an hourglass figure (short of cutting off my thighs)
3.    I will always just be under 5 feet tall (unless the Inquisition makes a comeback)
4.    I look at every day as a gift; as if I am living on borrowed time
5.    The glass is half full – whether the experience or the individual was good or bad I have learned from it
Your 50’s provide you with the confidence to like yourself, love yourself and forgive the imperfections that cannot and will not be changed.
Here’s to acceptance.

1 comment:

  1. Imperfections to some are perfections to others. True friendships, including intimate friendships, if successful celebrate the entire person, not just the makeup (ugh); cleavage (oh well); fancy do's and outfits.
