Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Darn Genes

4 Jan 2011

Those darn genes – they have finally caught up with me. I am really good about preventative health care. Twice a year I go to the dentist and my ob-gyn; and, then yearly I get my eyes checked and have my mammogram. I have also told you that I work out between 5 to 6 days a week for at least an hour each time and in the last two years I lost 30 pounds.

Imagine my dismay when I saw my ob-gyn in October and she advised me that my blood pressure was high and my heart was beating over 110 beats/minute. She made it very clear that I needed to go see a cardiologist and that I might have to go on high blood pressure medication. She was good about telling me that I shouldn’t get upset that it was my family genes catching up with me in my middle age. UGH!!! There are some things that are NOT good about getting older.

I have always been proud of the fact that I was not on medication – most of my family is; and, we have those awful genes: diabetes, hypertension, thryroidism and cancer; but, somehow they had all bypassed me. Wasn’t I in for a rude awakening when I saw the cardiologist and was told that yes my blood pressure was high, and I might need to take medication. She gave me one month to try to lower it naturally through diet and exercise.

Yesterday, I went for my follow up and was dismayed to find out that my pressure was higher than in November – I kind of knew something was wrong as I have been waking up with headaches and they are not migraines. The doctor and I spoke and I am now on a small dosage of high blood pressure medication which is also a diuretic; the upside to that is that I might drop a few pounds. YEAH!!! Am I upset to be on medication – YES; but, what is the alternative: a stroke, heart attack or an aneurysm?

This is not meant to be a “downer”; but, a call to each of you to ensure that you are taking care of yourself. Go to the doctor, get your checkups, take the medication – it is our lives and they are precious; if only to ourselves.

Don’t berate yourself – remember we are a product of our DNA and there is only so much that we can do to keep that DNA in check.

Remember: You Matter!

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