Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keeping Safe

Mother Nature must be angry as she is really packing a punch this winter. We are only one third through winter and whether you reside in the Northeast, the South or the Midwest we have had a snow or ice storm every week.

Last weekend it was very disturbing to hear in the local news that a woman had frozen to death in her driveway. It appears that she stepped outside to do something – slipped – hit her head and was not found for a couple of days. With the cold, snow and ice she literally “froze to death”. This particularly hits home as a couple of years ago I was leaving for a business trip; and' as I was walking to the car service I slipped on black ice and hit my head on the asphalt. I was lucky that the car driver was there and helped me up; but, it is something I worry about as my steps are icy every single morning.

This is the time of year when we can have many injuries; from back pain due to shoveling snow or a broken ankle, wrist or hip from falling on black ice. As we get older we are not be as agile or properly reactive when we anticipate a fall; in fact, we stiffen up and that is how we either get injured or break something.

There is something called “reactive training”. What is it? Reactive training is defined as quick, powerful movements involving an eccentric contraction (force reduction) followed immediately by an explosive concentric contraction (force production), An example would be jumping up on a step box or jumping down from a step box with stabilization. What is stabilization? It requires you to hold your body and decelerate quickly from the momentum and keeping postural alignment being able to land properly in a controlled manner. Landing properly is knees bent, feet flat, etc. As we continue to deal with the cold, snow and ice, remember:

1. Bend your knees when shoveling snow; don’t pick up anything too heavy – pick up manageable amounts of snow and shovel in a rhythm not in jerky
2. Always wear gloves, a hat, scarf and boots – keep your extremities warm as that is where heat escapes
3. When you come in, drink water – rehydrate as you perspired while working outside
4. Moisturize your face, lips and hands they have been exposed to the sun, cold and wind.

Not only do you need to focus on your reactive training; but, more importantly if you live alone have you set up a communication mechanism so that people know that you are okay or that you might be in trouble? Do you follow a routine? Email or call someone daily? Do they know if you are going to be home or away? Do you walk outside and have your house keys or cell phone?

Think of the woman who “froze to death” if she had her cell phone she could have dialed 911, a family member or friend or if she had her keys with her she could have pressed the panic button on her car keys which might have bought her neighbors to her rescue. Put into place some routines which will keep you safe for the next couple of months:

1. When you step outside whether to get your mail or throw out the garbage, take your keys and cell phone
2. Have a routine where you either call or email a friend or family member daily – when they don’t receive that call or email it can alert them that something is wrong
3. If you are driving have water, a blanket and your cell phone charger in your car
4. If you are stuck in snow make sure you clear your exhaust pipe before continuing to run the car – you don’t want carbon monoxide killing you.

This was not an “upbeat” blog; but, it was written to ensure that each of you remains safe as we continue to deal with a very cold and brutal winter.

Only 8 more weeks until Spring!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cabin Fever

How many of you are suffering from cabin fever? Even the weathermen have used that term several times this past week. Between the 5 snowstorms, the ice the other day; and, now the lowest temperatures we have had so far this winter I am sure many of us are acting like bears and hibernating.

I don’t know about you; but, I need the sunshine and although it has been cold and snowy I have been able to go outside every day if it was only to remove the snow from my car, get the mail, throw out the garbage or crack the 2 inches of ice on my steps. The enjoyment of that bit of sun; and, that I noticed today that it was around 5:20 when the sunset – I know that spring is only a couple of months away.

So how to cope with the cold, the snow and the ice? As a New Yorker it is tres chic to wear black; but, with these temperatures and weather I tend to wear a top in a bright color – pink, baby blue and I let my pants be the dark colors. I even bought a new puffer coat in purple and a bright fuchsia, purple and cream scarf to go with it.

Work out – yes, I hear you all groaning right now. But do something other than shovel the snow – you would be surprised that after an amazing workout you will be smiling and able to cope with the weather and the bleakness of the season. Here is where I really wear a top with a lot of color: turquoise, orange or lime green with matching socks – with those colors on how can you let the elliptical get the best of you?

Take a class that requires going into the pool. Saturday mornings sees me in an aqua aerobics class for an hour – many a Saturday I am perplexed that I am actually sweating as I workout in the pool. Don’t kid yourself – you are actually working out harder than if you were on the gym floor because all of your actions are against the current of the water. The best part of it is that you are protecting your joints due to the buoyancy of the water. Per the saying, “try it, you might like it”.

What conjures memories of the beach or a rain forest if not scent? Go ahead and buy that scent of coconut – every time I get a whiff of someone wearing coconut I immediately think of the sand, the ocean, being nicely tanned and enjoying island life. Or go ahead and get something like a clean linen scent which will remind you of your childhood and laundry being taking down from the outside line.

And lastly, instead of eating a stew or casserole have a nice summer meal. Make that hamburger with cole slaw and potato salad or one of my favorites a lobster roll with chips and a nice frozen margarita. All of that will have you anticipating the spring and summer; but, will also put that smile on your face and let you stare down Old Man Winter and what he is offering for the remainder of the season.

If you have to be a bear and hibernate, let it be on YOUR terms.

Monday, January 17, 2011

In Honor

First let me preface this with have a tissue box near you – okay, now you can begin reading.

Today is a day that I become somewhat melancholy – 39 years ago my Mother died having lost her battle with lymphoma and leukemia. From that you can gather she was young – just 36 years old and the mother of three children, the youngest my brother who was 7 years old.

But, I don’t want to dwell on the fact that she was taken too young; but, instead to honor her and thank her because I am who I am due to her. My mother was a housewife, a mother and she worked outside of the home until we moved to Puerto Rico in 1968. She was the 5th daughter in a Puerto Rican family and looked and was very different than her other sisters, in fact, growing up she was told that she was retrieved from a garbage can. Every now and then I wonder if that story is true because her approach to life was very different than my aunts.

Mom was the ultimate optimist – the glass was forever half full and she truly made lemonade from lemons. One of my favorite dinners was oatmeal or elbow macaroni with ground meat; I never knew it was because we couldn’t afford anything else – Mom just made it an adventure. That is not to say my mother was not strict and expected the most from us. Since she worked she expected both my sister and I to help out with the household chores – at the age of 5 she put me on an orange crate and taught me to wash the dishes, shortly after I was also responsible for ironing things like my father’s handkerchiefs, undershirts, underwear and our own lingerie (remember the era).

There were rules like we could not leave for school until our beds were made; and, believe me it was rare that we missed school. My mother who was an actuary placed upon us the importance of education and doing well in school. She attended all parent/teacher meetings; and, if she found out that you were not doing well in something she found a way to fix it. In the second grade I was not doing well in reading – I could not remember what I read or what it meant – once my mother found out she had me read a book each evening and then tell her about it, who were the characters, what were they doing, was there a meaning to the book. To this day I love books and reading. And then in the 6th grade I was getting straight A’s except in one class – Science. Science scared me and upon hearing we would have a test I would instantly need to go to the restroom, but, would never ask my teacher. Therefore, as I took the test I would be distracted by having to go; and, not focusing on the test. Another one of those parent/teacher conferences and my mother reveals to my teacher my dilemma – from that time on my teacher would have me go to the restroom before every science test. Leave it to Mom to reveal my problem and fix it.

What else have I learned from her – I am sure some of the same things that each of you learned from your Mothers:

1. Always have on good underwear as you never know when you will be in an accident (I think we can all relate to that)

2. Celebrate the seasons – she decorated for each; to this day the décor in my house changes according to the month and what we are celebrating – next month there will be hearts around the house and in March you will find Leprechauns and shamrocks – I think you get the idea

3. Most importantly she always told me to earn my own money. She thought that there was nothing more embarrassing for a wife then to ask her husband for money to buy underwear. From that I have learned to manage my money, have good credit and to depend upon myself for creature comforts. In my next career or life I would like to support a program where I could teach high school girls that concept. Manage your money, understand it and don’t become a slave to credit

4. Lastly, keep a clean house – never go to bed with dirty dishes, do laundry once a week, be able to eat out of your tub (okay I agree this is strange). I sometimes wonder if she believed in Calvinism, “cleanliness is next to Godliness”. I love my home and that it is clean and you can always find what you need since it is in its place.

We are Catholics and my Mother believed that each of us has a purpose – on the day we were born, God decided the day we would die – He sent us here to do a job and when it was completed He would take us back. That thought always keeps me going.

How many of you saw the movie “The Sixth Sense” with Haley Joel Osment? Do you remember the final scene with his mother? If not, here are the words to that scene – something I relate to:

She said, you came to her where
they buried her. Asked her a
question... She said the answer is

Lynn covers her face with her hands. The tears roll out through
her fingers.

What did you ask?

Beat. Lynn looks at her son. She barely gets the words out.

Do I make her proud?

I am my Mother’s daughter.

Hopefully you have enjoyed learning a little about my Mother. She was a bit of a character and in future blogs I will share her love of game shows, tradition and superstitions. Also, her lack of cooking expertise and how she made our lives an adventure.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Snow

For those of us who live in the Midwest and Northeast winter has finally let itself into our lives. We have had two snowfalls and are expecting our third this coming week. Neither of them have been just a dusting or a nuisance – the first one was over 2 feet and this past Friday I had over 7 inches. They are now predicting that this next one will be another 6 inches or more.

I am not a lover of winter – I lived in Puerto Rico for 6 years and came to enjoy the warmth of the sun and a golden color to my skin. With winter I am wearing layers and am constantly scratching my skin because it dries out with the cold.

But, every now and then we need to step back, take a breath and see the beauty in what Mother Nature is gifting us. Snow when it first falls is beautiful – a slight hush falls over the landscape as the flakes either drift or gust down. It is pristine when it lies on the ground or has built drifts. And it sparkles!!! Last night as I drove home from watching my great-nephew my headlights bounced off a mound of snow in my complex and it sparkled just like the sparkles on the Christmas cards I send out. What a beautiful sight.

This is our chance to hibernate, to wear our comfortable sweat clothes and to drink that cup of hot cocoa. It is also an opportunity to be more neighborly as together we all step outside to dig out our cars and a path to our doors. It felt good to speak to my neighbors and exchange pleasantries as we helped each other and made it safe to walk and drive in our neighborhood.

Since we have 10 more weeks of winter and you will be spending much of the time indoors make your home a comfortable place. Have great colors that pull you in, plenty of pillows and throws that allow you to wrap yourself in them to stay warm and to just hunker down with a good book, movie or for a nap.

Each season is a wonder and provides us and nature with the nutrients and rejuvenation that one needs to grow, strengthen and continue to tackle our responsibilities.

Enjoy this time – although by February I and you will be wishing we were on an island in the Caribbean.

Remember: Enjoy the Moment!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Darn Genes

4 Jan 2011

Those darn genes – they have finally caught up with me. I am really good about preventative health care. Twice a year I go to the dentist and my ob-gyn; and, then yearly I get my eyes checked and have my mammogram. I have also told you that I work out between 5 to 6 days a week for at least an hour each time and in the last two years I lost 30 pounds.

Imagine my dismay when I saw my ob-gyn in October and she advised me that my blood pressure was high and my heart was beating over 110 beats/minute. She made it very clear that I needed to go see a cardiologist and that I might have to go on high blood pressure medication. She was good about telling me that I shouldn’t get upset that it was my family genes catching up with me in my middle age. UGH!!! There are some things that are NOT good about getting older.

I have always been proud of the fact that I was not on medication – most of my family is; and, we have those awful genes: diabetes, hypertension, thryroidism and cancer; but, somehow they had all bypassed me. Wasn’t I in for a rude awakening when I saw the cardiologist and was told that yes my blood pressure was high, and I might need to take medication. She gave me one month to try to lower it naturally through diet and exercise.

Yesterday, I went for my follow up and was dismayed to find out that my pressure was higher than in November – I kind of knew something was wrong as I have been waking up with headaches and they are not migraines. The doctor and I spoke and I am now on a small dosage of high blood pressure medication which is also a diuretic; the upside to that is that I might drop a few pounds. YEAH!!! Am I upset to be on medication – YES; but, what is the alternative: a stroke, heart attack or an aneurysm?

This is not meant to be a “downer”; but, a call to each of you to ensure that you are taking care of yourself. Go to the doctor, get your checkups, take the medication – it is our lives and they are precious; if only to ourselves.

Don’t berate yourself – remember we are a product of our DNA and there is only so much that we can do to keep that DNA in check.

Remember: You Matter!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


2 Jan 2011
I thought it was important to let each of you know why I started this blog/website.  As I mentioned before I am 55, single, no children and a heterosexual.  Most of the blogs or web sites for women of our age are focusing on dating and meeting men – I felt that we can define ourselves as single, intelligent women with many interests and accomplishments. 
We, in our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s have different interests than women in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.  I don’t know about you; but, when I go to the gym my hair is only blow dried, not styled, I have no makeup on and my exercise clothing are functional not revealing.  I was working out next to a 20 something year old the other day that had on very tight workout clothes, makeup and was showing cleavage.   I am at the gym to sweat and get a good workout, not to be checked out by or to pick up men. 
Most of my friends would be surprised to meet this new Toni.  I lived in New York City for 16 years and a friend of mine always stated that I had the “Sex in the City” life.  I didn’t - it was just that I lived in the heart of the city, went to nice restaurants and shows. 
Today I live in the suburbs, have a job which enables me to work from home so most days you will find me in my workout clothes with no makeup and un-styled hair.  Life has changed, priorities have changed.
Now that I am in my mid-50’s I have come to realize that:
1.    I have habits that won’t change (the way I fold my towels)
2.    My body can be toned; but, I will always have an hourglass figure (short of cutting off my thighs)
3.    I will always just be under 5 feet tall (unless the Inquisition makes a comeback)
4.    I look at every day as a gift; as if I am living on borrowed time
5.    The glass is half full – whether the experience or the individual was good or bad I have learned from it
Your 50’s provide you with the confidence to like yourself, love yourself and forgive the imperfections that cannot and will not be changed.
Here’s to acceptance.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day

New Year’s Day 2011
Happy New Year
Today is the start of a new year – a new decade in this millennium.  Can you believe that 10 years have gone by?
How are you feeling this morning?  Did you go to a party or like me spend a nice quiet, relaxing evening at home?
Did you make a resolution last night?  Someone eons ago decided that the New Year is the time for resolutions  – for looking forward and deciding what we want to change about ourselves immediately at the beginning of the year.
BUT, for me this day started like most of my days, getting up, making the bed, checking my blackberry for messages, then brushing my teeth and taking a shower.  Today is Saturday so I would normally have an 8:30 aqua aerobics class at the gym; but, there is a revised schedule for today so instead I will take Zumba at 10AM.  Before leaving for the gym I will have breakfast, wash the dishes, read the newspaper and I even began de-Christmasizing the house and just have it set up for winter – I know I am a little neurotic.  
Just because I am a creature of routines, doesn’t mean that there aren’t things I wouldn’t like to change or improve upon.  But, I am NOT going to make it a resolution that places too much pressure or stress; and, more importantly a sense of disappointment and failure when I stop.
Instead this year I will look to continue to improve on those things that are important:
1.    Going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week – look at new classes to take
2.    Watch what I eat and my portion sizes
3.    Be there for my family
4.    Be a good friend and employee
5.    Have fun, give myself permission whether it is to take a nap, read a book all day or buy that 203rd pair of shoes
All I ever ask of each New Year is to become more aware.  Aware of who I am.  What I have and how I can be more useful either for my family, my friends or at my job.  Many feel that New Year’s is a time to make life altering changes; but, what if it is a time to reflect on those things we love, like about ourselves; and, those things that need to be “tweaked” a little.
Here’s to “tweaking”.  Embrace the woman you are and smile as you work on those things that need a “tweak”.