Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lazy Crazy Hazy Days of Summer

How do you spend your weekends? The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and the weathermen have declared just about every day a beach day. So what did you do?

Even those of us who are single have obligations to our family, friends, job – we may actually be the first person people reach out to because they feel we don’t have any obligations and a lot of free time on our hands. But, is it possible that for those same reasons you put yourself last?

It has taken me years to realize that time for myself is important; and, that I am important. It is not being selfish to decide that you need some “alone” or “private” time. You may take that time first thing in the morning or carve a piece out through the day. Usually my private time is on the weekends and in the afternoons.

As you already know during the week I am up at 4:45 in the morning – I have found that on weekends I really cannot sleep much later than 5:30, so up I am and starting my day. Needless to say by 8AM I have taken a shower, made my bed, had my breakfast, read the newspapers, washed the dishes, taken out the garbage and am now off to the gym. After the gym you know the usual errands – but, now I am home and I have the entire afternoon. I spend time weeding the garden and pruning the bushes. I also find that I tend to be tired and will end up taking a nap on Saturdays and Sundays – how decadent. As you can see, not only babies take a nap.

This past month I have been reading quite a bit – although there are a few shows on television that I enjoy they tend to come on at 9 and 10PM – I am asleep at that hour and DVR them for me to watch the next day. So lately at 6PM I pick up my book and read for about 2 hours before I start to get ready for the next day.

Today, I did something I should have been doing every weekend. I went on my back patio and laid on my lounge chair and read my book for an hour in the sun. Although I have decorated my patio nicely with a table, chairs, umbrella and lots of potted plants; it tends to get very hot in the late morning/early afternoon as the sun moves to that side of the house. Today I didn’t go out until around 3:30 and the sun was not strong, there was a slight breeze which had the wind chimes moving. I put on some sun block, laid my towel on the lounge and read several chapters of my book. What a wonderful way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

How did you spend your Sunday afternoon? Were you in traffic coming back from the shore? Or did you host a family/friends barbecue? Are you getting packed for your vacation? All of that is fine and comes with the summer; but, you know what? Autumn will be here soon enough and with that the soccer, football, hockey games for your children, the holidays, etc.

Slow down, be lazy, focus on yourself – become one with summer. Remember that song, “those lazy crazy hazy days of summer” (1). Summer is short-lived, we yearn for it and before we know it, it is gone and we have not taken advantage of all that it has to offer. A time of growth, rejuvenation and to shine.

Don’t feel that it is necessary to fill every hour of your day with an activity – let the day and your body tell you what to do. Have a picnic in your backyard with your kids instead of running to the beach and getting caught up in the traffic. Turn on the sprinkler and let them run under it; enjoy their shrieks as they try to run from the water. Listen for the ice cream truck and let them buy it from him instead of taking it out of your freezer. And, most importantly give them a hug and smell the warmth of the sun on their bodies. This is what summer is all about.

We still have another 6 weeks before your kids go back to school and the freedom of summer is gone. Take advantage of this time when the days are longer, the sun is stronger and we feel more alive. Think of yourself, what gives you comfort and joy – what will relax you and rejuvenate you.

As the song says, “Slow down, you move too fast” (2); enjoy the time for what it is and what is there. Every season has its purpose, let’s not forget what summer is about – a time to be a little “lazy”.

To your laziness.

1 Those Lazy Crazy Hazy Days of Summer
2 Feelin Groovy

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