Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Favorite Season

Are you ready for some SUMMER???? (Said in the same vein as: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL).

Although the summer season does not officially begin until June 21 at 1:19PM (ET); for the majority of us it unofficially began this weekend, Memorial Day weekend. Out came the shorts, sleeveless t-shirts and if you are brave enough the bathing suit. Like me I am sure most of you have your patio furniture out, your flowers all planted and your grill ready for the first barbeque. And if you have children they have begun the countdown until the last day of school.

My favorite season is summer – I love the warm weather – the colors of the flowers, the green of the grass, the vibrant blue sky with the contrasting white clouds. The days start earlier and end much later – the clothes we wear are light, breezy and in soft pastels, our toes are in the open and have been colored in shades of Sangria or Sea Breeze (yes, I know those are also the names of drinks).

And, what about the traditional foods that we eat? There are the requisite grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw and corn on the cob. And I have to admit I enjoy a good grilled steak, lobster tail, shrimp and vegetables. There is something to setting up the patio table with flowered napkins, lime green placemats and seeing a tall glass of lemonade. What about summer fruit, these are my favorites: strawberries, cherries, cantaloupe and watermelon. All of them refreshing on their own; but, each of them able to be much more like strawberry shortcake or cherry pie.

Hot summer days are made for lounging – so do you have that hammock hung or the lounge chair all set with cushions and pillows? Do you have a table nearby where you can put a tall glass of iced tea or lemonade or for some more indulgent a beer? How about your summer reading list? Is it mindless? Meant for you to not learn anything at all; but, to just escape.

While you are out there though do be safe with the sun, although I can get a very nice tan I do wear sun block, sunglasses and watch how long I am out in the sun. There is nothing worse than getting sunburned and watching your skin peel. And who doesn’t like the smell of suntan lotion? It reminds me of the beach, of being young and carefree.

Today my family will have the first of many barbeques for this summer. We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw and corn on the cob. I went to the bakery and bought an apple pie, they didn’t have any cherry pie so I bought a carrot cake which we all enjoy. We will eat on paper plates and talk about what is going on in each of our lives and if we have any plans for the rest of the summer.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be 91 degrees in New York, I will do laundry first thing in the morning; but, then on will go a pair of shorts, a sleeveless shirt, suntan lotion and I will lay on my lounge chair and read my mindless summer book, "The Godmother" by Carrie Adams and right next to my chair is a small table which will hold my glass of lemonade. If I am lucky I will take a nap while the sun changes the dull taupe color of my skin to a golden tan.

I hope this brought summer memories to mind and ways that you will look to enjoy the next three months of this glorious season.

Think of Sly and the Family Stone’s song, “Hot Fun in the Summertime” and have some HOT FUN.

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