Saturday, May 7, 2011

All The Women In Our Lives

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and I am sure that many of you have already purchased a gift for your Mother or made reservations to take her out to brunch or dinner; and, I hope that you each enjoy it and have a great time.

For me, Mother’s Day is bittersweet. My Mom has been dead now for 39 years and I will certainly be thinking of her and will light a candle in church for her. Many wonderful things have happened in my life and my Mother was not there to share them with me; but, other women were. Beginning with my graduation from high school and college – my Mother was not there for either of those milestones; but, my Aunt Irma who was also my Godmother was there for both of them. Ironically, my college graduation took place on Mother’s Day and she was there for me instead of being with her son and grandchild. When I graduated from Villanova University with my MBA it was my cousin, his wife and his daughter who sat in the stands and cheered as I was handed my diploma. It was my friends, Pat and Catherine who expressed how proud they were of me and understood the sacrifices that I had made for 21 months to get that degree.

These days the women in my life are friends and my niece, Siobhan. Each of these women plays a puzzle piece in my life whether as an ear to hear me or a shoulder to lean on. To encourage me as I continue to do my workouts and tell me how good I am looking – better than when I was in my 30s. As someone to discuss all the things happening in our world and reactions to it – gas at $4.29/gallon – how much higher will it go? What about what show to see on Broadway or restaurant to try in New York City? Or discussing the latest book on the bestseller’s list or preferring a Kindle to holding a book in your hands and turning the pages. Our discussions are around our weekend activities and obligations. Our inability to stay up very late and have full days – yes, age is catching up with us.

So what do all these women have to do with Mother’s Day? Yes, some of them are Mothers and some are not; but, instead of just honoring the woman who gave birth to you and raised you; how about honoring all the women in your life? Tomorrow that is what I would like to do and I hope you do the same thing. Honor all the women who were part of your life beginning with your Mother who has helped form you into the person that you are, don’t forget your Grandmother who probably spoiled you, your Aunts who were role models and showed you the family dynamics, your sister(s) and cousin(s) where you can reminisce about all your antics when you were children, teenagers; and, now as adult women.

But, don’t stop there as I am sure there were many more women who have had an influence on the person you have become. How about the teacher who may have influenced your love of learning, reading, drawing or writing? The coach, who was there as you sprinted across the 100 yard line, hit a homerun or made the winning basket? The college friend who stayed up all night with you cramming for a test, or brought you something to eat after the awful hangover or listened as you cried your eyes out from a breakup? And let’s not forget your nieces – they probably bring joy to you, laughter and make you feel like a child again. If they are older as mine is she gives me the privilege to be a friend, advisor and at times to be her second Mom.

Tomorrow we will not do brunch – things have changed with jobs, children and illness; but, we will still get together and this is one holiday when everyone comes to my house. As I mentioned last week I will make a “Cinco de Mayo” dinner – it is easy and one that everyone enjoys. Tonight I start by making a Tres Leches cake and I will dice everything I need for making chicken fajitas and a Mexican lasagna – all the preparation will enable me to enjoy time with my family.

To all you women – you are fabulous – and you have become who you are by all the women whose lives have touched you and you have touched. We HONOR each other.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to all the wonderful women in our lives! we are truly blessed to have them. Hope you have a great Cinco de Mayo dinner with family! Mmm...Tres Leches cake sounds absolutely delicious! Sounds like a great celebration of love :)
