Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Perfect Day

This was not supposed to be this week’s blog; but, as my day started this blog began developing in my head and I knew that I had to write it and pay homage to it.

“A Perfect Day” – how many of you have experienced a Perfect Day? How would you describe your Perfect Day? Do Perfect Days just happen or do you have to create them?

My Perfect Day began with my waking up just naturally to the sun beginning to stream through the curtains and not the jarring sound of the alarm clock. Nothing is worse than not being ready to wake up and have that alarm go off; and, fight with your sleepy eyes and groggy head.

After a shower and making the bed – downstairs I headed to make some breakfast, catch the news and read the newspapers before heading off to Zumba. I was able to do all of it including washing the breakfast dishes and putting them away all at a leisurely pace. I wrote out a birthday card and got another piece of correspondence that I wanted to mail on my way to the gym this morning.

Off I was at 8:45, taking out the garbage and recyclables as I headed to the gym. The sun was shining and I could see the promise of my tulips opening up someday soon. As I stop by the strip mall with the Post Office there is a perfect spot – out I jump from the car and mail my two pieces of correspondence. Off to Zumba class. It is Sunday and generally the parking lot is full on a Sunday morning; but, I manage to find a parking space in the general area that I like to park in.

Class was great, it was not overcrowded, although I worked up a sweat it was not overly strenuous as I was scared I would be wiped out because I had not worked out since Thursday. But, no I did well and was able to catch up with a few women at the Club.

Now off to run some errands. First was Home Depot, on Friday I had removed the covers on my patio furniture and today I wanted to wash it down and put the cushions on it. Home Depot was a zoo – it always is in late April and May as people are there buying plants, flowers and everything else it takes to prepare your home for the warmer weather. I found exactly what I wanted – I have decided to put off buying my potted flowers until next weekend – this coming week we are supposed to have rain and the daytime temperature will not get higher than about 64 while in the evening we are expected to go down to the mid 40’s.

I do self checkout at Home Depot and don’t have to wait in line. Wow, this is turning out to be great. As I walk out of Home Depot I realize how warm it is and sunny and I am smiling as I think what a beautiful day. Now to the grocery store to pick up a few things – got them and I am out the door fast (Saturdays and Sundays are the worst days in the grocery store if you hate crowds).

Home – as I drive into the community I begin to see all the blossoming trees and flowers. I can now see buds on my bushes and I admire the trim I have put around my plants. Off to the backyard to wash down that patio furniture. The table, chairs, lounger and side table are all clean – I took out the cushions and put them on and it looks wonderful and inviting. All I need are my plants – next Saturday off I am to buy the potted plants to finish off my patio area and for my front steps so that they invite you into my home.

Now I can relax, have my late lunch, watch a couple of shows that I had taped, take a little nap; and, read my book, Madame Tussaud.

I have finally gotten my family to agree as to what day we will celebrate “Cinco de Mayo” – no, we are not Mexican; but, we find any excuse to get together and enjoy a nice family meal. I have already decided on my menu and this week I will put together what ingredients I need to buy.

Tonight I will enjoy a few shows and give thanks for this Perfect Day. I know that I spent this day alone, that I went out and exercised and that I did simple errands like take out the garbage, clean furniture, etc.; but, the sun was shining, I saw red breasted robins in my backyard and my community has become a picture postcard with all the blooming trees. That is my Perfect Day.

What does your Perfect Day look like? Do we share anything in common? I always think that it is the simple things that can bring us the greatest pleasure. As I went to close my front door this afternoon I noticed that my tulips have opened and I am overjoyed that spring has sprung; that weekends will find me lounging outside reading the next book and admiring the flowers.

So, to go back to my original question – are Perfect Days created by us or are they a gift?

Either way, be able to identify a Perfect Day and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I think a Perfect day is a mix of both!! We need to work with the gifts we are given to make it as such!!
