Sunday, June 5, 2011

Door Closes, Door Opens

I am a firm believer that when one door closes, another one opens. At the time when things are happening you may not be aware of what is occurring because you are caught up in the drama of the situation and what it is doing to you and your family. But, hopefully you can in time see why it occurred and that you are better for it.

I recently found myself in such a situation – many of you may be aware of it and I appreciate your support through this time in my life. In mid-March I was informed that my department was being disbanded and sent to different areas within the organization; and, that my position was being eliminated. I was advised that a new position was being created and that I could apply for it. I was devastated and I surely had my cry over it.

Somehow I had a premonition that my time with this company was not going to be long and I began my networking and job search. I updated my resume and my friend did a great job of formatting it. I reached out to good friends to let them know what was happening and many of them provided me with companies or individuals I should talk to. Lastly, I used Linkedin ( and updated my experience, joined many groups and started following companies. For those of you who do not know Linkedin is a social media for professionals and through joining groups or following companies you will be advised of their job openings/positions.

Although still working I actively began the process of looking for a new position and was applying for and sending resumes to at least 5 companies per day; I also went ahead and interviewed for the new position at my current company.

In mid-May I found out that I did not receive the new position and that my last day would be May 27th; as well as, the terms of my severance package. Was it difficult to swallow – YES – because I felt as if I had failed. I needed to see that this was good for me as for the last 9 months my blood pressure had not been under 130. When I saw the Internist in January my blood pressure was so high that she immediately performed an EKG which thankfully read normal. We have been trying since January to get my blood pressure under the 130 with no luck.

Throughout this time I had seen a job posted in Linkedin by a recruiter – the job seemed exactly like something I would love to do and would be very good at. I reached out to the recruiter who did her initial interview and then had me interview with the individual who had the opening. That interview went well and now on to the next step. I interviewed with a consultant and then had to go through 5 interviews in one day. This all ends happily – this past Friday I was made an offer and I have accepted it. I will be once more heading up a department in conferencing focusing on telemedicine and understanding how to make us succeed in this environment. I will have an increase in salary; and, although I will be going into an office I have the flexibility to work from home a couple of days a week.

I do not regret the past couple of years – it gave me the flexibility to help my family during various health crisis, to babysit my great nephews when their parents had to work; and, more importantly to focus on working out and losing the weight I had gained when I was doing my MBA.

The family is in a good situation, the boys only have to be watched on a couple of weekends during the month and I have gotten my workouts into a good routine. I am looking forward to interacting in an office once again and to making a difference.

So as I said earlier – although as things are happening you might not understand why, you may doubt yourself and your capabilities; but, if you put things in perspective, if you can believe and rely on a Higher Being you might just be able to come through the situation unscathed and better for it.

Sooooo some good news: I start my new position on June 27th, I am looking forward to going away with my great nephews to Hershey Park for a few days; and, best of all last week for two days in a row my blood pressure was under 130.

Take the good with the bad; let the door close and the other one open.


  1. Congratulations! I'm glad everything worked out for you. Most importantly, keeping the stress down will definitely keep your blood pressure down.

  2. Life certainly goes around in interesting ways! Congratulation on your new position. They are very lucky to have you. Sounds like a lot more healthier for your blood pressure as well!
