Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Are You Doing for the Next Six Weeks?

Wednesday, March 9th is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season for many religions. We are preparing ourselves for a period of denial that we force upon ourselves - so we think that for the next few days we will indulge. Tuesday will be Mardi Gras (the largest indulgent day) and you may have already planned what you are going to eat and drink as a celebration or in final readiness that some of these things you may miss for several weeks.

For Lent as a child I would go ahead and give up chocolate or cookies or ice cream – all things I didn’t eat every day and so it really wasn’t much of a sacrifice. That isn’t to say that for many of you Lent isn’t a sacrifice; as it is, if daily you enjoy a bag of potato chips, a piece of cake, a cigarette or even a drink; whatever you give up it is something you enjoy every day. But, what I have always wondered is why do we sacrifice? What do we learn or earn from giving up something for 40 days; especially if we may go back to it after Good Friday?

Several years ago I decided that I would no longer give anything up for Lent. I really didn’t do anything wrong or had a bad habit that I wanted to correct. What was I going to give up, my morning cup of coffee? I don’t think that those of you who know me would want to be around me if I did something like that.

What I decided was that rather than give up something that I would not miss – I would instead do something that would make me a better person after the 40 days. I know you are saying – WHAT? I am not talking about working out or watching your diet for the next 40 days although those are all great things to consider; but, what about your attitude, how you deal or think about people, issues or things?

This is what I mean. How often do you criticize and not realize that you are doing so? Do you look at an individual and say, “those shoes don’t match that outfit”, “those clothes don’t fit her right”? What if for Lent you gave up criticizing others – even if you don’t say it to their face; but, are just thinking it or mentioning it to a friend. What if for Lent you would see the good in the individual, their green colored eyes, their nice thick hair or that they are always the first one to lend a helping hand?

More importantly, what if you thought of yourself and your life positively for the next six weeks? Could you wake up for 40 days and begin with a smile? Can you find pleasure in hearing a bird sing or seeing the first crocus of the spring? Can you give thanks for living one more day? Find joy in the simple things in life: a child’s smile, or how your partner may grab your hand as you go for a walk.

So this year don’t give up something for Lent that has no meaning to you; but, instead take a look at how you might want to change your perceptions of people, or the ability to love life more or to enjoy the very simple things that nature and man has to offer.

Lenten should not be a period of denial; but, a time of growth and understanding.

1 comment:

  1. I like that perspective on Lent! I gave us soda a few years ago and that one stuck, but after that it was simply routine and not meaningful and that didn't seem right. I think finding the positives in your life for 40 days will make a whole lot more impact that giving up some chocolate here and there!
