Sunday, December 30, 2012

Reflections and New Beginnings

Well, it appears that 2012 will not fade away quietly. We have now had snow twice in the past week and the temperatures have plunged dramatically letting us know that it is winter and it has come in like a lion.
These last few days of 2012 are a period of reflection of what I have enjoyed from the year and what changes I would like to make in the new year. The things that I have been grateful for in the past year are: 1. For my health; I had a scare this year but because I do my semi-annual checkups and I follow a preventative care things worked out well. 2. My family we are a small bunch less than 10 of us when we get together. We have made a concentrated effort to speak to each other each week, to get together for a family meal at least once a month and to just be there for each other. 3. My jobI work in a field that enables individuals to communicate real time and I can see how this makes a difference in the quality of care we provide our patients. 4. My work teamthey are fantastic and I could not have asked for a more cohesive set of men who provide quality service to our colleagues and clients. 5. My friends who although we do not manage to get together as often as we like – we know we are there for each other.
I have been very fortunate to have a home that I continue to enjoy and look forward to going to each evening and it has not been affected by the various storms we had this year. I finally took an Alaskan cruise – this is one of those things that was on my bucket list and I can now check it off. And lastly, I introduced a new exercise program, High Performance 30 into my routine and I have learned to do a very intense workout in 30 minutes – I have pushed my body to do things I was unaware I was capable of.
So what are my plans for 2013? Like most people I still wish for health, happiness and to be able to continue to financially assist my family in any way that I can.
I will continue to introduce new workout programs to my routine – I do so for a variety of reasons; to learn something new and see if I like it, to wake up my body and muscles so that they do not get complacent and routine; and, lastly to see if I lose weight or how I am sculpting my body. I will be 58 in 2013 and though I may not weigh what I did when I was 28 my body is much stronger and more defined today.
As my cousin, his daughter and her husband move to Delaware – I will ensure that I have his son and grandchildren to the house at least twice a month for some family time and a nice home cooked dinner. I cannot promise; but, I will be making a concerted effort to get to Delaware every couple of months to see my family and the new life they will have established. Work will continue to be challenging as we introduce more technology like Telestroke carts and our UC strategy is rolled out – but what a difference we are making in how our Clinicians communicate with each other and with their patients. This will ensure that North Shore LIJ remains in the forefront in their ability to become a force in healthcare.
I have also come to a decision on this blog – I am looking to try and give you a message every day. It will be short and sweet; and, hopefully thought provoking. A few words to live by – a few words to get you through the difficult days – a few words to celebrate you and your life.
I hope you look forward to 2013 – it is a new year and with it new beginnings.

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