Sunday, July 15, 2012

Re-Charge My Batteries

I am feeling as if I do not have enough time and/or energy and I need to put some batteries in my body so that I can make it through to next Sunday.

This past week has been hectic and I have to admit that I just did 2 hours worth of work before sitting down and writing this blog – that does not include the hectic messages sent this morning between two of my colleagues and myself.

I am trying to not hyperventilate or get stressed out – I am focusing on putting items down on a list and stealthily getting through them – as I also sit down and count the days left to next Sunday at 9:15AM when I will be on a flight to Seattle and to our Alaskan Disney cruise.

Whoever stated that things get slower during the summer???? Not for me, I had one person transferred to my department, I had a new hire start on Tuesday and I have interviewed and made an offer to another individual who I hope will begin on August 14th. That should make my life simplerYESin the long run; but, at the beginning it is my job to
1. ensure that they get acclimated to the Health System,
2. have a good understanding of the objectives of the department,
3. are introduced to key individuals in the department and our clients;
4. and, most importantly get them started on their projects.

It breaks my heart that I need people to come in and swim – FAST – there is no time to tread water here. I wish they had the luxury that I did a year ago when things were slower; but, we have too many deliverables at this time to let it happen.

Tomorrow we begin training the Health System on our web ex and IM connect services. We have been working on this for months and the day has finally arrived. We will be conducting training for the next three weeks as each week we provide a different group of individuals with their accounts. I can tell you I am a bit “spreadsheet” out from transferring information for billing, bulk uploads, etc. But, I am excited that it is finally occurring and teams will be able to work, communicate and collaborate instantaneously.

We are also working on the completion of our Executive offices in New York City. We continue to make recommendations to ensure that this facility will have all the technology that is needed to successfully manage the Health System. Touring this facility is like doing a final home inspection before you close – items keep being pointed out that need to be fixed or added; at this point we must have placed at least 8 change orders.

Yesterday I focused on vacation. I have packed all of Ryan’s clothing, sunglasses, goggles and shoes. I ironed all my clothes and folded them – I do have to review everything as I am unsure if I have too many clothes. I haven’t packed underwear, workout clothes, bathing suit or shoes – that is next. I did make our car service reservations and I have all of our paper work to place in my carry-on bag.

This week I need to set up my on line bill payments while I am away, suspend the newspapers, ask a friend to pick up my mail and get the lab orders from my Doctor so I can have my blood work done when I get back from vacation.

Also, for Visual Communications Industry Group (VCI-G) I want to make sure that the three Vendors I have been working with commit this week to their Membership; and, potentially to a sponsorship. If I can get that done I will be quite satisfied and then when I come back it will be to finalize the conference program and start the process of getting that information out to potential attendees.

I know that you can each empathize; and, can totally understand why I am looking for a couple of extra hours a day or for batteries to provide a "charge" in my body to keep myself going for the remainder of the week.

But, it is all GOOD and this too shall pass.

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