Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Perfect Weekend

How often do your weekends turn out to be perfect? Not likelyBUT I just had a perfect weekend. And I will cherish it as who knows when the next one will be.

Now you may think that my perfect weekend would be full of activities; like dining, the theatre, going away or any multitude of things – BUT, my perfect weekend is none of that.

This weekend was full of exercising and really pushing my body to its limit – I did my High Intensity Performance class on Friday – it lasts for 30 minutes of pretty much non-stop exercising. It is done by the Parisi School and my friend, Linda is now joining me at these classes. I also took my 2011 CRV for its 15,000 mile checkup (although it has 17,500 miles) and am actually looking to see if I could trade this lease for a 2012 CRV – have you seen them??? It is gorgeous – so hopefully the numbers will work out and I can do the trade.

I finished a spreadsheet for our Web Ex and Instant Messaging program and got that off to our service provider. I am hoping that after my boss conducts an interview on Monday morning I can make an offer for my Video Architect role.

I also sent a message to my travel agent to see if we were able to get first seating for dinner on our cruise; and, we are in luck as YES we got early seating. I also ordered and printed our tickets for the Space Needle in Seattle. Lastly, this morning I stopped by Barnes and Noble and purchased a travel book on Seattle so that I would have a map and know where we wanted to go on the afternoon/morning that we will be there. Friday evening as I watched the Yankees SLAM the Red Sox I got my clothes ready for the next couple of weeks as next weekend I want to focus on putting my and Ryan’s clothes together for vacation.

Saturday is my aqua aerobics class with Abby – and my bigger surprise was that John, my boyfriend was going to stop by that morning. I would be home by 10:30 or a little later as I had a quick errand to run on my way home. It was supposed to be very hot on Saturday with predictions of us hitting 100 degrees. I was hoping to lie out in the backyard for a couple of hours and try to get a tan – my legs are fairly light for it being July. John got here at noon; but, couldn’t stay long as he had a family commitment but the time together was wonderful. But, wouldn’t you know it – the sky got darker; and, then the downpour. Back in May I had DVRd the last Harry Potter movie. I got to see it and I was able to close that chapter. And last night while watching the Yankees lose to the Red Sox (they did win earlier in the day) I cleaned out my linen closet. I realized that I do not need to buy any more travel size deodorant or toothpaste; I have plenty of dental floss and soap. Good to know that I will ensure that my breath is fresh and I will smell clean.

Today was Zumba class and our instructor was Kathy M. She has high energy and totally pushes you to the ultimate. What a workout – as usual I was soaking wet; but liking the fact that I might not have to slice my hips off that they are naturally becoming slimmer.

Home from Zumba and I was able to watch my DVRd CBS Sunday morning and then I was going to lie out in the backyard. I did – put out a towel on the chaise lounge, put on my sun lotion, took out my seltzer and my books – I lasted a total of 45 minutes as it was hot. I was very tempted to inflate and fill up the kiddie pool I have for the boys and get into it; but, thought my neighbors might commit me if I did.

Back in the house to post for my niece the fact that she is making a major push to sell Cutco this month. She is hoping to make her $10,000 mark so that she can make the conference and get her award there. So any of you who would like some Cutco just let me know and I can put you in touch with Siobhan. I can also endorse the product as I have just about every piece that they make. Let me know if you are interested and need her email address.

I watched the movie, “The Help” – again one that I had DVRd over a month ago but had not had time to see – I am now caught up on all the movies I was interested in. Lastly, I had a surprise call from my best friend, Pat. She starts her new job tomorrow and I am so happy and proud of her to be staring this new venture. I know that she will be fantastic at it.

What more can you ask for? To have been connected to friends, family and significant other and to still do those things that you enjoy.

So I won’t be greedy and ask for more; but, instead will say “Thank You” for the wonderful weekend.

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