Sunday, April 15, 2012

Re-Birth, Re-Affirmation

Last week Christians celebrated Easter and this Sunday is Greek Orthodox Easter. I am not sure that many people reflect on what Easter is all about beyond things like; Christ has risen from the dead (religious symbolism), the Easter bunny with his basket of goodies and family getting together (secular).

The true meaning of Easter and part of it being a spring ritual is that it is a re-birth and a re-affirmation of who we are and what we believe in. It is a time to see things from a new perspective, to be able to make changes in our lives for things to be better.

Look at what is happening around us with nature. All the trees are budding; the tulips, hyacinths and crocuses are all pushing through the ground with their vibrant green leaves and their dazzling colors of orange, fuchsia and purple. The birds are out each morning chirping and if you walk around your neighborhood you will see all the robins out there with their red breast eating joyfully.

We have spring cleaning – get rid of the old, unvalued or useless items in our lives. It is a time to shed that which holds you down and to move to your own beat and what you want from your life. Many people now start exercising because the weather is nicer, warmer and the day is longer – you start to invest in yourself from a health conscious perspective (or maybe from I need to put a bathing suit on in 60 days); but, no matter how you view it people are moving.

There is friendliness and energy in the air and in interactions with other people, much of it has to do with the sun being out and the warmth of it and the Vitamin D we are all now obtaining from it. But, it makes us reach out, to be nicer, to tolerate more. We have thrown off the heavy coats, scarves, boots and gloves and now just walk around in our shirts and jackets as if a big weight has been lifted from our shoulders.

Just as we shed the heavy clothing so should we shed anything that keeps us from our goals and being happy. We have all been given one life on this Earth and we are meant to live it to its fullest. By that I don’t mean that we should ignore our responsibilities, our positions or being a good person – I do mean that you have an obligation to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.

What is Your Best Life? It depends on you as an individual. A couple of things to keep in mind as you consider whether you are living your best life:
1. Do I like myself? Would you want yourself as a friend? Do you generally like the person you are, the values you have, the way you interact with others?
2. Do I love myself? You cannot love another individual until you can love yourself. Self love is the greatest love there is and I am not referring to narcissism. Love the pain and the joy of your life and everything you have gone through to be the person you are today.
3. Do I enjoy getting up each morning? Are you someone who just wishes you can stay in bed or do you jump out of it each morning happy to be alive another day? Start to view each day as a gift – watch your gift unfold throughout the day and at the end of the day say, thank you for your gift of today.
4. Am I happy? Other individuals cannot make you happy – only YOU have to power to do that. If you are not happy – why not? What is happening in your life that has you unhappy? Can you change it or do you need to get rid of it? All things were not meant to last a lifetime; we need to understand that things have a beginning, middle and an end. The ending may not be what we expected; but, the sooner you accept it and move on the sooner you will be on your way to being happy.

As we continue to celebrate this season – think of yourself and how you want to be re-born this spring, what is your re-affirmation of your life? Shake off the people, obligations and items that weigh you down and enter spring being much lighter and happier with your life and its accoutrements.

If you can be good to yourself, then you will be good to others. Be your own best friend, love yourself – then you can be a good friend to others and you can love others wholly.


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