Sunday, April 8, 2012

Busy Week, Busy Month

April – the month has just begun and is already very busy. Somehow, I don’t know why I always forget all the obligations that occur in April. Thankfully, my niece always reminds me.

This month not only is it Easter; but, there are several birthdays; and, celebrating Christmas with a friend of mine. YES, I said Christmas – I have not seen her since October so we will celebrate Christmas, exchanging gifts, having a nice lunch and enjoying a Broadway show.

First, though Easter. Today we had Easter brunch at my cousin’s home. My niece made her egg bake and a French toast casserole for which I had given her the recipe. I woke up at 6:30 so I could get my one hour walk in (no Zumba this Sunday) to come home and make my cheese Danish, take a shower and head to the bakery to pick up the meltaway (an almond Danish) before heading to my cousin’s house. Yesterday I put together the Easter bags for my great nephews, each getting two pairs of Croc sandals for the spring/summer. Ryan also received two DVDs on the Titanic – he is absolutely obsessed with it. Callum received a Nick Jr. DVD with all his favorite shows and a Blue’s Clue book. And, yes, they did get a Chocolate Easter bunny from Godiva. Siobhan filled all the plastic eggs with different candies and the boys did the Easter egg hunt on the front lawn.

I do admit that I miss the Easters from my childhood. We always had new clothing, shoes, hat, gloves and went to church with my Mother. We would go to my Aunt’s home for Easter dinner and it was always a Virginia ham – we no longer do that and I cannot remember the last time I had Virginia ham. Do I miss the chocolate – no, I don’t.

This will be a busy week – I will work remotely on Monday but I have deliverables both for work and for the VCI-Group; all good so I am not complaining. On Tuesday I need to run from one office to another. I first need to see what communication technology I need to recommend for the conference rooms in our new offices. Then I am meeting the Head of Dentistry at one of our hospitals to do a site survey on two conference rooms which need to be equipped with video conferencing equipment. Wednesday I took the day off; but, that is the day that I will be meeting my girlfriend and we will both enjoy each other’s company; as well as, see the show “Sister Act”. I hope that it is good – it had good reviews originally and now Raven Symone is in it.

Thursday things begin to settle down a little bit; and, although I am in the office I only have a couple of meetings scheduled. I am most anxious to get a contract approved and signed for collaboration purposes. It has been close to four months that we have been working on this contract and I cannot belong that every time we get something agreed upon by both parties – something new comes up to discuss. REALLY!!!

I will work remotely again on Friday – I know most people think that working from home means that you do not do anything; but, I think most of us can attest that is not true. I am usually on a couple of conference calls for a few hours and creating power point presentations or documents. This Friday evening I believe that Ryan will be coming over and spending the evening with me. I have tickets for Saturday for he and I to see “Newsies” – I am looking forward to the show; but, more importantly I am looking forward to introducing Ryan to Broadway and seeing how he reacts to it.

Lastly, next Sunday we will celebrate my nephew-in-laws birthday. It will be a Sunday dinner celebration and I already know what I will be getting him – now to run to the store and buy it.

That is just one week in this month – there are a few more birthdays in this month that we will need to celebrate. That is just what is planned for the month – I cannot gauge what might come up unexpectedly.

What I am most happy about is that I am seeing two Broadway shows this week and I am fulfilling one of my resolutions for this year to go out more and do things that I enjoy. I will continue to do this for the following months – how can I not – the weather is getting warmer and it has been beautiful.


Happy Passover

Revel in this time with your family and friends.

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