Sunday, March 18, 2012

Organization - My Mantra

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine sent me an email message thanking me for sending her birthday card which arrived on her precise birthday. What really had me thinking was that she stated that I must be extremely organized to have the card arrive on time.

I have always felt that I was organized; but, recently have been thinking on what I do to make my life easier and to not get frazzled with everything that is going on. I was really put to the test this past week when I offered to host St. Patrick’s Day dinner at my house. Normally, not a big deal except that I was going to be out of town Wednesday through Friday at a workshop/conference. I would not get home on Friday evening until 11:30 at which time I would just want to go to bed.

I had an extremely ambitious dinner menu planned with two dishes that I had never cooked before. I did not want to buy my ingredients and have them sit in the refrigerator so I knew that on Saturday morning I would have to shop, go to the bakery, bake, cook and set the table. So to make Saturday less hectic, last weekend I printed out my recipes so that on Tuesday I could make my grocery list and have it ready to hit the store on Saturday morning. On Monday I called my bakery and ordered my Irish Soda bread and a carrot cake (two things I do not bake).

The workshop/conference I was going to was business dress so again last Saturday evening found my putting together the business suits I would wear, blouses, shoes and matching jewelry. I had to cull through my toiletry case and wither it down to what I needed – it was a great opportunity to throw some things out. Next I had to place all the liquid items in a clear toiletry bag (I was doing carry on) and this would be easy to pull out while going through security.

Lastly I had a few friends who would be celebrating birthdays while I was away or just as soon as I got back; and, of course Saturday would be St. Patrick’s Day – I had all my cards ready. I signed them, addressed the ones that needed to be mailed and on Monday got them to the post office. I had my gifts for the boys and what I was giving my niece and nephew. Cards done – what next?

Oh, let’s not forget to suspend newspaper delivery and get my friend Giancarlo and his wife to pick up my mail; also, Gladys my cleaning lady would be coming on Thursday so I needed to leave money for her at the house. Before the car pickup at 7:45 on Wednesday morning all was taken care of – now it would be the challenge for when I got back late Friday night.

I did take my suitcase upstairs on Friday when I got home; but, I did not unpack it. I placed it on the bed in the spare bedroom.

I got up on Saturday morning at 7AM – I knew I was not going to aqua aerobics. I showered, had breakfast and read the newspapers. In an hour I had grocery shopped and gone to the bakery to pick up my bread and cakes. Home I went ahead and put the groceries in the order that I would be cooking the meal. First the Guinness Chocolate Cake, then the brown bread; and, lastly the Irish beef stew with egg noodles.

While my cake was baking I set the table and brought down all the bowls that I would need. Now, cake is done while it cooled I made the brown bread. Placed the bread in the oven and started on the cream cheese icing for the cake – at that point Gerard arrived with the boys. I finished icing the cake and placed it in my cake saver while I gave them something to drink.

When my niece, her husband and my cousin arrived I was peeling potatoes for the Irish stew. Siobhan had bought the appetizers and I gave her some plates to them out on. Stew was on and I could relax with the family for about 45 minutes before having to put the egg noodles on.

Eventually dinner got to the table, we had a great meal and then everyone tasted the Guinness chocolate cake and enjoyed it – although I have to admit that 3 ½ year old Callum enjoyed it the most.

When everyone was gone, dishes went into the dishwasher, pots were washed, floor swept and rugs vacuumed – all was back to normal.

I went up to bed at 9PM and unpacked my suitcase and put together the items that needed to go to the cleaners. After my Zumba class this morning off to the cleaners to drop off my clothes and to pick up comforters, curtains, etc. You see this week spring will arrive and it is time to change everything in the house.

Now you know why – Organization is key to me.

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