Sunday, March 11, 2012

Betrayal by my Body

Have you ever felt as if your body is betraying you? I have felt that way this week although I think it has been creeping up for awhile or is that age creeping up on me???

I know that in August I will be 57 years old; however, I have never been more fit than I am today with my doing at least an hour in the gym four days a week; but, I am not liking the sounds I am hearing from my body or the aches I have been feeling lately.

Every now and then as I walk up the stairs I will have to suck in my breath as my knee twinges. I know it is a result of the lunges I am doing and I try to ignore my body and keep moving. I know that the day after I work out I will tend to have some aches and if I can keep moving they will eventually fade and I won’t even notice them; but, I have to admit that it is taking longer to recover.

Sundays are getting harder for me to manage as I go “all out” in Abby’s aqua aerobics class on Saturday mornings so I try to forget about the aches on Sunday and focus on the music in Zumba class. It usually always works for me and I will even do the jumping and lunges in class. Although on Sunday afternoon I am a little slow as I climb the stairs to the bedroom so I try to take few trips up the stairs until bedtime.

I am going to have to look at the days I go to the gym; I am currently going on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays – four days in a row. It is convenient because I work from home on Mondays and Fridays; however, I am not giving my body a chance to recuperate and it is beginning to revolt.

The last couple of weeks my left wrist has begun to bother me – I have been ignoring it except that there are now positions that if I put my wrist in that position I want to scream from the pain (like putting my seatbelt on) and going without a seatbelt is NOT an option. I am now wearing a wrist ace to try to anchor it and not have it move around as much. Yesterday although aqua aerobics was an excellent class and it helped to have my wrist in the water – I also, had to reduce the amount of work I did with the buoys. The weight of the buoys in the water and the resistance that the water provided was more than my left wrist could handle. At least I am learning what I can AND cannot do.

I know that you are saying, “Why don’t you see a Doctor?” and my answer is – I will. I leave for a conference/workshop on Wednesday and return late on Friday night. If my wrist still bothers me after that time I will be making an appointment with the Doctor to see what I have done to the wrist. I can tell you that no bone is sticking out so it is not broken – I think it is just protesting the weight training and the aqua aerobic buoys.

What my body will learn is that for me it is “mind over matter” and I have a fairly strong mind and a high threshold for pain. I will be reviewing my workout programs and seeing what I can do to change it up and give my wrist an opportunity to heal. I have never liked running although I am a fast walker – I know I have to “up” my walking as on March 20th we start our “Walk to Paris” challenge and I need to attempt 10,000 steps per day – other than pumping my arms back and forth there will be no stress on my wrist.

I am always looking to lose the proverbial 10 pounds – I have not gained any weight since I lost my original 30 pounds; but, losing another 10 will take some of the stress off my knees – so this will become a renewed goal of mine to see if I can do those additional 10. I know my legs have become more muscular because I can feel the muscles in them – it was also nice when last weekend Ryan (my 10 year old great nephew) stated he didn’t think I was fat. You know what the say, “out of the mouth of babes”.

While we cannot stop the years from advancing, we can certainly look to keep our bodies strong and healthy and that is all I ask of my body AND not to revolt when I try to do the things that are good for it.

So body – remember who is Boss – ME!!!

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