Sunday, March 25, 2012


Pressurewho places that on you? I have finally realized that I placed an incredible amount of pressure on myself this weekend; and, although I am happy with the end results I need to reconsider why I do this.

It officially became spring this week – into a new season and clearly the weather was cooperating. On the East Coast the weather was in the low 70’s, the sun was shining and I walked out every day without a coat. Waking up in the morning I could hear the birds chirping, there are buds on the trees and tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are all starting to peek through the ground. Okay, what was wrong with this picture? I know, I still have snowmen decorating parts of my house. Winter is over – time to change things around.

I was on a whirlwind over the last few days beginning on Thursday evening as I started to change each room into its spring regalia. It has not been easy – as I finally had to stop by the hospital emergency room on Tuesday to find out what was wrong with my left wrist – Good Newsit isn’t broken. Bad News it may just be a sprain which is just as bad. To really know what is wrong I have an orthopedist appointment tomorrow afternoon; but, in the meantime I am wearing a soft splint which does limit some mobility.

At the same time my hair is really showing its grey and I need a haircut so I scheduled an appointment for Friday. AND at 12:01AM on Friday morning we officially began our company’s “Walk to Paris” challenge and I need to walk approximately 8,000 steps a day. Could I give myself more things to do???

I got some things done on Thursday evening, including turning my mattress – not an easy feat with my wrist and the fact that it is a queen size bed. Not only did I turn it, I had to lift it so I could change the bed skirt. I also ironed the curtains for a few of the windows, and changed everything in the main bathroom. Thursday night my room, bathroom and the main bathroom all done.

Friday between work I managed to get my hair cut, colored and highlighted – back to normal. I was supposed to go to Zumba in the evening; but, I chose to stay home and change the rugs in the living and dining rooms and put up their curtains. I changed the throw pillows and went into my utility room where I got out my Easter/spring decorations and put away my winter/St. Patrick’s decorations. By the time I went to bed on Friday evening I had the powder room, living room, dining room and office all completed.

In the spare bedroom I hung up the curtains, got out the rugs; BUT, I was extremely upset. I had sent the comforter to the cleaners and upon opening it and laying it on the bed I noticed that the down is all puffy in some areas and not lying flat and even. They have ruined this comforter – I am totally BUMMED as I loved this comforter. I could do no more in this room.

Saturday morning found me off to aqua aerobics – I have had to make changes in how I take that class because of my wrist so I am extremely protective of it when we are doing arm exercises with either the buoys or the noodle. After class I had some things to donate to Goodwill; and, then I stopped at Pier 1 to see if I could find a planter my niece wanted that the two Pier 1’s by her did not have. I am in luck – they have it. I am also looking for a new comforter for the spare bedroom so I stop at Home Goods, Marshall’s, Bed, Bath and Beyond; lastly, Kohl’s. NO LUCK. When I get home I go on line and find something that I like from Bed, Bath and Beyond and order it.

Now that I am home it is time to finish the kitchen – up go the curtains, rugs and decorations. Kitchen done. I have put together all the curtains to go to the cleaners. As I relax on Saturday evening I iron my clothes for the week. Now I feel that I have accomplished a lot; but, at what cost to myself? I am having a difficult time sleeping and my left wrist continues to be quite painful when moved in and up and down motion.

Sunday – my Zumba class and I know I will pile on the steps as I “Walk to Paris”. Well we had a new instructor – she said this was a high energy class and she was not kidding. Ten minutes into class and my head is soaking wet and I am dripping. Many people are leaving as she is not really instructing us and is just looking at herself in the mirror – not sure if I am a “trooper” or an “idiot” but I stay for the entire hour. I have over 6,000 steps and I know today I will be able to make my 8,000 steps with no issues.

From the gym to the cleaners to drop off my autumn/winter cleaning and storage, grocery store and home where three loads of laundry now await me. The laundry gets done and I am able to relax for the rest of the day – of course, wouldn’t you know that the weather also got chillier and it feels more wintery than springy.

That is okay – everything is organized and the house is in shades of green, brown and lilac in some rooms. The trees are still buding, the flowers are still peeking through the grass and the birds are still chirping in the morning.

Tomorrow I will find out what is wrong with my wrist and I will deal with it; but, as stubborn as I am I will not let it hinder what I have to do – it may cause me to alter some things (after all I would like to think I have some common sense).

So, if there is pressure in your life – make sure YOU are the one imparting it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Organization - My Mantra

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine sent me an email message thanking me for sending her birthday card which arrived on her precise birthday. What really had me thinking was that she stated that I must be extremely organized to have the card arrive on time.

I have always felt that I was organized; but, recently have been thinking on what I do to make my life easier and to not get frazzled with everything that is going on. I was really put to the test this past week when I offered to host St. Patrick’s Day dinner at my house. Normally, not a big deal except that I was going to be out of town Wednesday through Friday at a workshop/conference. I would not get home on Friday evening until 11:30 at which time I would just want to go to bed.

I had an extremely ambitious dinner menu planned with two dishes that I had never cooked before. I did not want to buy my ingredients and have them sit in the refrigerator so I knew that on Saturday morning I would have to shop, go to the bakery, bake, cook and set the table. So to make Saturday less hectic, last weekend I printed out my recipes so that on Tuesday I could make my grocery list and have it ready to hit the store on Saturday morning. On Monday I called my bakery and ordered my Irish Soda bread and a carrot cake (two things I do not bake).

The workshop/conference I was going to was business dress so again last Saturday evening found my putting together the business suits I would wear, blouses, shoes and matching jewelry. I had to cull through my toiletry case and wither it down to what I needed – it was a great opportunity to throw some things out. Next I had to place all the liquid items in a clear toiletry bag (I was doing carry on) and this would be easy to pull out while going through security.

Lastly I had a few friends who would be celebrating birthdays while I was away or just as soon as I got back; and, of course Saturday would be St. Patrick’s Day – I had all my cards ready. I signed them, addressed the ones that needed to be mailed and on Monday got them to the post office. I had my gifts for the boys and what I was giving my niece and nephew. Cards done – what next?

Oh, let’s not forget to suspend newspaper delivery and get my friend Giancarlo and his wife to pick up my mail; also, Gladys my cleaning lady would be coming on Thursday so I needed to leave money for her at the house. Before the car pickup at 7:45 on Wednesday morning all was taken care of – now it would be the challenge for when I got back late Friday night.

I did take my suitcase upstairs on Friday when I got home; but, I did not unpack it. I placed it on the bed in the spare bedroom.

I got up on Saturday morning at 7AM – I knew I was not going to aqua aerobics. I showered, had breakfast and read the newspapers. In an hour I had grocery shopped and gone to the bakery to pick up my bread and cakes. Home I went ahead and put the groceries in the order that I would be cooking the meal. First the Guinness Chocolate Cake, then the brown bread; and, lastly the Irish beef stew with egg noodles.

While my cake was baking I set the table and brought down all the bowls that I would need. Now, cake is done while it cooled I made the brown bread. Placed the bread in the oven and started on the cream cheese icing for the cake – at that point Gerard arrived with the boys. I finished icing the cake and placed it in my cake saver while I gave them something to drink.

When my niece, her husband and my cousin arrived I was peeling potatoes for the Irish stew. Siobhan had bought the appetizers and I gave her some plates to them out on. Stew was on and I could relax with the family for about 45 minutes before having to put the egg noodles on.

Eventually dinner got to the table, we had a great meal and then everyone tasted the Guinness chocolate cake and enjoyed it – although I have to admit that 3 ½ year old Callum enjoyed it the most.

When everyone was gone, dishes went into the dishwasher, pots were washed, floor swept and rugs vacuumed – all was back to normal.

I went up to bed at 9PM and unpacked my suitcase and put together the items that needed to go to the cleaners. After my Zumba class this morning off to the cleaners to drop off my clothes and to pick up comforters, curtains, etc. You see this week spring will arrive and it is time to change everything in the house.

Now you know why – Organization is key to me.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Betrayal by my Body

Have you ever felt as if your body is betraying you? I have felt that way this week although I think it has been creeping up for awhile or is that age creeping up on me???

I know that in August I will be 57 years old; however, I have never been more fit than I am today with my doing at least an hour in the gym four days a week; but, I am not liking the sounds I am hearing from my body or the aches I have been feeling lately.

Every now and then as I walk up the stairs I will have to suck in my breath as my knee twinges. I know it is a result of the lunges I am doing and I try to ignore my body and keep moving. I know that the day after I work out I will tend to have some aches and if I can keep moving they will eventually fade and I won’t even notice them; but, I have to admit that it is taking longer to recover.

Sundays are getting harder for me to manage as I go “all out” in Abby’s aqua aerobics class on Saturday mornings so I try to forget about the aches on Sunday and focus on the music in Zumba class. It usually always works for me and I will even do the jumping and lunges in class. Although on Sunday afternoon I am a little slow as I climb the stairs to the bedroom so I try to take few trips up the stairs until bedtime.

I am going to have to look at the days I go to the gym; I am currently going on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays – four days in a row. It is convenient because I work from home on Mondays and Fridays; however, I am not giving my body a chance to recuperate and it is beginning to revolt.

The last couple of weeks my left wrist has begun to bother me – I have been ignoring it except that there are now positions that if I put my wrist in that position I want to scream from the pain (like putting my seatbelt on) and going without a seatbelt is NOT an option. I am now wearing a wrist ace to try to anchor it and not have it move around as much. Yesterday although aqua aerobics was an excellent class and it helped to have my wrist in the water – I also, had to reduce the amount of work I did with the buoys. The weight of the buoys in the water and the resistance that the water provided was more than my left wrist could handle. At least I am learning what I can AND cannot do.

I know that you are saying, “Why don’t you see a Doctor?” and my answer is – I will. I leave for a conference/workshop on Wednesday and return late on Friday night. If my wrist still bothers me after that time I will be making an appointment with the Doctor to see what I have done to the wrist. I can tell you that no bone is sticking out so it is not broken – I think it is just protesting the weight training and the aqua aerobic buoys.

What my body will learn is that for me it is “mind over matter” and I have a fairly strong mind and a high threshold for pain. I will be reviewing my workout programs and seeing what I can do to change it up and give my wrist an opportunity to heal. I have never liked running although I am a fast walker – I know I have to “up” my walking as on March 20th we start our “Walk to Paris” challenge and I need to attempt 10,000 steps per day – other than pumping my arms back and forth there will be no stress on my wrist.

I am always looking to lose the proverbial 10 pounds – I have not gained any weight since I lost my original 30 pounds; but, losing another 10 will take some of the stress off my knees – so this will become a renewed goal of mine to see if I can do those additional 10. I know my legs have become more muscular because I can feel the muscles in them – it was also nice when last weekend Ryan (my 10 year old great nephew) stated he didn’t think I was fat. You know what the say, “out of the mouth of babes”.

While we cannot stop the years from advancing, we can certainly look to keep our bodies strong and healthy and that is all I ask of my body AND not to revolt when I try to do the things that are good for it.

So body – remember who is Boss – ME!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Does Leap Year Trigger Memories

This past Wednesday we had Leap Day – this only occurs every four years and this year is Leap Year. Leap Year was invented nearly 2000 years ago by Julius Caesar. Are you aware that there are several rules to be a Leap Year? The Julian calendar required that the year was divisible by 4 for it to be a Leap Year.

However, we follow the Gregorian calendar and with that there are a couple of rules in order for it to be a Leap Year;

• The year is easily divisible by 4,
• If the year can be easily divided by 100; it is NOT a leap year, unless;
• The yea is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.

Why am I writing about Leap Year? For most of us it is just an extra day on the calendar whether it is a work day, like it was this year or if it falls on the weekend then maybe it is an extra day to relax or spend time with our family and friends.

For me Leap Year and Leap Day has a different memory. It isn’t often that someone says I have a memory of Leap Year unless perhaps if you are a Leap Day baby. But Leap Year always takes me back to 1984.

In February 1984 I was engaged – it happened over Valentine’s weekend and it was four years in coming. Both of our jobs were relocating – mine to Buffalo, NY and his to Tampa, FL. We had decided that we would relocate with his job in Tampa and I actually had an interview coming up for a job in the Tampa office. I was very happy and I was looking forward to our moving to Tampa, FL and starting our lives together. We had already chosen a house and it was being built – I was trying my hardest to also convince my fiancée that we should also have an underground pool.

The following week I was off to St. Princes’ Island in Canada for a weekend long conference and I was concerned that I had not heard from my fiancée on Thursday (he was already working in Tampa). I contacted his brother and he flew down with his wife to Tampa to look in on him – my fiancée had been hospitalized with a bad case of high blood pressure. His brother reassured me that all was fine and for me to go off to my conference.

Friday and Saturday morning and lunch times found me making telephone calls to Tampa to see how he was doing. Saturday morning I spoke to a nurse who let me know that my fiancée did not have a good evening as his pressure spiked up over night. As soon as the conference was over on Saturday afternoon and before getting ready for the dinner dance I made a phone call again to Tampa – this time the news was not good – my fiancée had a bad afternoon and was now brain dead. Everyone at the conference helped me pack and made arrangements for me to leave immediately to fly to Tampa.

By Floridian law we had to wait 24 hours to run another CAT scan and to have my fiancée now officially declared “brain dead”. I watched him for a week as they regulated his body temperature, fed him through a tube and had compression socks on his legs. One afternoon I took a drive to the house we were having built, a house we would never share nor would I ever live in – one of our mutual friends then told me that my fiancée was having a pool built at the house and was looking to surprise me.

Finally the decision had to be made to take my fiancée off life support – the date was February 29, 1984. Now, you understand how Leap Year holds more significance for me than just an extra day in the year. Many memories tend to flood my mind on that day – from our first date, to the first time I met his Mother (after a day at Jones Beach in my bathing suit and cover up), to a birthday celebrated at the Rainbow Room.

The memories are good – I learned through his death that I was the stronger individual; and, therefore would be able to survive his death and continue on. Here it is 28 years later and I can still remember his “love of life”, his laughter, the way he was an impeccable dresser and the life of the party and a great dancer. I am grateful for having had him in my life, for understanding my own strength and for being able to help his Mother through that difficult time.

So Leap Year is not just another year that has an extra day in the calendar – it is a year that brings back memories of a wonderful individual and a potential future which instead made me realize my resiliency.

To Memories.