Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reflect Before Resolving

First and foremost, Happy New Year. At midnight last night we all welcomed 2012 in a variety of ways and many of us were happy to say good-bye to 2011 or so the Newscasters tell us.

You each may have made a New Year’s resolution or resolutions at the stroke of midnight; but, can I ask you how you made them, what method did you use, what thoughts went into them, are they the same as last year? I am currently reading a book, “The New Year’s Quilt” by Jennifer Chiaverini; and, yes it happens around New Years. In this novel the woman does not believe in resolutions but in reflection – she does so because her stubbornness kept her away from family for over 50 years and now as she is older she reflects on many of her previous actions and tries to ensure that others don't make the same mistakes.

And that is what I was getting at – did you reflect on this past year before you made your 2012 resolution(s)? As I look back at last year the first thing that came to mind is that I have been writing this blog weekly; I am amazed because I have never kept a diary or a journal before - simply because I couldn’t take the time to write things down. But; because of you who read it, comment and share with others I continue to write and I “thank you” for your continued support. As I reflect on this past year there have been many changes in my life – all of them GOOD. Am I lucky – YES and NO – we create our own luck; and we make the best of what has been given to us; it was just accepting the changes that were occurring and making them work.

Changes began at the beginning of the year as I had fewer responsibilities in my job; and, then it was eliminated – the change was good as I now work for a company that I am very proud of, in a job that I know will change people’s lives for the better.

In August, I started watching my great-nephews in my home mainly because I had central air and a backyard where I could put a small inflatable pool for them to stay cool. It gave me an opportunity to know them better because instead of just being with them for the day – I also had them spending the night. I was able to cook for them, play with them, and gauge their moods; but, most importantly I have been the recipient of their unconditional love.

What am I proud of having accomplished? I have now been consistently exercising four times a week for the past three years; although I am not skinny and probably will never be. I am stronger, more agile and flexible than I was 20 years ago; and, when I saw my Doctor on Tuesday my blood pressure was 122/78. I began today, the New Year by taking a KILLER Zumba class; but, feeling wonderful when it was over.

I continue to read a couple of books a month – one for total enjoyment; and one to increase my knowledge on any given number of subjects.

I tried to be there for my family and friends – I assisted my nephew-in-law in finding a job by just passing on his resume. I helped our administrator (who worked through a temp agency) re-write her resume and she will become a permanent employee on January 9th – these aren’t big things – they are small gestures in helping others and the end result is that they prospered.

So in reflecting in a year that had its highs and lows – it mostly had highs; but, did they happen on their own or did I assist it? I certainly took responsibility in getting my new job. I daily looked at Linkedin, updated my resume, sent it out to various jobs; and, lastly responded to an inquiry placed by a Headhunter on Linkedin. If you are considering a career change or are looking for a new job – consider using Linkedin to its fullest – social media DOES work.

As I look at what I would like to do in 2012; I have mentioned this before, I want to do some traveling. There are a variety of places I would like to see and there is no better time than the present. The one thing I have not done in a long time is volunteer. Yes, I donate to a many charities; but, it is not the same as when you give of yourself and your time. I need to look into an organization that I believe in and that I can be of value – so stay tuned to see what I end up doing. Or do any of you have any ideas for me?

As the year begins, I want to leave you with this quote which I have taken from a friend’s Facebook page – as I read it, I think it is a mantra that should be said each morning; and, if I knew how to needlepoint as I would place it on a tapestry and hang it in my home:

I Choose ...
to live by choice, not by chance;
to make changes, not excuses;
to be motivated, not manipulated;
to be useful, not used;
to excel, not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not the random opinion of others.

Aren’t those wonderful words by which to live 2012!!!

So in 2012, I wish you health, happiness and prosperity.


  1. Happy New Year!! definitely words to live by for sure :)

  2. Thank you Indi - I know I will certainly be saying this to myself throughout the year.
