Sunday, June 26, 2011

Vacation is Supposed to be Relaxing

Have you ever had a vacation week where you cannot wait to work because so much required your attention that work would have been a vacation? Welcome to what I went through last week.

I had been looking to a week of rest and relaxation before starting my new job. My nephew had the week off so we decided that we would take his two boys to Hershey Park and on the way home we would stop off at the Crayola factory.

Monday morning started fine enough and we made it to Hershey in the 3 ½ hours that it was supposed to take. We managed to find our hotel room with no problem; but, then it took us 30 minutes to find where the restaurants were in the Hershey Lodge. All I could keep thinking as we walked the entire lodge and climbed up and down steps is I am getting a good workout. The Hershey Lodge is huge and it took us that entire day to find our way around it. After lunch we went to the pool and I made some telephone calls to my car insurance agent (remember, I am trying to get my car fixed from my fender bender).

Tuesday after breakfast we were heading to Hershey Park. As we are standing on line for the shuttle bus to take us to the park, I receive a phone call from the Employee Health Department at North Shore – LIJ. I am advised that I need to have a rubella vaccine shot and the Hepatitis B vaccine unless I choose to decline the Hep B and I need to sign the “declination form” and fax it back to them. Remember, I am on vacation not due home until Wednesday evening and my start date is Monday, 27 June. I quickly call my doctor and am able to schedule an appointment for Thursday morning to have the nurse give me my rubella shot.

At some point during the day I also need to speak to my insurance agent and provide her with a recorded testimonial of the accident. I tried calling her at 8:30, 9:00 and at various times as Ryan was on a ride in Hershey Park but to no avail. The boys enjoyed the rides in Hershey, the lunch we had and Ryan wants to go to Chocolate World to make his own candy bar – by this time Callum is showing signs of tiredness and ready for a nap. We make the decision that we will start heading out of the Park and to Chocolate World – I just need to make a quick bio break. Well as luck would have it as I am just finishing up my bio break who calls??? The insurance agent. I manage to get myself together as I give her my recorded statement and we decide that on Wednesday once I get home I would call her and schedule an appointment for the adjuster to look at my car and for the body shop to start working on it.

The rest of Tuesday proceeds just fine with Ryan making his chocolate bar, Callum napping in my arms at Chocolate World, going to the pool and an 18 hole game of miniature golf.

Wednesday morning off we go to Crayola factory. It was a bit of a surprise for me as I did not expect it to be right in the town of Easton and a replica of the town in “A Christmas Story” with Ralphie. Callum who loves to color had a great time with crayons, markers and the sidewalk where he could use chalk.

Now off to our various homes. Once I got to my house and started to unpack I realize that Ryan has left his candy bar that he made and Gerard needs Callum’s drinking cups. I promise to drop them off at his father’s on Thursday on my way home from the doctor. I also call my insurance agent who provides me with some times to go to the body shop and we decide that we would touch base at a little after 9AM when I finish my training session with Jennifer.

I have a great training session with Jennifer on Thursday morning and I get home and call the insurance agent and leave her a message. Out of the shower and dressed and call the insurance agent to again get her voicemail. Now I am on the road to the Doctor’s office and I get the phone call from the insurance agent; I pull off and take her call. We make arrangements to take the car to the body shop on Saturday morning at 8AM and Enterprise will have a rental for me at the same time. On to the Doctor – I get my MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and the Nurse faxes the information to Employee Health Services. I stop by my cousin’s and leave the cups and chocolate and pick up his portable GPS system. Home at about 4PM and there is a call from Employee Health Services advising me I am still not cleared for work on Monday as they do not have my paper work. I asked for an email address and I would scan and email it to them; I handle that immediately.

Friday, I have a training session at 8AM with Jennifer and a haircut/coloring appointment at 11. Training goes well again and I am home taking a shower when I hear my cell phone go off - I am not jumping out of the shower, I will check it when I get out. Get out and it is Employee Health again telling me they do not have my required vaccine paperwork – still not cleared. AM I ANNOYED?? I get dressed, and call them – first the phone rings 20 times before anyone picks it up and then it is only to say “please hold”. After 12 minutes of being on hold a call buzzes through and I pick it up – it is Employee Health telling me they have my paperwork and I am cleared to work on Monday. HALLELUJAH!!!!

Off to get my hair cut and colored and to enjoy the rest of the weekend. I did get the car to the body shop on Saturday morning and my only disappointment is that my rental is a Ford Fiesta which has NO pick up and go; but, beggars can’t be choosers and the insurance company is covering the rental. The rest of Saturday was wonderful spending much time with the man I have been seeing for over three years.

Sunday had me off to Zumba, preparing my clothes for the rest of the week and just relaxing.

So I am not sure that I can state that this was a relaxing week; but, much got accomplished and now I am ready for work which couldn’t possibly be as frenetic.

Hope your vacations are less hectic.

1 comment:

  1. That is one busy vacation week for sure! Good Luck on the new job and hope day 1 is going wonderfully!!
