Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's the Small Things

We are programmed to only celebrate the major milestones of our life – or to only appreciate the big things; but, they don’t happen very often. What does happen very often are the small pleasurable things.

Each day something wonderful can happen – are you appreciating the small, simple things of life? As I walk through my community I marvel at how many red breasted robins are in my neighborhood. Or as I drive to work each morning I see a blue jay flying across my eyesight. It places a small smile on my face and I continue to drive to work happily.

Too often we wait for large events in our lives before we think it has been a good day or that we are happy with our lives. Life is short, it can be difficult – but – you have the power to make every day a happy one, a satisfactory one and one that you don’t have to wait for a promotion, raise, win an award or buy a new home.

Start your day by just being glad that you woke up and are on this earth another day. If you have ever had someone near and dear to you die at a young age you can appreciate getting older and waking up each morning. What if you woke up and the sun was shining, it was a low humidity day and the sky was a clear blue? I love those days, I feel energized, as if I can do anything and there is an extra spring in my step. But, what about those days when it is dank, gray and pouring rain? Well, there are a couple of ways to look at it – we need the rain, it has been quite dry since it was nearly a snowless winter. Also, it is a perfect day to just put on a pair of sweats and curl up with a throw to watch a movie or read a great book – for me it is the latter; I read a good book and have a mug of hot chocolate.

There are two other times that I am in awe of nature and grateful for small things. One of them is as I drive over the American Veteran’s Bridge in Croton; in the early morning when it has been cold the night before you can see the mist on the bridge and going up the mountains. It always makes me think of the musical, Brigadoon, which takes place in Scotland – as I go over the bridge in the mist I picture that this is the way Scotland is: lush, green and misty.

Then the next is the moon. I most admire it when it is either full or a crescent – and it always kind of surprises me. It generally will happen as I take out the garbage and as I turn away from the dumpster and head back towards my townhouse – I will stop to see if I can cross the street and there it is; majestic, bright, white and hanging low and large. So close it appears that I could touch it. The last time I saw a crescent moon it had a shadow around it and I thought if I was a photographer I would take a picture.

But, what gives me the greatest pleasure and for which I am most grateful on any given day is my interaction with people. The “hello” or “thank you” that we can encounter with our office colleagues, the Starbuck’s barista who made my non-fat venti latte that morning or the UPS truck driver as he leaves me a package.

Or when I see my great-nephews as I did yesterday as they came to my house with their parents for a Cinco de Mayo dinner. I had sombreros for both boys; but, Callum hates anything on his head and immediately upon it being placed on him there was a strong “NO” and he would throw it off. Ryan loves hats and had no problem putting it on. It is hearing from Ryan’s mother that he has stated, “That I am a good cook and he likes everything I cook”. It is hearing Callum saying “DELICIOUS” when he eats a piece of cake. Seeing each boy as individuals – how they progress and what is new with them from the last time I saw them – and to their hugs and kisses as they leave reluctantly.

So, don’t wait for the large events in your life to place that smile on your face, to see how blessed you are and what a magnificent thing is your life. Instead, enjoy the small items in your life every day – the unexpected compliment, the traffic-free drive to work and whatever weather Mother Nature graces us with.

Wonderful things happen every day; they are wonderful even if they are small. Celebrate them.

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