Sunday, November 20, 2011

Waiting for Wednesday!!!!

Have you ever looked forward to a particular day because you knew it meant that things would slow down and you could rest a little? That is the way I feel right now and my target day is: Wednesday, November 23rd.

How did I come up with that random date – well first this past week has been quite hectic. I originally was going to work from home on Monday since I only had one conference call on my calendar. Well that didn’t work out as on Sunday evening I received a calendar invite from my boss for the presentation of our Unified Communications Strategy to our SVP and CIO for Monday at 2:30. Good thing I had already picked my clothes out for the week – I just had to pull out jewelry and shoes and I was set.

Without a doubt I had to be in on Tuesday as I had a few meetings and we had an “All Hands” open house that we needed to attend. No problem there – it was good to have met other individuals in the organization.

Wednesday – Hallelujah. I worked from home and caught up on some projects (aka laundry, post office), had a workout session with my trainer and was able to sleep an hour later than I normally do. It was a slow day with only two (2) meetings on my calendar so there was plenty of time for me to review projects and do updates.

Thank goodness because on Thursday I was up at 4AM as I had a meeting that began at 6:15 at the hospital to go over the audio visual requirements for the new West Wing. Thankfully, these meetings are few and far between; BUT, would it kill them to serve coffee and bagels? I don’t usually stop at Starbuck’s at that hour as I am too concerned about finding a parking spot and making it to the meeting on time; but I did this time. What a day – I was in meetings from 6:15AM until 3:00PM driving between the hospital and my office. The worst is trying to find parking spots – UGH – I sometimes lose up to 15 minutes looking for a place to park. Usually on days like this when I get home I am a blithering idiot and can not even stay awake through Jeopardy – it is one of those when I say, “Oh, it is 8:30 and I have been asleep on the couch for over 2 hours – I guess I should go up to bed.” Then of course I am awake at 11PM ready to start the day anew – raring to go. Not this time – I was wide awake until a little after 10; have no idea what I am doing to my body or how it is reacting.

Friday, Friday!!! Working from home again; although I did do my 8AM workout with Jennifer. I had to stop by the grocery store on my way home as I hosted a Cutco party that evening at my house to help my niece, Siobhan make her $6,000 goal so she can get her promotion. We made appetizers for those individuals who stopped by and then “anal retentive” me cleaned up before going to bed.

Saturday was jam packed with going to the gym in the morning – need to establish those routines again and stick to it. That is the only way that I can ensure that I do not gain weight with the holidays and the various birthday celebrations that began this weekend. Saturday I was off to my cousin’s to celebrate his son’s birthday; however, we were also celebrating his and he just didn’t know it. Before heading to their house I stopped by the bakery to pick up the cake and to place our pie order for Thanksgiving.

Although Sunday is a day of rest – it isn’t for me. I was off to Zumba this morning at 8:45, then to the cleaners, the salon for a manicure/pedicure and to the grocery store. Today I will put out my clothes for Monday and Tuesday and then try to relax watching the football games and screaming at the teams if they don’t make the point spread.

Monday and Tuesday of this coming week will be my first Executive event that I will have responsibility for delivering. There will be close to 100 people either in person, on the telephone, via video or watching the webcast and I need to make sure it works flawlessly.

So you can see how I approach this coming week with some trepidation and waiting to take the proverbial sigh when it is all over.

After having written this I need to relax – as you can see it was a whirlwind – but it was fun.

I want to wish each of you and your families a “Happy Thanksgiving”.

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