Sunday, November 27, 2011

Enjoy the Time

Well, the turkey is done and the real countdown to Christmas and the holidays has begun. BUT, first let me tell you how last Tuesday went. FLAWLESSLY. The meeting tested fine on Monday and Tuesday morning – don’t you usually want a bad dress rehearsal for a good show?? On Tuesday morning at 9AM we tested again and all went fine – then we finally connected at 12 noon and were staying up for the full program. The audio, the webcast and the video tape of our CEO all were transmitted and received well. We received many accolades from our Executives and the Board of Trustees – now it was easy to enjoy Thanksgiving.

I know the calendar always fills up quickly for this season – I already have a holiday party with family and friends, the work holiday party and Breakfast with Santa for the boys on my calendar. I also want to take a Saturday and just walk around the city and look at the decorated store windows and stop at the craft booths in Bryant Park and Grand Central Station. I know I have already completed my Christmas shopping; but, there are always birthdays and next year’s Christmas (yes, I can hear you all hissing at me)!!!

It was great to have Wednesday to relax although I did go to the lab to have my blood drawn; we (my obgyn and I) are trying to figure out when I will be totally finished with menopause given that last year I was only 10% into it. Yes, I am 56 – so why isn’t this over yet??? And I got my workout in with Jennifer – so I didn’t feel too guilty about Thanksgiving dinner.

On Friday I began decorating the house for Christmas – I do one room at a time and I aim to get the upstairs bathrooms and bedrooms done in a half a day. That usually isn’t too difficult. Next are the powder room downstairs and the kitchen as that can go fairly quickly. Oh and I took Liz’s “kick butt” Zumba class which is dancing with high aerobics intertwined – I always feel as if I have done an outstanding workout when I finish her class. Since it is on Friday at 10:15 – it isn’t very often I am able to take it since I workout with Jennifer at 8AM on Fridays; but, this Friday Jennifer couldn’t meet with me so it was an opportunity to take this class. And then I high tailed it home as I did not want to be out on the road with all those Black Friday shoppers. Do you realize that it has been determined that you really do not get that great a deal on Black Friday??!!

I decided that Saturday I would focus on the living and dining rooms as that required putting lights on both windows – but, first it was to Abby’s aqua aerobics class. I can tell you that Abby’s class is always difficult if she is looking to lose a few pounds or to reduce the jiggling of her arms - I don’t mind as I am always focused on parts of my body too. I want to feel as if I have earned the pain I feel the next day.

So Saturday afternoon I went through the lights and the various decorations and got them all set up. I had Christmas shows on television. Yes, I went through the TV Guide and am DVRing all those sappy Christmas movies and listening to HOLLY on SiriusXM in my car. I am the woman driving next to you singing at the top of her lungs and bobbing her head around as I zoom in and out of traffic.

Saturday evening I had the lights down low as the Christmas lights in my windows clicked on with the timer – it gives the house such a nice warm glow. I also have the Slatkin balsam candles which makes it smell like Christmas throughout the house. But, I have to admit that it is a little difficult to be decorating for Christmas when the temperature outside is over 60 degrees and people are running around with light jackets on.

There are lights in each of the upstairs bedroom windows which go on automatically at dusk and then turn off when the sun rises – it just makes everything warm and inviting; no there are no apple or pumpkin pies baking; but, I do indulge in a small glass of eggnog.

It is only during this time of the year that eggnog is available and I have always enjoyed drinking it. And being Puerto Rican we drink something called “coquito” which is Puerto Rican eggnog made with rum. Unfortunately, I cannot find it here in New York so I usually buy various types of eggnogs at the liquor store and take them to my cousin’s house to try them out. At home alone I only drink the non-alcoholic type. Can you believe that today I found one that is low fat – YEAH!!!

I enjoyed this weekend because after Thanksgiving Day the rest of the weekend was mine to do with as I wished. I was able to get three (3) good workouts in, decorate the house and pull out the Christmas cards to write next week.

I hope that each of you enjoyed your holiday with your family and friends. Find some time for yourself and enjoy the spirit of the season.

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