Friday, October 7, 2011

What is Volunteering?

This week I want to focus on volunteerism – and do you volunteer? I think there are many forms of volunteering and each one should be applauded and the people who are part of it.

As you can see this has gone out to you a couple of days early – no; I am not changing the date of when I send this to you; but, instead I will be in New Orleans at the annual Visual Communications Industry Group (VCI-G) conference when this would normally post.

This is my volunteer group and it may not be the traditional volunteer program that you are used to; but, it is within my industry and as a Board Member we are all volunteers who have a respect and interest in where our industry is going and how it helps our customers/clients be more productive at their jobs.

Most volunteer positions are very different. I look at my niece who fosters greyhound dogs for the local greyhound rescue chapter until they are adopted. She is on her third foster and has three (3) greyhounds herself. It is a time consuming and tough job for many of these dogs have been raced and need love and attention. They also may have issues, like her dog Belle who has neurological issues or Cooper who is having problems in unmentionable areas – but, she loves them and to support the organization she does the walks and the “meet & greets” for the adoption process.

My cousin, Gerry for a long time was Santa Claus with Metro-North’s “Toys for Tots” campaign and would spend an entire weekend going from hospital to hospital giving out toys to young children. He would always come home with the best stories. Last weekend he did the three (3) mile walk for Alzheimer’s despite having two (2) knee surgeries and one just done this past April. We were all proud of him.

I haven’t been that generous in a long time – I have done things like Junior Achievement teaching – where every week for a few months I would teach for an hour at a New York Public school. Talk about heart breaking – most of these children did not have money for crayons or lived with their grandmother or another relative because one or both of their parents were in jail. I also used to participate in the Junior Achievement bowl-a-thon to raise money for that organization.

Today I end up writing a check to those organizations/charities I am most connected to due to a relative or a friend who may have had or has the disease. Would it be great if I could do a walk and raise the money, yes, it would – do I have the time – I don’t; but, I do have the means to give.

Soon Barnes & Noble will start doing a program where you can buy books for a local school (this is their holiday program), I totally believe in this program and through November and December each time I go to Barnes & Noble I will buy a book for each age category. I am a firm believer in reading and enabling a child to expand their knowledge through books.

On to my non-traditional volunteer position, I very much enjoy introducing people and educating them on what I do, what the technology is capable of and how to maximize it within their organizations. As a volunteer for VCI-G there is much networking with my peers and with manufacturers and providers who support or develop the technology. I also have an opportunity to write about what we do through marketing materials, flyers, etc. Since there is an annual conference much goes on to coordinate this program from selecting a venue, deciding on the conference event, the meals (that is the fun part); but, then there is also the educational sessions, the keynote speeches and the exhibit hall. There is a need to be fair to every vendor, to ensure that all topics that are highlighted are of an interest to the attendees and there is the requirement to fill the conference with End Users so that it is a financial investment to our sponsors and exhibitors.

That is where all the work is focused prior to the meeting – I liken this event to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Are you aware that on the Friday after the Parade that Macy’s begins planning next year’s parade? That is the way we are in VCI-G. We sit and review what succeeded and what did not, what needed more time, what should be eliminated and most importantly was the conference a success for our Members?

We immediately look to secure our good/great speakers for next year. We look at what were the hot topics which might have come up during panel discussions and see how that can be incorporated into education sessions for the following year. And the hardest part is getting the Membership to understand the value of this conference and the membership to our organization.

Most of us are very fortunate with our lives, jobs, homes and families – we are bright, educated individuals. We should be sharing whether it is time, money or knowledge. So, however you give of your time and money is up to you; but GIVE.

There is that old favorite adage: You Reap What You Sow – let’s SOW.

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