Sunday, October 23, 2011

Say Good-bye to Summer

Well I guess we can say that summer is definitely gone and that autumn has decided to settle in.

The leaves have turned color and as I drive home on the Taconic the mountains are ablaze with the red, yellow and orange of the leaves. There is a chill in the air when I leave the house at 5:45 in the morning and when I take out the garbage in the evening as the sun starts to set.

What I dislike the most is driving in the morning in the dark and arriving at work with just a glimmer of the sun – that should change in two (2) weeks when we move our clocks backward for one (1) hour. I won’t mind that the sun will set earlier as I am usually home no later than 4PM even if I am doing errands on my way home.

It is time to prepare for the winter. I need to disconnect the garden hoses from the outside faucets, turn off the water and cover the faucets with these down gloves I purchased in a catalog to help them from freezing. The potted plants are all but dead and need to be thrown out. And the cushions on the patio furniture need to be put away, the patio furniture covered and the umbrella removed from the table. I don’t think I have much more to do for the outside of the house since we have a landscaping company that takes care of the leaves, etc. But, I do need to remember to place my ice scraper and portable shovel in the trunk of my car.

Next thing is to go through my draws and pulling out my long sleeve shirts and sweaters – time to put those t-shirts away. It will also time for me to do some soul-searching as to what stays and what needs to be given away. Do you find that to be a dilemma for you? It is for me; and, although I may not have worn something for years my thoughts are that it is in perfectly good condition and maybe I will wear it next year. I need that little voice in my head saying, “Get a reality grip – you haven’t done it so far what makes you think next year will be different??”

The same will happen with the closet. I have already moved my winter suits into my master closet, tried things on and decided what is donated and what is going to the tailor to have him take in the waist of my business pants. I don’t understand why I have no issues addressing my suits; but, am conflicted when it comes to my tops and my shoes?!?

Like I said I will agonize about my shoes. I have a lot of them – and as I change them for the season I have a hard time getting rid of a pair that I may not have worn in a couple of years. Well a gal never knows when she may need them. Anyone who knows me is aware that shoes are a great passion of mine – maybe it is because I have small feet; although, I think the real reason is no matter what I weigh I can always buy shoes that fit and look good on me. I really do have to think about the black microfiber boots with the 3 inch heel – do I have the heels cut down so I can walk in these all day or do I give them away?? Do you want to vote on this?

Lastly, I will go through my linen closet which houses my cosmetics, shower gels and lotions. Like most of you my skin gets very dry in the winter time and I am constantly looking for a shower gel and lotion that will keep it hydrated throughout the day and night. I can get so itchy from the dryness that I have been known to leave welts on my body after scratching. I know that we should exfoliate – but, have you seen some of those scrubs and how greasy they are? You could fall in your shower or tub from their greasiness – I certainly don’t want that hazard. Also, I want a cream that soaks in and does not stain my clothes as I don’t have the luxury; and, neither do most of you to let it soak in for a few minutes. I want to lather up and dress. So I will continue looking at various creams to find “the one”.

I use this opportunity to once more organize myself. The Christmas shopping with the exception of a few things is complete. But the closet that has all the items is a mish-mash of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine and birthday gifts. That closet needs to get organized with all gifts per holiday/occasion and gifts associated with individuals. With Halloween coming in the next week I want to be able to quickly put my hands on Ryan’s book and Callum’s DVD. Their Halloween chocolate pop that I picked up from Godiva on Wednesday is in my kitchen cabinet away from the warmth and the sun.

Next will be those items they will get for Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving I present the boys and Siobhan with an Advent calendar that they can put up and count down the days until Christmas. They will also receive a book on Thanksgiving with a card from me.

And now with the presents in piles per recipient it will be much easier for me to get to them to wrap.

That was my weekend – one of getting ready for the holidays and old man winter. To know that my home, my car and my body is prepared for the upcoming weather and that I have all the holidays taken care of.

Having accomplished this I can think of George Costanza’s father on Seinfeld saying, “Serenity Now”.

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