Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall is in the Air

Have you ever noticed that there are times when the weather just automatically changes? I never feel that way about winter, spring or summer – there is never a date that I can say I felt the change; BUT, I always do for autumn.

For some particular reason right after Labor Day weekend the air distinctly smells and feels like fall. What does that mean? you ask. It just means that the weather changes sufficiently for us to realize that summer is over despite what the calendar says. And, autumn brings to mind apples, pumpkins and the turning of leaves.

This past Labor Day weekend it rained in the Northeast and the temperatures dipped in the evening to the high 50’s – when you walked out in the morning there was a chill in the air and you needed to put on a light jacket. The coolness of the day and the wet smell of the earth let us know that the dog days of summer were over. Not only that but it was still dark as I drove to work in the morning and I noticed that by 7PM the sun was no longer out; but, it was twilight. The other thing I noticed was that some of the trees started to change their colors – they were now some red and gold peeking through the green.

The beginning of fall marks many beginnings for each of us. Many of you have children and they started school or were off to college. It is also when the summer vacation season is officially over and your jobs probably just got busier as new projects were started or finalizing what next year’s budget should look like.

With the start of Fall – it means it is time to remove the frogs, seashells and the light colored comforters from the house and to warm it up some with the golds, reds and oranges of the season. By now you know there are many traditions that I follow so it should not surprise you that I am in HIGH tradition mode right now. So, this past week saw me changing everything in my home to the autumn look and feel – the comforters are a bit darker as are the rugs in each of the bedrooms. The throw pillows are orange, rust and gold to reflect the turning trees and they beckon for you to come lay your head on them and relax.

I have a penchant for pumpkins and every single room in the house has a pumpkin or two or ten in them. They are all different colors, sizes and shapes and I like to think they enhance the overall décor of the house. I take pride in how I place each pumpkin on the coffee or dining room table and whether or not it is the correct shades of colors together to enhance the runner. I get especially excited when I find one that is unique or matches something just right. That is how I felt this week when I found a purple pumpkin!! You are probably asking yourself what do I need or want a purple pumpkin for? Well, my guest bedroom is painted lilac and the comforter that I have for the fall/winter is a cream background with lilac, purple, olive and brown flowers or leaves and a brown border – I have dark purple rugs on the floor and I thought the purple pumpkin was just the right touch in the room.

I am now looking for recipes that are just a bit heartier to feed my great nephews when I babysit them and I am looking forward to baking. This weekend since I had both boys I made Callum some banana chocolate chip muffins and Ryan and I baked a cake for dessert on Saturday. Also easy dishes like turkey meatloaf and a nice Puerto Rican pastelon (similar to lasagna but made with ripe plantains instead and no tomato sauce).

We have already set a date to go apple picking – the farm we go to Wilkens in Yorktown will also have pumpkins so the boys will be able to pick out their pumpkins and I will get mine to grace my front steps with the Mums I picked up this past weekend. Our apple picking isn’t planned until the end of the month; but, already my nephew was thinking about the apple cider donuts and hot chocolate we also get on this outing. We will make it a full afternoon and evening and also have dinner together.

I will be checking out recipes to make with apples and pumpkins for the next couple of months – we tend to enjoy having different breads (pumpkin bread, cranberry bread and banana nut bread) around to have with coffee or to take into the office.

I hope you embrace this season for the bounty it offers and as it leads us into the holiday season.

I cannot close this blog without making reference to today – the 10th anniversary of 9/11. For those of us who are New Yorkers this is a day that changed our lives as Americans. Each one of us can remember what a beautiful sunny clear day it was and how it tragically ended. Many of us know people who walked home that day or who lost their lives in the Twin Towers or trying to save people.

As Americans we are resilient and we have grown and accustomed to the additional security and heightened alerts which we live with.

Let us never forget; but, continue to triumph.

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